
Can you buy 10 pieces of durian? Is it really that cheap? The durian that can be eaten is in the report

author:Big Sister of the North
Hello everyone, I am the eldest sister in the north, a 90-year workplace mother, this is my 133rd article, after a year, will I thank me for persisting now, continue to work for 56 days, resolutely will not break the change, no matter how difficult this road is, I will continue to walk

Recently, I often brush up on video durians so cheap, 3 for 100 yuan, 5 for 100 yuan, and sell them directly by one? There is also a direct saying that the price of durian fell below 10 yuan?

Is it really that cheap? Why didn't I meet it? Questions ❓

Today I also went to the supermarket to see, durian 29.9 a catty, before adding a group buying group, specializing in selling fruit is also 25 yuan a catty, or to buy a box of durian is this price, my brother also opened a fruit store, they recently engaged in activities I looked at the hair is 19.9 yuan a catty.

I told my husband that now the durian is cheap and the video is 10 yuan a catty, where does my husband say? How many do I go buy? Didn't you find that there was a sale for 10 yuan a catty?

Can you buy 10 pieces of durian? Is it really that cheap? The durian that can be eaten is in the report

Look at people in Kunming, Yunnan, have realized the freedom of durian, we have not bought less than 20 yuan a pound of durian, and so we have 10 yuan a pound here, I also want to realize the freedom of durian, eat it enough.

Don't get excited, don't get excited, calm down, it seems that going to the supermarket and vegetable market is over 25, so don't dream? My husband said.

A few days ago, I said that a full-time mother, who eats durian 3 times a week, directly eats her husband with a black face, if it is really 10 yuan a catty, let him eat it several times a week, right? Stay-at-home mothers, too, are quite tired, watching the children and doing housework.

Can you buy 10 pieces of durian? Is it really that cheap? The durian that can be eaten is in the report

I heard that there are a large number of domestic durians on the market, so durians are cheaper, but we have no signs of cheapness here.

Every time I walked to the durian stall and asked the price, I went home empty-handed, I really wanted to ask my friends in Yunnan if it was really so cheap? Did you buy it?

Can you buy 10 pieces of durian? Is it really that cheap? The durian that can be eaten is in the report

Many netizens said that those who eat cheap durian are online, and they eat it first every day.

I have often brushed up on the push video recently, Guangxi 100 yuan 5 Musang King durian, friends in Guangxi, you are too blessed, you are so happy, watching us are all greedy, you have also achieved durian freedom.

Can you buy 10 pieces of durian? Is it really that cheap? The durian that can be eaten is in the report

We don't need 100 yuan for 5 durians, 100 yuan for two, and we are very happy.

Some netizens in Yunnan also said that they had never eaten such a cheap durian.

Can you buy 10 pieces of durian? Is it really that cheap? The durian that can be eaten is in the report

There are also friends in Guangxi who don't buy so cheap, some buy cheap, and some say that the cheap meat is less ripe. They haven't eaten that cheap yet.

Can you buy 10 pieces of durian? Is it really that cheap? The durian that can be eaten is in the report

They said that it is not so cheap, and many friends in many places said that it is really so cheap, pay the postage and let them help buy it, wouldn't it be a bunch of durian purchases.

Can you buy 10 pieces of durian? Is it really that cheap? The durian that can be eaten is in the report

Some people also say that it is true, it seems that there is a cheap durian, I have to ask my Guangxi friends tomorrow if it is really so cheap? Ask her to buy me a few.

Can you buy 10 pieces of durian? Is it really that cheap? The durian that can be eaten is in the report

Ruined Qinghai's friends, and they were going to exchange them for special products, and the beef jerky was all on it, and the beef jerky was not cheap, and my husband wanted to buy it if he didn't eat it, and I didn't let him buy it, forty or fifty yuan a catty? It is also a taste that cannot be eaten.

Can you buy 10 pieces of durian? Is it really that cheap? The durian that can be eaten is in the report

It's really hungry, it's really when we have 10 pounds here, not 10 yuan a pound, 19.9 pounds to buy two to try fresh, since giving birth to a baby, I haven't bought durian myself, it's too expensive, it's not a piece here, or my brother comes back to bring us a durian to relieve our hunger, sometimes it's ripe, it's ripe and can't sell it, my brother peeled it and put it in the refrigerator, and brought it to us to eat, it's really enjoyable.

Brothers and sisters in Yunnan, Guangxi, are you really that cheap there? Achieving Durian Freedom?

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