
Last year's 5 worst spy war dramas, each of which insulted the audience's IQ

author:Sister Xia looks at gossip

The 2023 spy war drama is full of fog: the five "IQ Challenge" dramas have sparked heated discussions

In the TV drama market in 2023, the spy war script should be a tense contest of wit and strategy, but there are five works that are "unique" in the audience's expectations, and they have become the focus of heated discussions with their extraordinary "plot logic" and "character settings". These dramas not only make the audience scratch their heads in the tense and exciting spy war struggle, but also inadvertently challenge the audience's IQ bottom line.

Last year's 5 worst spy war dramas, each of which insulted the audience's IQ

First of all, we have to mention "Infernal". This spy war drama starring Jin Dong and Wang Likun seems to have entered an infinite loop maze in terms of plot advancement. As the viewer tries to follow in the footsteps of the protagonist to solve the mystery, they discover that new mysteries are hidden around every corner. Although the performance of the actors is good, they are also powerless under the "divine operation" of the script. Some netizens joked: "The screenwriter of this drama may be a philosopher, and he successfully uses the plot to make us think about the philosophical question of 'who I am, where I come from, and where am I going'." ”

This was followed by "Thin Ice". The joining of Peng Guanying and Chen Yuqi thought that they could add a lot of highlights to this series, but the absurdity of the plot surprised the audience. Some netizens commented: "The screenwriter of this drama seems to treat the spy war struggle as a playhouse, and the characters on both sides are like playing a game of 'you chase me', and there is no tension at all." Some viewers bluntly said: "The IQ challenge of this drama is comparable to watching a 'nonsensical' comedy." ”

Last year's 5 worst spy war dramas, each of which insulted the audience's IQ

Let's talk about "Stalker". The joining of powerful actors such as Huang Xiaoming and Jiang Xin should have added a lot of weight to this series. However, the plot is full of loopholes and logical confusion that disappoints the audience. Some netizens said: "The screenwriter of this drama may be challenging the limits of the audience, and he successfully made us feel the feeling of 'IQ being insulted' in the tense and exciting spy war struggle." ”

Next up is The Hive. The deleted plot of this series is a mystery in itself, which makes the audience often feel confused in the process of chasing the drama. Although the performances of the leading actors Han Dong and Song Yi are good, they are also powerless under the "divine operation" of the plot. Some netizens joked: "The screenwriter of this drama may be playing a 'drama version of werewolf killing', and each character may be a murderer or a victim." ”

Last year's 5 worst spy war dramas, each of which insulted the audience's IQ

The last thing to talk about is "Undercover Police Flower". At the beginning of the broadcast, this series attracted the attention of the audience with several familiar old actors, but as the plot progressed, the audience found that there were more and more "pits" in this series. Especially the appearance of the heroine, which made many viewers say "I can't stand it". Some netizens bluntly said: "The heroine of this drama may be a 'black hole', she successfully devoured all the plot logic and character settings." ”

Although these five spy war dramas have their own characteristics, they all inadvertently challenge the audience's bottom line of IQ. They are either absurd in plot, or confused in logic, or improperly deleted, making the audience feel an unprecedented "IQ challenge" in the tense and exciting spy war struggle. For the production team of these dramas, perhaps they should reflect on how to ensure the logic and rationality of the plot while pursuing plot innovation, so that the audience can enjoy the visual feast while also feeling the joy of having their IQ respected.

Last year's 5 worst spy war dramas, each of which insulted the audience's IQ

In the heated discussion among netizens, there is no shortage of some wonderful comments. Some netizens joked: "These spy war dramas are really laughable, I'm not chasing dramas, but fighting wits and courage with the screenwriter." Some netizens sighed: "In the past, spy war dramas were all contests of wisdom, but now they are a test of IQ." These comments reflect the audience's helplessness and disappointment with the current decline in the quality of spy war dramas. This sentiment of netizens stems from the gap between the expectations of high-quality spy war dramas and reality. They are eager to see a tense and exciting plot and three-dimensional and full characters, rather than a simple and rough "IQ challenge". This contradiction between expectations and reality is exactly the problem that the current spy war drama needs to face up to and improve.

In the surging spy war drama market, these five works have undoubtedly set off a lot of waves. They are like pebbles thrown into a calm lake, stirring up layers of ripples. Netizens have sighed that this is not only a competition in the series, but also a test of the audience's IQ. Some netizens joked: "I feel like I'm watching a 'spy war version' of "Alice in Wonderland", every step is full of unknowns, and every turn is a big surprise." Some netizens used Du Fu's famous sentence "Die before leaving the school, and the hero will be full of tears" to describe these dramas, believing that although they have an eye-catching cast, they failed to present a convincing work in the end.

Last year's 5 worst spy war dramas, each of which insulted the audience's IQ

In the comments with different opinions, we can't help but think: What caused the decline in the quality of these spy war dramas? Is it the negligence of the screenwriter, or is it the market's quick success? Perhaps, this is exactly what we need to dig into. And the expectations and disappointments of the audience also point out the direction for us - only by respecting art and respecting the audience can we create truly convincing works. However, after these five spy war dramas, can we still look forward to the next real spy war masterpiece? This is undoubtedly a suspense left for the audience and the production team.