
After helping the elderly to be falsely accused, the family members came to apologize, the parties generously forgiven, and netizens were indignant

author:Netizens commented on Lele
After helping the elderly to be falsely accused, the family members came to apologize, the parties generously forgiven, and netizens were indignant

Text: Shallow bullet Yixiao

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In recent years, incidents of helping the elderly have been falsely accused, and the society has gradually developed concerns and worries about the behavior of helping strangers.

The Nanjing incident once again aroused widespread public concern, and everyone expressed sympathy for Mr. Yang's experience.

At the same time, he also expressed his appreciation for Tian's family's apology and thanks.

The video can be viewed here


Video source: @Yangzi Evening News

On May 14, at the scene of a traffic accident in Nanjing, Jiangsu, Mr. Yang saw Tian falling.

Reach out and call first responders. Tian was taken to the hospital for treatment.

After helping the elderly to be falsely accused, the family members came to apologize, the parties generously forgiven, and netizens were indignant

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After the incident, Tian's family mistakenly believed that Mr. Yang caused Tian to fall and accused Mr. Yang of being the perpetrator.

Caused an on-site dispute. After the traffic police arrived at the scene, they mediated and sent Tian to the hospital.

After helping the elderly to be falsely accused, the family members came to apologize, the parties generously forgiven, and netizens were indignant

Image source network

On May 16, Tian woke up and recalled what happened at the time, and confirmed that he had accidentally fallen and was not caused by Mr. Yang.

Tian's son apologized to Mr. Yang in person and thanked him for his help.

After helping the elderly to be falsely accused, the family members came to apologize, the parties generously forgiven, and netizens were indignant

Image source network

Mr. Yeung said he accepted the apology and would continue to be willing to help others.

As soon as the topic was posted on the Internet, the comment area instantly exploded! Let's take a look

Netizen: What if there is no video surveillance? Wouldn't it be wronged?

After helping the elderly to be falsely accused, the family members came to apologize, the parties generously forgiven, and netizens were indignant

Fall and let him climb to the monitored one, and then go to help him

Netizen: Go directly If you help cause a second injury, you are fully responsible

After helping the elderly to be falsely accused, the family members came to apologize, the parties generously forgiven, and netizens were indignant

I thought to myself that if I didn't make a mistake, it would be nothing more than an apology, what else could I do

Netizen: That aunt said well, "Even if he is killed, don't help" is too chilling

After helping the elderly to be falsely accused, the family members came to apologize, the parties generously forgiven, and netizens were indignant

I don't want to save it, I don't have the strength, at most I can call the police from afar

Netizen: It turns out that it is enough to apologize, and there is almost no cost

After helping the elderly to be falsely accused, the family members came to apologize, the parties generously forgiven, and netizens were indignant

There is surveillance surveillance to film the whole process

Netizen: That unit dares to use such a person

After helping the elderly to be falsely accused, the family members came to apologize, the parties generously forgiven, and netizens were indignant

It is too unreasonable for the unit not to be fired

Many netizens expressed admiration for Mr. Yang's behavior, praising him for remaining calm and kind in the face of misunderstandings. Everyone believes that Mr. Yang has demonstrated positive social energy and is worth learning and promoting.

Some netizens questioned why the family blamed Mr. Yang without evidence, hoping that similar incidents could be better handled and prevented to prevent well-wishers from being treated unfairly.

Some netizens suggested that education and guidance should be strengthened for the public to improve their ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and at the same time suggested that the government should introduce relevant policies to protect the legitimate rights and interests of well-wishers and encourage more people to lend a helping hand.

In the incident of lifting up the fallen elderly, Mr. Yang showed noble moral sentiments and the courage to help others. Although he suffered misunderstandings and accusations, he still chose to be tolerant and kind, and accepted Tian's family's apology. This incident not only shows us the positive energy of society, but also reminds us to be more rational and cautious when helping others. At the same time, it is hoped that through the reporting of such incidents, more people can be guided to understand and support the behavior of helping others, and jointly create a harmonious and friendly social atmosphere.


In general, the incident of helping the elderly in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province was finally resolved satisfactorily after a misunderstanding. Mr. Yang's kind deeds and tolerant attitude, as well as Tian's family's sincere apology, have set a good social example for us. I hope that in the future, in similar incidents, everyone can understand and trust more, continue to carry forward the spirit of helping others, and make our society more warm and harmonious.
