
The child failed to draw chickens, and his father put the painting and chickens together and sent the teacher angry: Who dares to say that it is not like it?

author:Sister Xue is here again

An educational revelation triggered by a painting

1. Introduction: The collision between painting and reality

In the field of education, painting, as an art form, not only cultivates students' aesthetic ability and creativity, but also is a way for them to express their inner world. However, when children's drawings are different from real images, how should we view this phenomenon? Recently, a heated discussion caused by a child's failure to draw chickens has brought us deep thoughts.

The child failed to draw chickens, and his father put the painting and chickens together and sent the teacher angry: Who dares to say that it is not like it?

2. Description: The difference between the painting and reality

In an ordinary family, Xiao Ming's father found that Xiao Ming had drawn a chicken, but the painting did not conform to the image of a chicken in the traditional sense. Xiao Ming's father did not blame him, but put the painting together with a real chicken, took a picture and sent it to Xiao Ming's teacher. After seeing this photo, the teacher responded angrily: "Who dares to say that it is not like it? This incident quickly sparked heated discussions among netizens, and also gave us a new understanding of painting education.

3. Interest stimulation: thinking outside the box

On the one hand, this incident has attracted widespread attention because it breaks with our traditional perception of paintings. Most people have the impression that painting should pursue realism and accuracy, but Xiao Ming's paintings allow us to see another possibility. On the other hand, it also stimulates people to think about how to educate. In the process of education, should we focus too much on the outcome and ignore the growth and progress of children in the process?

The child failed to draw chickens, and his father put the painting and chickens together and sent the teacher angry: Who dares to say that it is not like it?

4. Call to action: advocate diversified evaluation

In response to this incident, we call on all sectors of society to advocate for diverse evaluation in the field of education. First of all, we should appreciate and evaluate paintings from multiple angles, not just whether the image is realistic or not. Every child has their own unique creative style and imagination, and we should respect and encourage them to develop their individuality. Secondly, in the process of education, we should focus on the growth and progress of children, rather than overly pursuing results. Only in this way can we cultivate more creative and imaginative talents.

5. Summary: The true meaning of education

Through this incident of a child failing to draw chickens, we can see the diversity and complexity of painting education. In the educational process, we should respect the individuality and characteristics of each child and encourage them to use their imagination and creativity. At the same time, we should also advocate diversified evaluation, and appreciate and evaluate children's works and growth from multiple perspectives. Only in this way can we cultivate more talents with innovative spirit and practical ability, and contribute to the development and progress of society.

The child failed to draw chickens, and his father put the painting and chickens together and sent the teacher angry: Who dares to say that it is not like it?

6. Reflection and prospects

Looking back on this incident, we can't help but think: in the field of education, should we pay more attention to the inner world and growth needs of children? Should they be given more opportunities and space to use their imagination and creativity? In the future, we look forward to seeing more of these events, which will not only allow us to re-examine the true meaning of education, but also inspire confidence and anticipation for the future.