
WPS's new charging model was complained about, and netizens jokingly said: Is it necessary to pay for writing emails in the future?

author:Erudite Ivy said something

"There are parents in the world, and there is no free lunch in the world." This proverb is even more pertinent in today's Internet age. When every click can hide a consumption trap, are we really ready for it all?

WPS's new charging model was complained about, and netizens jokingly said: Is it necessary to pay for writing emails in the future?

In the face of WPS's "nesting doll" charges, netizens have a lot of discussions and emotions. Could it be that in the information age, the use of basic software will also start to step on the thunder? What does this trend mean for us?

Overview of the event

Recently, WPS has caught fire on the Internet because of its "nesting doll" charging strategy. Many users complain that WPS makes the use of office software that should be simple complicated and expensive through the layered membership system.

For example, if a user bought WPS Super Membership Pro last year, he thought he would be able to enjoy the full range of features, including the latest AI tools, but this year he was told that the AI function will have to be charged extra.

WPS's new charging model was complained about, and netizens jokingly said: Is it necessary to pay for writing emails in the future?

Since March 2024, WPS has commercialized AI functions and introduced an AI membership system, which makes the already intricate membership system even more difficult to understand. WPS is considered one of the best office software because of its innovative attempts and powerful features, enjoying a wide user base.

With the complexity of the membership system, many users began to feel confused and dissatisfied, believing that the practice of WPS not only increased the cost of use, but also ruined the user experience. Some users started looking for alternative software and turned to other office software such as genuine Office, which is undoubtedly a loss for WPS.

WPS's new charging model was complained about, and netizens jokingly said: Is it necessary to pay for writing emails in the future?

WPS's charging strategy has sparked extensive social discussions about the software charging model, user rights and the essence of the Internet economy. This practice of WPS exposes the dilemma of the "free trial, paid value-added" model of Internet services, that is, how to maintain a good user experience and fair service price while ensuring the profitability of enterprises.

In the face of WPS's recent "matryoshka" charging incident, we can't help but ask, is the service on the Internet moving towards user-friendliness or revenue growth?

WPS's new charging model was complained about, and netizens jokingly said: Is it necessary to pay for writing emails in the future?

We must admit that in the highly competitive Internet market, the survival and development of software companies is inseparable from the innovation of profit models. As an office software with hundreds of millions of users, WPS is constantly introducing new technologies (such as AI) to improve user experience, but it is also facing huge R&D investment and operating costs.

From this point of view, the launch of a new membership service and the charging of some advanced features seems like a reasonable attempt at commercialization. The problem is that WPS's charging model is too complex and one could even say lack transparency. Membership tiers one after another not only confuse users, but also turn the original expectations of features into disappointment and distrust.

WPS's new charging model was complained about, and netizens jokingly said: Is it necessary to pay for writing emails in the future?

Just imagine, if an average user pays for a membership in order to use a specific feature, only to find out that he needs to pay additional fees to use it, this experience will undoubtedly greatly affect his trust in WPS and the brand as a whole.

This approach of WPS touches on a deeper problem, that is, the user's understanding of value and service in the context of the prevalence of the "free" culture of the Internet.

For too long, we have become accustomed to the abundance of free resources and services on the Internet, ignoring the costs behind "free" – the use of personal data, the placement of ads, and possible privacy risks.

WPS has shifted AI functions from free to paid, which is undoubtedly an impact on user cognition. But it also provides us with an opportunity to reflect and understand and accept that the corresponding exchange of values is necessary while enjoying convenience.

WPS's new charging model was complained about, and netizens jokingly said: Is it necessary to pay for writing emails in the future?

So, in the face of users' doubts and dissatisfaction, how should WPS respond?

WPS needs to re-examine its membership system and charging strategy, simplify membership levels, and improve the transparency of the charging model, so that users can clearly understand their consumption and the services they can enjoy.

WPS should pay more attention to communication with users, take the initiative to explain the reasons for changes, listen to users' feedback, and adjust unreasonable places in a timely manner.

WPS and similar software service providers should continue to explore more reasonable business models, which can not only protect the reasonable profits of enterprises, but also safeguard the rights and interests of the majority of users and achieve sustainable development.

WPS's new charging model was complained about, and netizens jokingly said: Is it necessary to pay for writing emails in the future?

The most important thing for businesses is to find a balance with their users. True innovation is not limited to the upgrade of product functions, but also includes the management of business models and user relationships. An innovative business model should not only be able to meet the company's financial goals, but also build a positive long-term relationship with the user.

This requires enterprises to have a forward-looking vision, take customer satisfaction as the core, and think and implement long-term strategic planning. As a leading office software platform in China, WPS has cultivated a huge user base, but it must be recognized that loyalty is not immutable.

WPS's new charging model was complained about, and netizens jokingly said: Is it necessary to pay for writing emails in the future?

Loyalty is based on mutual understanding and the continuous exchange of values. Once a user feels neglected or forced to accept multiple payments to access the app's essential features, they may turn to a competitor. As the Internet economy has taught us, the choices of users are diverse, and the barriers to dynamic migration are low.

When implementing a new charging strategy, WPS should guide users more wisely rather than adopting a sudden and cold strategy. Users should feel understood and respected in the midst of change. This includes creating a clearer and simpler membership system, setting reasonable expectations for new services, and offering transition periods or offers to existing members to show respect and appreciation for them.

Write at the end

In this matter, WPS's experience undoubtedly tells us that in the rapidly developing Internet industry, the trust and loyalty of users are irreplaceable assets. So, what's next for WPS? Will it return to user first, simplify the membership model, and make fees more transparent? Or will it continue to go further and further down the path of "nesting dolls", allowing users to choose to turn away?

We will continue to look at WPS and similar Internet companies to see how they respond to user criticism, adjust their strategies to rebuild trust, and how the market adjusts itself to navigate this wave of leisurely digitalization.

WPS's new charging model was complained about, and netizens jokingly said: Is it necessary to pay for writing emails in the future?

But in the midst of all this, have we ever wondered if we, as ordinary users, have a deep enough understanding of the Internet? Are you ready to make choices and trade-offs in the information age? Perhaps it's time for a fresh rethink of our relationship with Internet services.

Software is just a tool, and what really drives progress is people's thinking and choice. So, how will the attitude of users change when WPS eats a trench and grows wise? Where will Internet services evolve in the future? This is a question that deserves to be considered by all of us.