
My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

author:Liberty Hawthorn 7L8b

It was an ordinary weekend, and the sun was shining through the gaps in the curtains on the yellowed walls, and time seemed very slow on this quiet morning. I, Liu Qiang, was sitting on the old sofa at home, flipping through the recruitment information in my hand, and my heart was mixed.

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

"Qiangqiang, what are you looking at?" The silence of the living room was broken by the gentle voice of the mother.

I looked up at my mother, smiled and replied, "It's nothing, Mom, it's just some work matter." ”

"How's the work going? Makes a lot of money, right? Daddy's voice came from the dining room, and he was busy setting up the family dinner that was about to begin.

"It's okay, Dad." I tried to make my voice sound as relaxed as possible, but I didn't know that my expression betrayed the pressure inside.

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

"Hey, what do you mean by 'okay'? Your classmate Xiao Li, I heard that now you can earn tens of thousands of dollars a month! Dad was clearly interested in the topic, put down the cutlery in his hand, and walked over to me.

I felt a little weak, but I still tried to stay calm, and I didn't want this topic to continue to deepen, so I changed the topic: "Dad, Mom made a lot of delicious food today, let's go and help." ”

The restaurant was full of aromas, and my mother had already prepared a sumptuous meal, and looking at the home-cooked food at this table, my heart swelled up. But then he was interrupted by his father's words.

"Qiangqiang, Dad knows that it is not easy for you, but a manly man, you must be responsible, and it is your responsibility to earn money to support your family. Tell me, how much money do you make a month now? Dad's face was serious, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

Under my father's questioning, I felt unprecedented pressure. "Dad, the work is still in its infancy, I will work hard."

"The men in our family have always been capable, you can't lose the face of our Liu family!" Dad was obviously not satisfied with my answer, and the atmosphere at the table gradually became heavy.

Seeing this, the mother hurriedly played a round: "Eat, eat, don't talk about work." ”

This meal made my heart mixed, and my father's expectations for me, my own pressure, and the confusion about the future were intertwined, and I was overwhelmed. I know that my dad has high hopes for me, but I also understand that finding a decent job and making more money is not something that can be achieved overnight.

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

In front of the sofa after dinner, we sat together watching TV, and I was lost in thought. Do you continue to push yourself and struggle on the path that Dad is looking forward to, or do you find your true passion and purpose? It's a question that must be answered, and the answer seems to be in the bottom of my heart, waiting for the opportunity to show my dad my true self.

Soon after the dinner began, the atmosphere at home became a little uncomfortable. Dad Liu Wei's eyes stayed on me from time to time, and I could feel the care and expectation he was trying to convey.

"Qiangqiang, I heard that you have a new job?" Dad asked me with a smile as he picked up a bowl of soup.

I nodded, trying my best to answer in a relaxed tone, "Well, yes Dad, I'm still adapting to the new environment." ”

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

"Isn't the new job much better?" Dad continued to ask.

I swallowed, a little nervous: "It's okay, it's slightly better than before." ”

Dad continued to drill the horns without giving up: "You have to give a number, how many are there?" When others ask, I can answer it. ”

"Dad, if you have money or not, don't you all live your life, why bother so much." Mom tried to interrupt the topic, but Dad's eyes didn't take his eyes off me.

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

"Our family is clear, how can we not care? Qiangqiang, you just tell your dad honestly, how much does you earn every month? There was an unmistakable taste in Dad's tone.

I know that my father hopes that I can achieve something in my career, and I understand his feelings of worrying about his face, but there is a faint grievance in his heart. I sighed softly, and my voice was a little low: "Actually, it's not as much as you think, about a little more than 10,000 a month." ”

"More than ten thousand?" Dad's voice revealed mixed emotions and seemed to be digesting the message.

I lowered my head to avoid making eye contact with him: "Yes, Dad." ”

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

"It's true that young people have more opportunities and should earn more." Dad seemed disappointed and tapped lightly on the table.

The atmosphere at the dinner table seemed to freeze for a while, and other topics lost the meaning of continuation. Mom nudged me and motioned me not to pay too much attention. I had to use the meal to distract myself from my embarrassment, but I knew in my heart that the topic was far from over.

For the remainder of the dinner, we avoided touching on this sensitive issue again, but the insincere smiles and rambling chit-chatter didn't hide the unhappiness. After the dinner, I sat alone on the balcony and looked out at the night sky in the distance, and the stars seemed to tell me about the distance between dreams and reality.

As the silence rang out at the dinner table, I felt my father's eyes grow stern. He stared at me for a long time, and finally spoke: "More than ten thousand? That's it? ”

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

I could feel every word piercing my heart like a needle. I was very upset: "Yes, Dad, I know I may not have lived up to your expectations, but I'm trying to improve." ”

Dad probably couldn't help it, and his voice gradually increased: "Hard? What do you say about this salary in our circle of relatives and friends? 'My son is only more than 10,000 a month'? Isn't that a joke? ”

The mother hurriedly interjected to try to ease the atmosphere: "Lao Wei, the child is still young, give him a little time and take his time." ”

But Dad didn't get the effect, on the contrary, he became even more angry: "I worked hard when I was a child, do you think it's easy for me?" I want you to live a better life, our Liu family can't be so unambitious. ”

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

I fell silent, my mind was in turmoil, and I didn't know what to do. I turned out the window, and the night was like ink, as if waiting for the storm to pass. To be honest, I'm sad that even though I've done my best, Dad's eyes always seem to be looking further afield.

Just as the silence was about to fall again, I finally mustered up the courage: "Dad, I know you have expectations for me, but what I am earning now is already a reflection of my current ability." I admit that I still have a lot of room for improvement and I will work hard. But trust me, I'm not running away, I have my plans. ”

Dad looked at me, as if shocked by what I had just said, and for a moment he didn't speak. I could see the mixed emotions in his eyes, pondering my words.

The atmosphere seemed to change a little, and the mother whispered to her father: "Lao Wei, it is not easy for children. ”

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

After a while, Dad sighed: "Qiangqiang, I know you are also working hard, I just hope you can live a better life and not work as hard as me." ”

Hearing this, my eyes were a little hot, and I knew that this strict father, the way he cared about me may be a little direct, but deep down, he was more worried and loving about me. The climax is not over yet, but I believe that as long as we understand each other, any family can overcome these generation gaps and conflicts.

That night, the atmosphere in the house finally quieted down, and I sat alone at my desk in my room, thinking about the conversation I had just had. I knew in my heart that my father's silence was actually giving me space to think. I leaned over and wrote down my future career plans and goals, as well as specific plans for how I would work towards achieving each goal.

I walked to the living room and saw my father, Liu Wei, sitting on the sofa, smoking a cigarette and contemplating something. I plucked up the courage to sit next to him and handed him the plan in my hand: "Dad, here are some thoughts for the future, I know that my current grades are not meeting your expectations, but I am confident that I can do better." ”

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

Dad took the plan, didn't speak, and carefully flipped through the pages one by one. His brow gradually furrowed, and a smile seemed to appear on the corner of his mouth.

I don't know how long it took, my father finally looked up at me, his eyes were full of complicated emotions: "Qiang Qiang, your thoughts are very reasonable, I am old, and I may sometimes be a little out of step with the times." I'm just afraid that you'll suffer, and I hope you're doing well. ”

"Dad, I appreciate your continued teaching and anticipation. I know it's not easy to face reality, but I'm willing to do my best to face it. "I looked at my dad and my heart was filled with determination.

"Well, I trust you." Dad's voice was softer than it had ever been. He gently patted me on the shoulder, and I knew it was his support and recognition.

My father asked me how much my monthly salary was, and I said more than 10,000 yuan, but he said, "It's a shame to say it."

I smiled too, and the big stone in my heart finally landed. I know that the road to success will not be easy, but I also know that as long as I stick to my beliefs and work hard, I will definitely be able to win the glory that my father expects and realize my dreams.

On the evening at the end, we watched TV together as a family, and the content of the show was not so important. Because at this moment, our home has returned to the warmth and harmony of the past, and this harmony contains not only hope for the future, but also understanding and support between us.