
When people get old, they understand that when brothers and sisters get along, they must not talk about it, and the more they don't talk about it, the better the relationship

author:Vision Auto 0Q2
When people get old, they understand that when brothers and sisters get along, they must not talk about it, and the more they don't talk about it, the better the relationship

The power of family affection warms people's hearts

Family affection is the purest and most enduring emotional bond in the world. No matter where we go, the figure of brothers and sisters always lingers in the depths of memory, making people nostalgic for that innocent childhood.

As they grow older, there will inevitably be some conflicts and estrangements between siblings. Some have discord because of personality differences, and some have drifted apart because of entanglements of interests. In some families, sibling relationships even fell into a cold confrontation at one point.

When people get old, they understand that when brothers and sisters get along, they must not talk about it, and the more they don't talk about it, the better the relationship

Until one day, when the years left traces of vicissitudes on the face, when the rolling river of life washed us around, we suddenly realized that the most valuable thing was not money and status, but the family affection that blood was thicker than water.

An old man in his 80s once said: "When I was a child, my brother and I were always noisy and quarrelsome over trivial things. Later, they each started a family and rarely contacted. It wasn't until after our parents passed away that we realized that we were the closest people in the world. Since then, we no longer care about past grievances, but only occasionally get together, chat, and have a meal, as if we have returned to our childhood. "

When people get old, they understand that when brothers and sisters get along, they must not talk about it, and the more they don't talk about it, the better the relationship

Yes, siblings are like branches on a tree, although they will branch apart depending on the direction of growth, the root system will always be entangled. The more we reach our old age, the more we can appreciate the value of this family happiness.

Don't talk about it, the relationship is more intimate

In real life, many siblings do not have a good relationship. In some families, siblings rarely even communicate, and there is a gap between them. How to repair and maintain this family relationship? The older generation has a way of getting along with each other "don't talk about it".

When people get old, they understand that when brothers and sisters get along, they must not talk about it, and the more they don't talk about it, the better the relationship

, not to talk about past grievances. Siblings will inevitably have some quarrels and fights when they are young, but when they grow up, they should let go of the past and not worry about it and worry about it. Looking back on the past will only strain the relationship, and instead focusing on the present and future happy life can create a more positive and enjoyable atmosphere to get along with.

A pair of brothers in their 70s are a good example. When they were children, they always fought over small things and were scarred. When they grow up, they go their separate ways and rarely keep in touch. It wasn't until after their parents died that they realized that they were each other's closest people in the world. Since then, they no longer talk about their childhood grievances, but like carefree children, they occasionally get together to chat and have a meal, as if they have returned to the innocent past.

When people get old, they understand that when brothers and sisters get along, they must not talk about it, and the more they don't talk about it, the better the relationship

, not to talk about their respective achievements. Everyone's achievements should be shared and celebrated, not to be compared and flaunted. Too much emphasis on personal achievement can easily lead to jealousy and conflict, which in turn can affect the equal and harmonious relationship between siblings.

A family of three brothers is a typical example. The eldest brother is an executive of a well-known company, the middle one is an ordinary civil servant, and the younger brother is a skilled worker. Despite the highs and lows of their careers, they never talk about work when they are together, but instead chat, joke, and carefree as they did when they were children. It is this way of getting along that makes the relationship between the three brothers better and better, and it has become the most important pillar in each other's lives.

When people get old, they understand that when brothers and sisters get along, they must not talk about it, and the more they don't talk about it, the better the relationship

Cherish family affection and share the joy of family

In addition to "don't talk about the two", the older generation also gave some other suggestions for maintaining family ties.

Don't talk about money. Money is often a source of conflict in families, and siblings are no exception. Some brothers and sisters fought for the inheritance, and some turned against each other for the issue of borrowing. It is best for brothers and sisters to "kiss brothers and settle accounts" to avoid hurting the harmony due to money problems.

Don't talk about the private affairs and rights and wrongs of the other party's family. Each family has its own style, and it is difficult for outsiders to fully understand the stakes. Excessive criticism and pointing fingers will not only not help solve the problem, but will cause unnecessary contradictions and disputes.

When people get old, they understand that when brothers and sisters get along, they must not talk about it, and the more they don't talk about it, the better the relationship

Avoid talking about topics that hurt the dignity of the other person. Siblings are close to each other, but basic respect is also retained. Blindly finding fault with each other's shortcomings and deficiencies will not only hurt the other person's self-esteem, but also make the relationship cold and alienated.

Maintain an appropriate sense of distance and respect each other's privacy and bottom line. Family affection is important, but it should not be too close, otherwise it will be counterproductive. Giving the other person a certain amount of personal space and autonomy is conducive to maintaining a harmonious relationship in the long run.

When people get old, they understand that when brothers and sisters get along, they must not talk about it, and the more they don't talk about it, the better the relationship

Through "don't talk about it" and other ways to get along, siblings can create a warmer and more friendly family atmosphere. The more we reach our old age, the more we can appreciate the value of this family happiness. As the old man in his 80s said: "Now, my biggest wish is to get together with my brother a few more times, chat, and have a meal, as if I have returned to the innocent years of my childhood." "

Yes, family affection is like a towering tree, although the branches and leaves once branched, the roots are forever entangled. By maintaining this friendship, we can snuggle up to each other, keep warm, and share the joy of family in the last days of our lives.