
If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

author:A fish on the island


If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

Perspective is a very common concept in people's daily lives.

The angle of view refers to the angle between the edge of the object and the observer, and its size is related to the size and distance of the object itself.

The viewing angle is an important way for people to perceive the size and distance of an object, and it is very intuitive to feel how large an object is relative to the observer.

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

In the field of astronomical observation, the perspective is also a very important concept, different planets are at different distances from the earth, so when the planet is placed in different positions, its perspective will be different, which has a great impact on the visual effect of visual observation of the planet.

So in the solar system, if we put the planets in orbit around the moon, what would these planets look like on Earth?

What kind of visual impact will it bring us?

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

1. The perspective of the moon.

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, so the closest planet to the Earth is the Wood Ball.

On Earth, the size of the moon is very obvious, whether it is cloudy or sunny, as long as the sky at night is not covered by clouds, you can clearly see the figure of the moon.

However, it is also a natural satellite of the earth, and the moon is not able to emit light on its own like the earth, but is a cold light body, so the luminosity of the moon's figure in the night sky is also limited.

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

Because of the luminosity, the brightness of the moon is not as great as that of the sun, nor is it as big as the planets, and even some stars are brighter than the moon, so people can look at each other directly with the naked eye without harming their eyesight.

The view of the Moon in the night sky is very intuitive, especially during the full moon, when the moon is brightest and can be seen directly, so the perspective of the moon is also the largest at this time.

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

In astronomy, the angle of view is measured in terms of angles, usually in the form of °, and human visual abilities are very limited, so the angles are usually relatively small.

The smallest angle that the human eye can perceive is 1′, which is 1 minute, and 1° has a total of 60′, so the 1′ angle is a very small angle, equivalent to about 1/3600th of the circumference.

The angle of view of the moon at the time of the full moon can reach about 0.52°, and since 1° is equal to 60′, 0.52° is equal to 31.2′, which means that at the time of the full moon, people see the size of the moon about 31 minutes in 1 degree.

And how big is the angle of 0.52° and the size of what we usually see?

In order to understand more intuitively, you can find some more common things in daily life to compare.

Common angles that are easy to understand are the angles of the fingers, as well as those that are conspicuously marked.

For example, the fingernails of a thumb are about 1′, the angle of a chair on a balcony is about 1°, the angle of the sides of the fingers is about 2°, and the angle of the nails of two fingers is about 5°.

Thus, the angle of view of the moon at the full moon will be approximately equal to the angle of the nails of 11 fingers, or the angle of 2 chairs on the balcony, or twice the angle of 4 chairs on the sun.

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

Through this comparison, we can intuitively feel the size of the perspective of the moon when it is full, so how big is its perspective with other planets in the solar system?

To feel this, we can place all the other planets in the orbit of the moon and calculate their perspectives.

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

2. Calculation of viewing angles.

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

The approximate distance between the Moon and the Earth is 3.8410^5km, while the average distance from the Sun to the Earth is 1.510^8km, so the angle of view of the Moon on Earth can be calculated using the following formula:

where θ is the magnitude of the viewing angle, d1 is the distance between the Earth and the Moon, and d2 is the distance between the Sun and the Earth.

Bringing d1=3.8410^5km and d2=1.510^8km into the formula to calculate, we get:

Therefore, the angle of view of the Moon at the time of the Full Moon is about 0.52°.

When Mercury is placed in the Moon's orbit, the distance from Mercury to the Sun is 5.810^7km, so the viewing angle can be calculated using the following formula:

D1=3.8410^5km and d2=5.810^7km are brought into the formula to calculate:

So put Mercury in the orbit of the Moon with an angle of about 0.73°.

When placing Venus in the orbit of the Moon, the viewing angle can be calculated using the following formula:

D1=3.8410^5km and D2=1.08*10^8km are brought into the formula to calculate:

So place Venus in the orbit of the Moon with an angle of about 1.8°.

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

When placing Mars in orbit around the Moon, the distance from Mars to the Sun is 2.2810^8km, so the viewing angle can be calculated using the following formula:

D1=3.8410^5km and D2=2.2810^8km are brought into the formula to calculate:

So put Mars in the orbit of the Moon with an angle of about 3.7°.

When placing Jupiter in the orbit of the Moon, the distance from Jupiter to the Sun is 7.7810^8km, so the viewing angle can be calculated using the following formula:

D1=3.8410^5km and D2=7.7810^8km are brought into the formula to calculate:

So placing Jupiter in the orbit of the Moon will have an angle of view of 20°.

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

When Saturn is placed in the orbit of the Moon, the distance from Saturn to the Sun is 14.510^8km, so the viewing angle can be calculated using the following formula:

D1=3.8410^5km, D2=14.5*10^8km are brought into the formula to calculate:

So placing Saturn in the orbit of the Moon, the viewing angle will reach 17 °.

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

When Uranus is placed in the orbit of the Moon, the distance from Uranus to the Sun is 28.7510^8km, so the viewing angle can be calculated using the following formula:

D1=3.8410^5km, D2=28.75*10^8km are brought into the formula to calculate:

So placing Uranus in the orbit of the Moon will give you an angle of view of 7.52°.

If you put the eight planets of the solar system on the moon, how big will they be on the earth?

When placing Neptune in the orbit of the Moon, the distance from Neptune to the Sun is 45.810^8km, so the viewing angle can be calculated using the following formula:

D1=3.8410^5km and D2=45.810^8km are brought into the formula to calculate:

So placing Neptune in the orbit of the Moon will have an angle of view of 7.3°.

When Pluto is placed in the orbit of the Moon, the distance from Pluto to the Sun is changing, but on average it is 59.810^8km, so the viewing angle can be calculated using the following formula:

D1=3.8410^5km and d2=59.810^8km are brought into the formula to calculate:

So placing Pluto in the orbit of the Moon, the angle of view will be slightly less than 3°.

As a dwarf planet, Pluto's perspective at this time is very small, even less than one-tenth of the perspective of the Full Moon.

3. Comparison of perspectives.

Through the above calculations, it is not difficult to find that the maximum angle of view of the Moon on Earth is 0.52°, while among the other planets of the solar system, Mercury has the smallest angle of view of 0.73°, which is 1.4 times the angle of view of the Full Moon.

Venus has an angle of about 1.8° in lunar orbit, which is 3.5 times the angle of view of the Full Moon, and Mars has an angle of about 3.7° in lunar orbit, which is 7 times the perspective of the Full Moon.

Jupiter's angle in the Moon's orbit will reach 20°, which is 40 times that of the Full Moon, and Saturn's angle in the Moon's orbit will be about 17°, which is 33 times that of the Full Moon.

Uranus has an angle of about 7.52° in lunar orbit, which is 14.5 times the perspective of the Full Moon, and Neptune has an angle of 7.3° in the lunar orbit, which is 14 times the perspective of the Full Moon, while Pluto's perspective is only two-thirds the size of the Full Moon.

In the solar system, each planet has a unique size and perspective, and when placed in different positions, people can see a variety of visual scenes.

If every planet were a giant ball, what would it look like when they were all placed in orbit around the Moon?

Visually, these planets will not exist exactly like spheres, but rather shiny objects, so they will appear as a relatively bright ring, surrounded by a faint layer of light, and it is not difficult to imagine how much more these planets will appear to be seen by Earth.

This bizarre sight has also been explored in the past, and it has even been thought to be a meteorite that portends disaster, causing panic and anxiety to people.


Artistic imagination combined with scientific computing can present a very brilliant presentation while stimulating people's infinite curiosity and imagination about the universe.

The Moon is the only natural satellite on Earth, and it also presents a very magical sight to people.

By calculating the perspectives of planets in different positions, it can help people better understand the scale and distance of celestial bodies in the universe, and at the same time show the divine and spectacular scenes in the universe.

It is this wonder and spectacle that attracts the curiosity and exploration of scientists.

By comparing and analyzing the perspectives of the planets of the solar system in the orbit of the moon, we can enhance people's understanding and awareness of the scale and relative position of celestial bodies in the universe, and expand our understanding of the beauty of the universe.