
Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

author:Jiang Hongyan

The iPhone 13 was released, and this time it still doesn't use fast charging. However, some domestic flagships, such as iQOO 8 Pro and Xiaomi MIX4, have long used 120W fast charging, and the wireless charging strength of these phones is also good. Do you think the iPhone 13 is too crotch-pulling compared to domestic flagships? Do you think it's necessary to fast charge your iPhone?

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Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

The real sharing of netizens below is simply an eye-opener for me

Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

How did you pull the pink pants off?

Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

Apple is really good at making money, leaving some shortcomings in each generation of products, and the next generation will upgrade a little bit and squeeze toothpaste? Money-making geniuses. Every time I use something from apples, I get

Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

I don't give you a fast charge and you buy it, why should I give you a fast charge for no reason?

Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

As long as it's an apple, it's fragrant like, and these people can always find the most appropriate reason to comfort themselves, and turn around and fight back against all those who disagree with them with the most awesome angle and vision. And once this object is replaced by a domestic friend, no matter how good it is, even if it doesn't take long, Apple will do the same. They can still find a more suitable reason to paralyze themselves, and they really can't say it, so let's say: Lao Tzu's own money, you can spend it how you want, can you manage it? Yes, you are all awesome, and you have finished talking about the positive and negative things, so we will watch the fun

Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

It's Ren Zhengfei, Meng Wanzhou, and Yao Anna who are spoiled by Apple, and it's these tolerant users who have to lick Apple, even if Apple comes out with those junk phones and tablets

Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

All technologies that China has or advanced points must not need to be researched and the technical content is extremely low, and foreigners disdain to waste R&D funds. All foreign or advanced technologies must be indispensable and sophisticated, and China cannot understand them.

Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

It's not that I'm targeting any manufacturer, wireless charging is a waste of electricity to create electromagnetic pollution and waste heat

Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

It's numb, and you have to be grateful to be a consumer

Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

Apple engineers are on the way, everything is for safety, how can security considerations be for the sake of money

Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

Fruit powder: Fast charging harmful battery, 20w is not unusable, I am afraid that the battery will be charged.

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Domestic mobile phones have already used 120W fast charging technology, why Apple still insists on using 20W slow charging

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