
Nowadays, there are three people who are more popular, namely: Dong Yuhui, Guo Youcai and Ni Haishan.

author:Tan Weiyang's Aihui District

Nowadays, there are three people who are more popular, namely: Dong Yuhui, Guo Youcai and Ni Haishan. These three people are proper big Internet celebrities, and they are in the limelight, and they are no different for a while.

Dong Yuhui belongs to cultural live broadcast, and the reason why he is out of the circle is completely dependent on his talent. Later, after the observation of the audience, he was a compassionate person, who maintained enthusiasm for life, was persistent in learning as always, and was kind and upright. This is the reason why everyone likes and supports Dong Yuhui, he has been popular for three years, and he is still a hot search.

Nowadays, there are three people who are more popular, namely: Dong Yuhui, Guo Youcai and Ni Haishan.

Guo Youcai has just become popular, and he is out of the circle because of a song called "Promise". Although he has just come out of the circle, he is very popular, and the number of people in his live broadcast room once reached 1 million, which is really staggering. In the final analysis, Guo Youcai's popularity is a bit accidental, and the reason why everyone is crazy about chasing after it is probably that everyone is pursuing a feeling. As for whether he can become popular and whether he can stand the test of time, it is still unknown.

Nowadays, there are three people who are more popular, namely: Dong Yuhui, Guo Youcai and Ni Haishan.

Although Ni Haishan is not highly educated, he is very business-minded and very willing to put down his money, he has a lot of anchors on the Internet, and he is also very ornamental when he broadcasts outdoors. His popularity is very high, and most of his fans who support him are small businessmen or ordinary people. So he also has a fan base, and this person is very resilient and hard-working, and it is certain that he will continue to be popular.

Nowadays, there are three people who are more popular, namely: Dong Yuhui, Guo Youcai and Ni Haishan.

Sometimes I really feel that fate makes people, and I don't know when it will suddenly become popular. But there is a premise, there needs to be internal transportation, there are reserves, and the flow is coming, can it be caught? If you can catch it, it will be prosperous, and if you can't catch it, it will be short-lived.

The tuyere of the times is like this, whether you are in favor of it or not, Internet celebrity IP is indeed huge. While gaining fame and fortune for himself, he has indeed benefited the local people. For example, Dong Yuhui, he adheres to his beliefs, brings agricultural products, insists on cultural output, and is very positive.

Nowadays, there are three people who are more popular, namely: Dong Yuhui, Guo Youcai and Ni Haishan.

It is precisely because of the positive factors that some Internet celebrities have been welcomed and supported by the public. Just like Guo Youcai, he insisted on live broadcasting and promoting Heze. After becoming popular, it has received strong support from Heze Cultural Tourism, and a kind of two-way beauty has slowly unfolded, which has stimulated the local economy to a certain extent.

Nowadays, there are three people who are more popular, namely: Dong Yuhui, Guo Youcai and Ni Haishan.

Adhering to mindfulness and altruistic thinking is also one of the factors that make Internet celebrities popular. This is like Ni Haishan, when he was broadcasting outdoors, although he had the consideration of the effect of the program, he also really helped some vulnerable groups and established his positive image, so he was sought after and welcomed.

Nowadays, there are three people who are more popular, namely: Dong Yuhui, Guo Youcai and Ni Haishan.

However, some people deny this kind of Internet celebrity, feeling that this kind of behavior is not conducive to the growth of children, and always feel that Internet celebrities are not earned. In fact, this concept is wrong, and Internet celebrities are not achieved overnight, and he must have put in hard work behind him. The reason why they became popular is, of course, the factor of opportunity, but more personal reasons, that is, not succumbing to the arrangement of fate, working hard, daring to do it, swaying youth and sweat, and breaking out of their own way.