
Keep in mind the five mantras: let life be like a fish in water, resolve all the villains around you, and try all the tricks!

author:Lao Pang talks about the world

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Keep in mind the five mantras: let life be like a fish in water, resolve all the villains around you, and try all the tricks!

"The road knows the horsepower, and the people will see it for a long time." In the journey of life, we will inevitably encounter some ill-intentioned people who may try to sabotage our careers and relationships for various reasons. However, how to deal with these so-called "little people" is not only a wisdom, but also an art of living.

This article is a bit long, I hope you have the patience to read these five sentences, I believe that everyone can be inspired after reading, and you are welcome to leave your thoughts and insights in the comment area.

Keep in mind the five mantras: let life be like a fish in water, resolve all the villains around you, and try all the tricks!

The first sentence: repay grievances with virtue

"The sea is tolerant of all rivers, and tolerance is great." When we are tolerant of others' faults, we can not only earn respect, but also improve our own inner state. Like the wise men of antiquity, they never retaliated with slander and misunderstanding, but resolved conflicts with wisdom and tolerance.

I remember a colleague, Xiao Zhang, who was always helpful, but once his kindness was misinterpreted as showing off. In the face of criticism from his colleagues, Xiao Zhang did not get angry, but worked harder and spoke with his achievements. Eventually, he not only earned the respect of his colleagues, but also earned a promotion.

Xiao Zhang's story is not uncommon around us. His story reminds us that good intentions can sometimes be misunderstood in the workplace. But Xiao Zhang's way of dealing with it has given us profound inspiration. Instead of arguing or retaliating, he chose to prove himself with his actions. This attitude of repaying grievances with virtue not only resolves the contradictions, but also wins the respect of others.

The ancients said: "Repay grievances with straightforwardness, and repay virtue with virtue." This quote tells us that in the face of the faults of others, we should respond with integrity and tolerance, rather than retaliating with the same faults. Such an approach can not only resolve contradictions, but also improve one's own moral cultivation.

Repaying grievances with virtue does not mean that we should turn a blind eye to all our faults, but it requires us to be able to remain calm and rational when dealing with problems, and not be swayed by emotions. At the same time, it also requires us to have enough self-confidence and courage to believe that time will tell.

In real life, we can practice repaying grievances with virtue in the following ways:

  1. Stay calm: When confronted with the fault of others, calm down first and don't rush to react.
  2. Empathy: Trying to understand the problem from the other person's point of view helps us to see the problem more holistically.
  3. Positive communication: Through active communication, express your own opinions and feelings, while also listening to the other person's ideas.
  4. Self-improvement: Through continuous learning and growth, improve one's ability and self-cultivation, and reduce the chance of being misunderstood.
  5. Tolerance and generosity: Be tolerant of the mistakes of others and not take care of them.

Repaying grievances with virtue is a noble virtue and a wisdom of life. It requires us to be tolerant and rational in the face of contradictions and conflicts, and to solve problems in the right way. By repaying grievances with virtue, we can not only resolve conflicts, but also improve our inner realm and win the respect of others. Let us continue to practice this virtue in our daily lives to create a more harmonious and beautiful environment for ourselves and others.

Keep in mind the five mantras: let life be like a fish in water, resolve all the villains around you, and try all the tricks!

Second sentence: Keep your distance

"Those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black." Keeping a proper distance from the villain can avoid unnecessary negative effects. This is not an escape, but a wisdom of self-preservation.

Confucius once said: "A gentleman is frank, and a villain is a relative." "A gentleman's heart is broad-minded and will not be shaken by the words and deeds of the villain, who is often anxious and uneasy. Therefore, keeping a distance is also a kind of maintenance of one's own character.

In complex social relationships, it is a wise choice to keep an appropriate distance from the villain. This distance does not imply estrangement or hostility, but rather a way of self-preservation and self-improvement. By keeping our distance, we can avoid being affected by negativity while also creating a more positive and healthy social environment for ourselves.

My neighbor Lao Li is a person who knows how to keep his distance. He met a colleague at work who liked to play with right and wrong, but Lao Li never got involved in these disputes between right and wrong, he always focused on his work and family. Over time, those rights and wrongs gradually moved away from him, and he also won the respect of his colleagues and leaders because of his dedication and professionalism.

Keeping your distance is not a passive escape, but a positive choice. It requires us to be wise enough to discern who is good for us and who may be negative for us. At the same time, it also requires us to be brave enough to stick to our choices and not follow the crowd.

In real life, we can keep our distance from the villain in the following ways:

  1. Clear boundaries: Be clear about your bottom line and don't participate in the villain's battle of right and wrong.
  2. Focus on yourself: Focus on your own work and interests, and not be swayed by the actions of others.
  3. Choose friends: Choose friends and partners carefully, and associate with those who can bring us positive energy.
  4. Positive influence: Find people who can give us a positive impact and learn from them.
  5. Self-improvement: Improve your judgment and resistance through continuous learning and growth.

Keeping your distance is an art to live and a smart choice. It helps us avoid unnecessary negative influences and also creates a more positive and healthy social environment for us. Let us learn to keep an appropriate distance from the villain in our daily life, and build a strong line of defense for our inner world. In this way, we can better protect ourselves and also be better able to achieve self-improvement. Remember, "those who are close to Zhu are red, and those who are close to ink are black", the social circle we choose determines our quality of life and mental state.

Keep in mind the five mantras: let life be like a fish in water, resolve all the villains around you, and try all the tricks!

The third sentence: self-reflection

"Knowing that mistakes can be corrected, and good is great." In the face of the villain's provocation, the first thing we have to do is to reflect on ourselves. Is there something about your behavior that is misleading? Through self-improvement, we can reduce the influence of the villain.

Self-reflection is an ability as well as a courage. It requires us to look at ourselves objectively and have the courage to face our shortcomings. This ability not only helps us resolve the distractions of the villain, but also promotes our personal growth.

Self-reflection is a deep inner dialogue that helps us identify and understand our actions and their consequences. In the face of the villain's provocation, self-reflection not only helps us avoid unnecessary arguments, but also allows us to learn and grow from them.

My friend Xiaohua was treated unfairly by a colleague during a team project. At first, she felt very angry and hurt, but soon she calmed down and began to reflect on her actions. She realized that she could be too direct in team communication and sometimes failed to fully consider the feelings of others. Through this introspection, Xiaohua learned more mellow communication skills and took the initiative to have frank conversations with colleagues, which ultimately won the respect of the team and the smooth progress of the project.

As the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates said, "An unexamined life is not worth living." "Self-reflection is an important way to look at life, it can help us learn from our mistakes and grow from our experiences.

In our daily lives, we can develop the habit of self-reflection by:

  1. Regular self-examination: Take time every day or week to review your actions and decisions and think about whether there is room for improvement.
  2. Accepting feedback: Being open to feedback from others, even if it's criticism, is an opportunity to grow.
  3. Keep a diary: Keep a record of your feelings and thoughts, a diary is a great tool for self-reflection.
  4. Think calmly: Don't rush to react when you're emotional, give yourself time to calm down and reflect.
  5. Set goals: Based on the results of the reflection, set specific improvement goals and develop an action plan.

Self-reflection is a power that helps us keep a clear head and make more informed choices in the face of challenges and difficulties. By constantly improving ourselves, we can reduce the impact of the villain while also paving the way for our own personal growth. Let us have the courage to face our own shortcomings, keep learning, keep improving, and finally become a better version of ourselves. Remember, "knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good is great", and self-reflection is the only way for us to succeed.

Keep in mind the five mantras: let life be like a fish in water, resolve all the villains around you, and try all the tricks!

Sentence 4: Positive communication

"Words are the voice of the heart, and each other is born from the heart." Through positive communication, we can express our opinions and dispel misunderstandings. Communication is the bridge to solving problems and the cornerstone of building trust.

I have a friend, Xiao Li, who met a colleague at work who likes to tell the truth. Xiao Li did not choose to remain silent, but took the initiative to find this colleague and had a frank conversation. He expressed his position and listened to the ideas of the other side. Eventually, their relationship improved.

Positive communication can not only resolve misunderstandings and conflicts, but also deepen mutual understanding and trust. It is an integral part of interpersonal relationships, especially when dealing with complex interpersonal issues.

Xiao Li's story inspires us that communication should not be passive, but active and constructive. When talking to colleagues who are juggling right and wrong, he does not take an accusatory attitude, but uses a calm tone to express his feelings and expectations. This openness and sincerity makes the other party feel respected and makes the conversation more productive.

The ancient sage Mencius once said: "There is much help for the righteous, but little help for the unjust." "In communication, if we can stick to positive and constructive principles, we can win the support and understanding of others.

Positive communication is both an art and a skill. It requires us to not only express our own opinions, but also learn to listen to others. In the process of communication, we should show empathy and try to understand the problem from the perspective of others.

In order to communicate positively more effectively, we can try the following methods:

  1. Clarify the purpose: Before communicating, clarify the purpose of the communication and the desired outcome.
  2. Listening: In the dialogue, listen more and talk less, and give the other person the opportunity to fully express.
  3. Nonviolent Communication: Avoid aggressive language and adopt the four components of nonviolent communication: Observation, Feeling, Need, Request.
  4. Emotional resonance: When expressing, try to establish emotional empathy with the other person, so that the other person feels understood and respected.
  5. Seek consensus: In the process of communication, look for common ground between both parties and strive to reach a consensus.

Positive communication is an important skill in our social interactions. Through effective communication, we are not only able to resolve conflicts, but also to increase mutual understanding and trust. Let us actively apply the principles and skills of positive communication in our daily lives to create a more harmonious interpersonal environment for ourselves and others. Remember, "words are the voice of the heart", and the way we communicate reflects our inner world and shapes our relationships.

Keep in mind the five mantras: let life be like a fish in water, resolve all the villains around you, and try all the tricks!

Sentence 5: Focus on yourself

"Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself." Focusing on one's goals and pursuits, and not being swayed by external distractions, is a high-level attitude towards life.

Focusing on ourselves means devoting our energy and time to personal growth and self-fulfillment, rather than spending time on unnecessary arguments and external distractions. This attitude to life helps us maintain inner peace and a clear sense of direction.

Xiao Wang is a young entrepreneur who often faces pressure from the market and competitors. However, Xiao Wang has always maintained a focus on products and customer needs, and he has continued to learn and innovate, and finally led the company out of a unique development path. Xiao Wang's story tells us that no matter how the external environment changes, as long as we stick to our goals and pursuits, we can create our own success.

"The Book of Rites: The Mean" mentions: "A gentleman is cautious of his independence. This quote emphasizes the need for a person to maintain self-discipline and focus when they are alone, which are important qualities for achieving great things.

Focusing on oneself is both a choice and an ability. It requires us to be able to maintain self-control and stick to our goals and values in the face of external temptations and distractions. This ability not only helps us achieve success in our careers, but also keeps us happy and fulfilled in life.

To better focus on ourselves, we can try the following:

  1. Set clear goals: Being clear about your long-term and short-term goals helps us focus.
  2. Prioritization: Determine which things are most important and prioritize these tasks.
  3. Regular self-reflection: Regularly check whether your actions are in line with your goals and adjust your direction in time.
  4. Develop self-discipline: Self-discipline is the cornerstone of focus, and through self-discipline we can better manage our time and energy.
  5. Learn to say no: Learn to say no to inconsequential distractions and temptations to protect your concentration.

Focusing on oneself is an art of life and a manifestation of wisdom. By focusing on our goals and pursuits, we can reduce external distractions and increase the speed of personal growth. Let us continue to exercise our concentration in our daily life and create more possibilities for our future. Remember, "don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself", true happiness and success come from sticking to your goals and exploring your inner world.

Keep in mind the five mantras: let life be like a fish in water, resolve all the villains around you, and try all the tricks!

In the long river of life, we may encounter waves and reefs, but remembering these five sentences - repaying grievances with virtue, keeping a distance, self-reflection, positive communication, and focusing on oneself - is like having the wisdom and strength to sail. They will guide us to avoid the maelstrom of villains and make our voyage smoother. This is not only a way to deal with others, but also a way to improve oneself. Let us take these five sentences as a beacon to illuminate the way forward, let life be like a fish in water, resolve all troubles, and welcome a broader and brighter future.

Thank you for seeing the end, if you can, please give a attention, writing is not easy, your attention is my continuous motivation. Thank you, good people have a safe life!!

Author: Lao Pang

The picture of the article is taken from the Internet

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