
The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

author:Liberty Hawthorn 7L8b

In this old house with deep traces of time, Li Hua lives with her husband and elderly in-laws. The daily repetition of housework, coupled with the careful care of the two elderly people, made her heart become heavier and heavier. This heaviness, and sometimes responsibility, seemed to her to be a commitment to home; Sometimes it's a burden, as if it can crush her at any moment.

The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

"Mom, I'll go to the market today to buy some fish and come back, how about making your favorite braised crucian carp in the evening?" Li Hua said to her mother-in-law who was knitting a sweater.

"Well, every time you make crucian carp, your dad will be very happy." The mother-in-law smiled and agreed.

The father-in-law's voice broke the silence of the room: "Daughter-in-law, is lunch ready?" Wang Ming sat on his favorite sofa, holding a newspaper in his hand, and had no intention of getting up.

"Right now, you sit down for a while." Li Hua couldn't help but sigh, and immediately got up and went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.

The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

The air in the house always seems to be solemn, and whenever Li Hua tries to share her thoughts with her in-laws, those thoughts are always blocked by an invisible wall. The difference in perception between the younger generation and the elder is especially evident in this family. When Li Hua tried to come up with some new way of life, his father-in-law would always oppose it with his traditional ideas.

"Father-in-law, can you please not leave your personal things on the sofa? It's hard to clean. Once, Li Hua plucked up the courage and decided to have a good talk with his father-in-law.

"Ouch, what's the big deal, isn't it just some clutter. Don't make a big fuss, what's wrong with a little trace of life at home, it's all your own people. The father-in-law said disapprehantly, which made Li Hua feel that the wall in his heart was getting thicker and thicker.

Attempts to communicate again and again, but they seem to be separated by an invisible barrier. When her husband came home from work, Li Hua tried to tell him about her troubles, but her husband always seemed to be on his father's side. "You also know my dad's temper, you can take care of it more, it's all a family, there's no need to worry about it so much." The husband tried his best to persuade him, but he didn't bring much comfort to Li Hua.

The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

Whether it is the sound of water brushing pots and dishes in the kitchen, or the rustle of books in the bedroom, these ordinary sounds on weekdays have become irritating in Li Hua's ears. Even the slightest untidyness in the living room would be a source of anxiety for her.

Li Hua, who finished lunch, stood at the door of the kitchen, looking at his father-in-law who was lying on the sofa reading the newspaper across the dining table, and the emotions in his heart were complicated and indescribable. Is it because you are too sensitive, or is the definition of home different in everyone's mind? Do you stick to your guns, or do you try to understand and adapt? Li Hua fell into deep thought.

Time is like a slowly flowing river, quietly imprinting all kinds of traces of life, and in this home, Li Hua is more and more upset about the clutter in the living room. The former beloved living room was occupied by her father-in-law's personal belongings, making her feel like she was spending three meals a day in a clutter pile.

His father-in-law, Wang Ming, sees the corner of the living room as his own comfort zone, enjoying hours on the sofa reading or napping. Every time Li Hua tried to clean up the table, he would encounter his father-in-law's complaints: "Can't you let me sit in peace for a while?" My stuff was there and it didn't get in your way. ”

The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

Despite this, Li Hua couldn't help but speak again: "Father-in-law, this living room is a public space for everyone, can you..."

"I just like to be casual and have personality." Her father-in-law interrupted her and continued to bury his head in his own world, as if everything around him had nothing to do with him.

When her husband returned from work, he felt a hint of disharmony, and he took the slippers handed to him by his father-in-law, hesitating where to put them. "Why is there such a mess here? Huahua, why don't you clean it up? ”

"It's not that you don't know your dad's habits, and I'm not happy every time I clean him up." Li Hua replied softly.

The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

"I understand, but this is home, and there must be a home." Although the husband is mild-mannered, he is at a loss between his father-in-law and his wife.

Time gradually added weight to the problem, and whenever Li Hua and her husband discussed how to deal with the problem, the conversation between the two always ended abruptly after a cough from her father-in-law. Li Hua knew in his heart that just as those miscellaneous things occupied the living room, the sense of existence of his father-in-law also occupied their marriage and family life.

After a dinner, Li Hua decided to make a change, she picked up her father-in-law's belongings and tried to put them in order. Father-in-law's face turned pale: "What are you messing with my things?" ”

"Father-in-law, you're not the only one in the family, I just want to..."

The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

"I'll take care of my own home, you don't have to worry about it!" My father-in-law's consistent strength made the air in the entire living room seem to freeze.

Li Hua stood there helplessly, watching his father-in-law pick up his things and return to his original appearance. I can't help but wonder if I really don't fit into this home, maybe everyone has their own interpretation of the boundaries and rules of the home, but under the same roof, mutual respect and concession are essential.

The tense atmosphere gradually heated up, and Li Hua's heart began to rebel against all this, but at this time she didn't know that this rebellion would soon turn into a huge family conflict.

After finishing the housework, Li Hua planned to take a nap on the sofa in the living room. She felt relieved to clean up the table and clean up the mess after eating. But when she walked into the living room, the unhappiness in her heart came suddenly, because the scene in front of her was very different from her expectations.

The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

Father-in-law Wang Ming was lying comfortably on the sofa, with a newspaper on the back of the sofa chair that had been folded out of shape, an uncovered teacup at his feet, and even the remote control was scattered on the carpet. This scene touched Li Hua's nerves, and she felt that the warm word home was being ignored and trampled on at the moment.

"Father-in-law, please get up, I'm going to clean up the sofa." Li Hua tried to suppress his anger and disappointment, and his tone remained as calm as possible.

Wang Ming glanced at Li Hua and snorted impatiently: "I'm feeling comfortable now, can't you wait a while?" Is this sofa yours alone? ”

Li Hua couldn't bear it anymore, and her voice began to rise: "Father-in-law, I know that this is your home, but please also respect others." You can choose to leave it alone, but your actions affect everyone. The sofa is a place for everyone to rest, not your personal bedroom. ”

The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

"You're teaching me a lesson?" Father-in-law Wang Ming's eyes showed displeasure, and his voice also raised, "How comfortable do I want to come in my own home, how old are you?" ”

The quarrel between the two echoed throughout the room in an instant, and Li Hua's mood was like a long-suppressed volcano finally erupting, and all the grievances and grievances turned into-for-tat words. "I respect you, but I also hope that you will understand me and understand us. Yes, you are free in your own home, but you also need to take into account everyone's feelings. I'm very tired from the current living situation, and home shouldn't be like this. ”

Wang Ming didn't understand Li Hua's appeal, he became even more angry, and his voice became higher and higher: "I've seen a lot, you young people just hate the older generation." We worked hard to bring you up, but in the end we got this attitude. ”

The atmosphere became more and more tense, the air seemed to be filled with the smell of gunpowder, and the argument between the two filled the whole house with an unpleasant atmosphere. Li Hua did not back down, she was determined to express her position, even if this quarrel did not have a happy ending, she did not want her emotions to be ignored and buried.

The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

In the end, the heated argument did not bring any solution to the problem, and the father-in-law Wang Ming was still displeased, and Li Hua could only admit that this time the communication ended in failure. Both were puzzled by each other's position, and an indescribably dull atmosphere hung over the room.

After the fierce quarrel, there was a brief silence in the living room, and the father-in-law Wang Ming returned to his room with displeasure, while Li Hua sat quietly on the sofa, recalling every word just now. At this moment, her mood is extremely complicated, and the depression in her heart makes her feel suffocated, but she seems to be touched and thought about from this dispute.

Li Hua began to reflect, what made this family so tense, and what made the gap between the two sides so far-reaching? She began to understand that conflicts at home could not be resolved overnight, and that it required deep understanding and sincere communication from everyone.

One morning a few days later, Li Hua got up early, looking at her sleeping husband and the quiet house, her heart gradually calmed down. Home has a different meaning for everyone, but harmony is based on mutual respect and understanding. She decided that she would not give up and that she would try to break the silence and find a new solution.

The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

At a family dinner not long after, Li Hua tried to change her previous way of coping, patiently listening to her father-in-law's recounting of the past, smiling and interjecting. While that didn't immediately ease the tension between the two, she thought it was a good start.

One night, his father-in-law, Wang Ming, sat on the sofa in the living room, with those miscellaneous items at hand. Li Hua took a deep breath and stepped forward: "Father-in-law, if you want, I can help you clean up these things more neatly." ”

The father-in-law looked at her from the sofa, was silent for a while, and then whispered, "Maybe I'm really a little too stubborn, you can help me tidy it up." ”

At that moment, Li Hua saw hope, although his father-in-law's attitude was not a complete change, it was also a positive signal. She understands that harmony between the two generations requires more patience and experimentation, and it is necessary to let go of their shackles and have more understanding and communication.

The woman's family lives with her in-laws, and her father-in-law is lying on the sofa in the living room

Over time, the atmosphere of the home gradually improved. Li Hua found that as long as everyone can take a step back from their own position, the common life will be more harmonious.

Eventually, through constant efforts, the cold war state at home was gradually replaced by a warm atmosphere. On a sunny afternoon, her father-in-law took the initiative to organize his things in an orderly manner, and Li Hua saw the possibility of a harmonious family, and she believed that through unremitting efforts, the home would eventually become a real haven.

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