
Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?

author:Kankan popular science

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There are always some things that cannot be avoided in the life of human beings, such as birth, birth, old age, sickness and death.

For the last stage of life, death, different cultures and religions have their own unique ways of burial. Among the many funeral methods, cremation is widely used as a relatively common method, and in recent years, with the enhancement of people's awareness of environmental protection, some new funeral methods have gradually attracted attention, including ice burial and human composting.

When discussing the pros and cons of different funeral methods, we have to mention the theory of ecological cycle.

Ecological cycle is an important concept in ecology, which reveals the law of continuous recycling of matter and energy in nature, and in this circular system, decay plays a vital role.

What exactly is the ecological cycle? Why should we pay attention to rot? In the funeral method, how to understand and practice the concept of ecological cycle?

Let's explore this topic together.

Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?
Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?

1. Ecological Circulation: Nature's Way of "Recycling".

Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?

# 1. The concept of ecological cycles

Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?

Ecological cycle, as the name suggests, refers to the process of continuous recycling of matter and energy in an ecosystem. In this process, various organisms and environmental elements interact and depend on each other to maintain the stable operation of the entire ecosystem.

In order to realize the ecological cycle, it is necessary to have the participation of various organisms and environmental elements, as well as the predation, symbiosis, parasitism and other relationships between various organisms, so as to achieve the effective recycling of materials and energy.

Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?

# 2. Types of ecological cycles

Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?

The ecological cycle mainly includes two aspects: material cycle and energy flow, among which the material cycle can be subdivided into water cycle, carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, etc. These cyclical processes are intertwined and mutually influencing each other, and together constitute a complex and vast ecological circulation system.

In this system, decay, as one of the important links in the biological cycle, is even more crucial.

# 3. Decay: an indispensable link in the ecological cycle

Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?

Decay refers to the process by which organic matter is broken down by microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria, also known as "biodegradation". In the ecological cycle, all kinds of dead leaves and dead trees, animal and plant corpses and other organic matter can be converted into inorganic salts, water and carbon dioxide and other substances after decay and decomposition, and re-enter the material cycle of nature, providing nutrients for plant growth and maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.

Without decay, the organic matter in the ecosystem cannot be effectively recycled, the growth and reproduction of various organisms will be affected, and the entire ecosystem will even collapse as a result.

The importance of seeing decay as the embodiment of "recycling" in nature cannot be overstated.

Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?

2. Cremation: the "invisible killer" of resource waste?

# 1. Cremation: A "conventional" form of burial

Among the funeral methods of human beings, cremation can be said to be a relatively "conventional" choice, especially in the mainland, under the influence of traditional cultures such as Buddhism and Taoism, cremation has become one of the mainstream funeral methods.

In the process of cremation, the body will be burned into ashes, and the ashes will be reburied, which is believed to be "beyond the dead" and "liberating the body", which is a kind of respect and mourning for the deceased.

# 2. Waste of resources behind cremation

With the continuous growth of the population and the depletion of resources, scientists have begun to gradually rethink the traditional funeral method of cremation, and they have found that the heat released during the cremation process is extremely large, and these heat energy is actually from the energy of living organisms, which can help the material cycle of the ecosystem, but it is directly released into the atmosphere, causing a "waste" of energy.

# 3. The Law of Entropy Increase: Cremation and the Ecological Cycle "Run Counter"

This involves an important law in thermodynamics – the law of entropy increase. The law of increasing entropy states that the entropy value in any closed system does not decrease, and that nature can be seen as a huge "open system" in which energy and matter can be exchanged freely, and the entropy of nature as a whole is constantly increasing.

In this process, the decay of organic matter and the release of heat by cremation seem to contradict the law of entropy increase. In fact, the law of entropy increase requires an increase in the entropy of the whole system, not all small processes need to "increase entropy", and the decay of organic matter can provide energy for other organisms, which is a process that is conducive to the increase of entropy of the entire ecosystem, which meets the requirements of the law of entropy increase.

In contrast, although the heat released by cremation can increase the temperature of the atmosphere, it is difficult to be used effectively, but it will exacerbate the global warming effect, which will have a certain impact on the ecosystem and human society.

Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?

3. Ice burial: a "fresh" choice for returning to nature?

# 1. Ice burial: a type of funeral in the "snowy plateau".

Compared with cremation, ice burial can be said to be a "fresh and refined" funeral method, which originated in Tibet and is considered a "back-to-nature" option due to the influence of the local climate and religious beliefs. During ice burial, the body is cut into small pieces and placed on the "celestial burial platform" on the plateau, where the birds "eat" it between the blue sky and white clouds, and the "excess" is completed through the process of scavenging.

# 2. The "zero waste" concept of ice burial

In addition to the unique funeral rituals, there is a unique concept of "zero waste" behind the ice burial.

In ice burial, the body is not directly "processed", but separated from the organic matter through the action of natural decay and scavengers, and the organic matter is digested and absorbed by the scavengers, and eventually converted into inorganic matter and reintegrated into the material cycle of nature.

Ice burial fully respects the role of decay in the ecological cycle, allowing the body to "return to nature", realizing the "zero damage" of the ecological cycle, and meeting the requirements of the law of entropy increase, which is a very environmentally friendly and sustainable funeral method.

Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?

4. Human compost: a "new beginning" for life

# 1. Human Composting: Giving back the "source of life" to the earth

In addition to ice burial, human composting is also a new type of funeral method that has attracted much attention in recent years. In human composting, the remains are composted with organic matter such as sawdust and straw, and through the decomposition of microorganisms, the remains are gradually converted into organic fertilizer, which can provide nutrients for plant growth.

This funeral method gives back to the earth the "source of life", allowing the deceased to be "reborn" in another form, and also allowing relatives and friends to get closer to nature in the process of mourning, and feel the subtle cycle between life and death, parting and reunion.

# 2. The social significance of human composting

Human composting not only has a positive impact on the environment, but also has a profound impact on society. It challenges people's traditional notions of death and funeral, makes people think more deeply about the meaning of life and the relationship between life and nature, and also provides a new way to solve the problem of "cemetery shortage" in cities.

Human composting is not only a funeral method, but also an exploration of the meaning of life, nature, society and other aspects, which opens a "new starting point" for us and leads mankind to a more profound road to ecological civilization.

Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?

5. How to choose the right funeral method?

At present, people have a more diversified and open understanding of funeral methods, and they also pay more attention to the combination of funeral methods and ecological environmental protection. When choosing the right funeral method, we can think and refer to the following aspects:

# 1. Consider all aspects of the equation

When choosing a funeral method, we can comprehensively consider many factors such as resource utilization, environmental impact, cultural traditions, as well as the wishes of the deceased before his death, and choose the method that best meets the actual situation and inner needs.

# 2. Embrace new ideas and innovative approaches

We can also appropriately accept new funeral concepts and embrace innovative funeral methods, such as ice burial, human composting, etc., which may bring us new thinking and experience, and also make us more deeply feel the ecological cycle and the miracle of life.

# 3. Treat and practice ecological funeral scientifically

Whether it is a traditional funeral method or an innovative funeral method, we can feel the mystery of the ecological cycle, and we should also look at and practice ecological funeral with a scientific attitude, whether it is decay, cremation or other ways, we can become a part of the ecological cycle and make our own meager contribution to the ecological balance and resource cycle of the earth.

Is human cremation too wasteful? All living things will be ecologically cycled after death, and cremation breaks the laws of nature?


Life is a wonderful journey, and in the last journey of life, no matter what kind of funeral method you choose, it contains awe for life and deep affection for the deceased.

Ecological cycle is the most precious gift given to us by nature, and it is also the most profound blessing we give to life.

I hope that in the future life story, we can know how to respect and cherish life more, practice the concept of ecological civilization, and let life and life, in the cycle of life and death, bloom with eternal light.

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