
Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading


A new level of mobile phone imaging, subverting the traditional experience

Mobile imaging technology has always been one of the important drivers for the development of smartphones. In recent years, as mobile phone camera hardware and algorithms have been upgraded, users' expectations for image quality have also increased. Against this backdrop, the HUAWEI Pura70 Ultra comes at the right time, ushering in a new era of mobile imaging and shooting experience with its innovative super-focused telescopic lens, superior imaging algorithms, and strong overall performance.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

The HUAWEI Pura70 Ultra ushers in a new era of mobile imaging and shooting experience with its innovative super-focused telescopic lens, superior imaging algorithms, and strong overall performance.

The most eye-catching feature of the Huawei Pura70 Ultra is its first-of-its-kind super-concentrating telescopic lens. This innovative design not only visually presents a futuristic technological aesthetic, but also adds a unique sense of ritual to use. Every time the camera is activated, it is accompanied by a dedicated mechanical sound, making the user feel as if they are in the operation of professional photographic equipment.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

In addition to the new visual and auditory experience, the super-concentrating telescopic lens also has excellent performance in image quality. It supports a maximum physical aperture of F1.6, which means that in low-light environments, the camera will receive significantly more light for brighter, clearer images. Whether you're shooting at night or indoors in low-light environments, the Huawei Pura70 Ultra captures photos with high levels of detail and very low noise.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

1. Super concentrating telescopic lens, the image strength is bursting

The HUAWEI Pura70 Ultra's super-concentrating telescopic lens comes with a number of leading hardware configurations. It is equipped with a one-inch outsole sensor, a first for mobile photography. It adopts an innovative swivel telescopic lens structure design, and through the rotating rail transmission system, the lens automatically extends when starting shooting, so as to achieve a combination of 1-inch outsole and F1.6 large aperture within only 8.4mm body thickness.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

Thanks to the larger effective lens height, the Huawei Pura70 Ultra is also the first phone to support 1-inch sensor shift stabilization. Compared with traditional lens shift stabilization, sensor shift stabilization can more accurately compensate for hand shake, thereby further improving image stability.

In addition to the main camera, the Huawei Pura70 Ultra's other lenses are equipped with industry-leading parameters. Its super-focused macro telephoto camera supports long-travel slide axis focusing, which can clearly capture details from long shots to macros. The telephoto lens is also equipped with the industry's largest F2.1 aperture, which provides superior light gathering power and excellent telephoto image quality.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

Whether it's the main camera or the secondary lens, the Huawei Pura70 Ultra shows strong imaging prowess and is fully qualified to be called a new milestone in moving imaging.

2. The image algorithm is upgraded, the details are sharp, and the colors are outstanding

While the hardware is important, the Huawei Pura70 Ultra's excellent imaging algorithms are also key to achieving excellent image performance. The camera is equipped with Huawei's latest XMAGE image algorithm, which can exert powerful optimization capabilities in a variety of shooting scenarios.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

For example, when shooting at wide angles, the Huawei Pura70 Ultra's XD Fusion Pro texture engine is able to handle backlit and low-light environments with ease, ensuring that the image details and lighting effects are perfectly represented. For telephoto shooting, the XD Motion engine uses the sensor to double expose in real time, enabling faster lightning shooting when shooting high-speed moving objects.

The Huawei Pura70 Ultra's image algorithm also performs well in night and portrait modes. It dramatically improves the image quality at the telephoto end in Night mode, allowing you to capture stunning night shots without the need for tripod assistance. In portrait mode, precise portrait segmentation and high-quality bokeh effects are achieved.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

The HUAWEI Pura70 Ultra combines superior hardware and powerful algorithms to deliver images with sharp details and outstanding colors in a wide range of shooting scenarios, allowing users to enjoy the ultimate experience of moving images.

3. The overall performance is strong to meet multiple needs

In addition to its imaging capabilities, the Huawei Pura70 Ultra is also among the best in the industry in terms of overall performance. This mobile phone is equipped with Huawei's self-developed Kirin 9010 flagship chip, with a single-core performance of up to 1438 points and a multi-core performance of 4397 points, which is about 10% higher than the previous generation Kirin 9000s.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

In terms of GPU, although the Huawei Pura70 Ultra is not much improved compared to the previous generation, it can still provide a smooth running experience for high-load scenarios such as gaming. Taking the national game "Honor of Kings" as an example, the Pura70 Ultra can basically maintain a high level of output of 120 frames per second throughout the game. Even in the stressful Genshin Impact, with a few minor adjustments, Huawei has allowed the phone to maintain a level of around 60 frames per second with frame insertions.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

In terms of flight capability, the Huawei Pura70 Ultra also has a good performance. It is equipped with a large 5200mAh battery and supports 100W wired and 80W wireless super fast charging, which can meet the needs of users for all-day use.

HUAWEI Pura70 Ultra is not simply the pursuit of extreme performance in one aspect, but through all-round optimization of chips, batteries, heat dissipation, etc., to bring users a balanced and outstanding comprehensive experience, whether it is images, games, or daily use, can be fully satisfied.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

Whether it is the imaging strength, shooting experience, or overall performance, the Huawei Pura70 Ultra has reached the top level in the industry, opening a new era of mobile phone imaging and shooting.

The Huawei Pura70 Ultra is undoubtedly a groundbreaking flagship phone. It has not only achieved a number of breakthroughs in imaging hardware and algorithms, but also brought users an unprecedented shooting experience. The strong overall performance also makes this phone suitable for a variety of high-intensity use cases.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

With the launch of the Huawei Pura70 Ultra, it will bring more creativity and fun to users, and will also promote the imaging technology of the entire mobile phone industry to a new level. For users who are looking for superior images and the ultimate experience, the HUAWEI Pura70 Ultra is definitely a masterpiece to look forward to and experience.

Huawei Pura70 Ultra review: telescopic camera, magic key for image upgrading

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