
Why is Putin helpless with Zelensky? Look at Saddam, how he was defeated


Fate is magical, from comedy encounters to war showdowns - the story of Putin and Zelensky


Why is Putin helpless with Zelensky? Look at Saddam, how he was defeated

Recently, tensions between Russia and Ukraine have once again become a hot topic of global discussion. In this high-profile international political game, the figures of the two leaders frequently appear in the reports of major media, they are Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

Why is Putin helpless with Zelensky? Look at Saddam, how he was defeated

Putin and Zelensky, one is the leader of a great power, the other is a former comedian, and the duel and fate between them seem to be a political drama with ups and downs, which is ridiculous and thought-provoking.

Why is Putin helpless with Zelensky? Look at Saddam, how he was defeated

Fate is magical, comedy meets

Why is Putin helpless with Zelensky? Look at Saddam, how he was defeated

When it comes to Putin and Zelensky, the fate between them can be described as quite surprising. As a veteran politician, Putin's encounters with world leaders are mostly on formal international occasions or important summits, but his encounter with Zelensky is on a comedy show.

Why is Putin helpless with Zelensky? Look at Saddam, how he was defeated

At that time, Zelensky was just a popular comedian, while Putin appeared on the show as the president of Russia, and the two were nicknamed "the president of Russia and the president of Ukraine" by netizens because of a "slip of the tongue" turmoil, which can be described as an unexpected way of meeting.

And just when the outside world was talking about this "comedy encounter" between the two, what they didn't expect was that Zelensky really became the presidential candidate of Ukraine and was successfully elected, and Putin was also re-elected as the president of Russia, and the identities of the two changed dramatically.

From comedy encounters to war showdowns

Perhaps in the impression of many people, the roles played by comedians are often "funny" images that make people laugh, and Zelensky seems to have been continuing his "comedy gene", whether in front of the screen or in real life, he can always bring endless happiness and warmth to people with an optimistic and humorous attitude.

However, in real life, the situation faced by Zelensky is not so ridiculous, the "Ukraine crisis" has become the heaviest burden since he took office, and the outbreak of this crisis has also made the already tense Russian-Ukrainian relations completely fall into the "freezing point".

In this political game, which has attracted the attention of the international community, whether it is a speech at the United Nations or at various international summits, Putin and Zelensky have always been with each other, and the "showdown" between them seems to be a real "theatrical performance".

Of course, in this "showdown", the problems and interests involved behind it are not so simple and funny, on the contrary, there are many contradictions and doubts hidden in it, which also makes the already chaotic international situation even more confusing.

The "funny" president who can't be won

In this much-watched "showdown", the outside world has also begun to speculate and discuss Putin and Zelensky, especially for Putin, many people may feel that with Russia's national strength and strength, it seems that he should be able to "take" Ukraine easily, but this is not the case.

On the contrary, whether it is in the military aspect or in the diplomatic aspect, Putin seems to be unable to really "take" Zelensky, and Ukraine also seems to have received "divine assistance" from various countries, whether it is military assistance from the United States or diplomatic support from European countries, which has made Putin's "comic opponent" extremely "brave".

So why can't Putin really "take" Zelensky? In fact, the answer to this question is not so simple, and there may be a variety of factors and reasons involved.

The reason behind it and the history

Perhaps it can be understood in this way, whether in real life or on the stage of international politics, the "opponents" faced by everyone often have their own unique "charm", and it may not be a bad thing to be unable to really "win" the opponent, on the contrary, it may contain all kinds of "turnarounds" and "revelations".

Of course, in Putin and Zelensky, there may also be some "common points", whether it is in the mind of dealing with international affairs, or in the wisdom of dealing with various complex issues, they may have their own unique "political wisdom", and this also makes the "showdown" between them full of endless possibilities and imagination.

Of course, the "magic" of fate is only a small part of this political "drama", and more importantly, whether it is in the handling of international relations or in the process of resolving various contradictions and differences, peace and negotiation will always be the most important and precious, and the only way to truly solve problems.

Why is Putin helpless with Zelensky? Look at Saddam, how he was defeated


Perhaps in the impression of many people, the image shown by politicians is often serious and heavy, and the various "coincidences" and "turns" in this political "drama" may also give people some enlightenment, whether it is on the stage of international politics, or in the process of dealing with various complex issues, life is full of accidents and unknowns, and the "magic" of fate also allows us to see all kinds of wonderful "turns" in life.

Perhaps on the issue of peace, we can find some "inspiration" from Putin and Zelensky, understand the importance of peace and negotiation, and begin to think about how to deal with various contradictions and differences in a more intelligent way, so that the flower of peace can bloom in every corner of the world.

Finally, whether it is on the stage of international politics or in the life of each of us, there may be all kinds of "opponents", and how to face these "opponents" with a more inclusive and intelligent attitude may also require us to think carefully and understand.