
The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

author:Reminder special seal

Engaging in formalism, this phenomenon in the science and technology circle is like "taking off your pants and farting" - it is really absurd and ridiculous. I sometimes think that there are always some practices in the tech world that are like children playing around and looking at a bunch of gorgeous things, but in reality? Well, you get the idea.

The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

Let's talk about the technology company I heard about, the PPT is really beautiful, like a work of art. But you know what? When you dig deeper, you'll find that their product development progress, hey, that's called a slow! Isn't this just formalism, everyone is busy doing superficial work, but forgetting that real innovation is king.

The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

I have an engineer friend who was marginalized because he didn't want to compromise with the formalism in the company. He complained on the Internet, but he didn't expect it to cause a big sensation. It got me thinking, how did our workplace become like this? Is sincerity and hard work so worthless?

The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

Now the topic of "anti-formalism" is hot, and netizens are posting about the formalism they encountered, which is really laughable. Experts also stood up to speak, saying that formalism not only suppresses the enthusiasm of employees, but also hinders the innovation ability of enterprises. Isn't that a big problem?

The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

Another thing, a project that was originally quite creative, because the team pursued perfect reporting too much, and the research and development were delayed. This is really speechless, is this the scientific and technological innovation we are pursuing?

The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

What's even more terrifying is that formalism is not only raging in the scientific and technological circles, but has even quietly penetrated into various fields such as education and administration. The world we live in seems to be surrounded by formalism.

The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

Thankfully, there are people trying to change that. An in-depth report analyzes the roots of formalism in detail and gives solutions. This gives us a glimmer of hope that maybe we can really get rid of this absurdity and return to real work and innovation.

The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

Netizens also took action and launched a statement against formalism, which was supported by many people. This makes me believe that as long as we all work together, formalism will eventually be abandoned by us.

The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

It's good news that more and more tech companies and leaders are starting to rethink and reform. They are beginning to value the actual results of their employees' work rather than just looking at the surface. There is also a wave of simplicity, efficiency and innovation on social media. Isn't this the future of tech that we are looking forward to?

The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

Of course, we can't just rely on the consciousness of enterprises and industries. Each and every one of us practitioners should stand up against formalism and insist on real innovation. Only in this way can we collectively contribute to the future of science and technology.

The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

Speaking of which, do you also feel that you have fallen into the quagmire of formalism? Or do you have such an example around you? Come and share it! Let's expose the true face of formalism and clear the obstacles for scientific and technological innovation!

The formalism of taking off your pants and farting makes people laugh, and there is no one in the office? Bunch of...

Look at the entrepreneurs and businesses who dare to break the stereotype, they are really admirable. They dare to face problems, have the courage to innovate, and promote the progress of science and technology with practical actions. Isn't this what we're looking forward to in the tech world?

There are also those science and technology practitioners who have been suppressed because of their opposition to formalism, and their experiences are really distressing. But they dare to stand up and say no, to expose injustice in the workplace, and that's exactly the courage we need.

Hey, the harm of formalism is really self-evident! It hinders us from moving forward and makes us ignore real innovation while pursuing superficial work. But the good news is that more and more people are starting to realize the problem and start taking action. I believe that in the near future we will see a healthier and more efficient field of technology. Are you looking forward to such a future? I'm looking forward to it anyway!

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