
The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating


In Beijing at the end of spring, the grass is getting thicker and the shadows of the trees are waving. Li Hua sighed and returned to this nest that he once felt full of reverie. The atmosphere at home seems to be out of place in this beautiful season. Since his wife, Wang Wei, resigned from her position as a nurse at the People's Hospital, there has been no peace at home.

"Weiwei, look at this durian, it's a bit hard for us to pull it home, do you really need so much?" Li Hua panted as he struggled to put the heavy durian in the kitchen.

"Of course I do, my fans are waiting for me to make a series of videos of durian feasts!" Wang Wei's face was full of excitement, as if she had forgotten the tense financial situation at home.

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

"But Vivi, look at our consumption bill this month." Li Hua frowned and took out a piece of paper, "This month, you bought more than 3,000 durian lotuses, and we don't have a fixed income now, how can we go on like this?" ”

Wang Wei waved her hand disapprerovingly, "Li Hua, can't you support me?" This is investment, do you know how popular Internet celebrities are right now? As long as I make features and have more fans, making money is not a problem! ”

"Oh, if it's so easy to make money, are there still poor people in the world? You work so steadily in the hospital, why do you have to ......" Li Hua's voice did not fall, and was interrupted by Wang Wei.

"Stop! Don't teach me to do things! I'm tired and I want to pursue my dreams, you know? Wang Wei looked a little excited, with tears in her eyes.

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

Li Hua didn't speak again, turned around and walked to the living room, he was helpless about this scene many times. Wang Wei always likes to make a pitiful appearance at the end of every fierce quarrel, and he can only give in every time. The atmosphere in the house became heavier and heavier in the silence.

He turned on the TV and tried to dilute the depression with the laughter of the entertainment program, but he couldn't laugh. Wang Wei continued to be busy in the room, filming her Internet celebrity videos, and from time to time the room came the script she spoke to the camera, as well as the sound of props.

It was getting late, Li Hua turned off the TV, he looked out the window, the city lights flickered at night, he imagined the warm dinner time of other families at the moment, and he had an indescribable sense of loss in this home.

At dinner time, Wang Wei finally came out of the room. Seeing a few small dishes cooked by Li Hua at the table, she bowed slightly, "I'm a little tired today, I don't want to shoot, so let's eat early." ”

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

Li Hua didn't speak, and silently picked up the tableware. At the dinner table, there was very little conversation between the two, and Li Hua's worries and disappointments were filled with a mouthful of food, but he didn't seem to be able to fill the hollowness in his heart.

After dinner, Wang Wei suddenly said when she was washing the dishes, "Are you angry with me?" Wang Wei had foam in her hands, and when she heard this, her hands moved.

"It's not that I'm angry, I'm worried," Li Hua's voice was low, "The expenses are getting bigger and bigger day by day, do you know, our savings are almost bottoming out now!" ”

Wang Wei frowned, "I know, but I ......"

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

"But what? You know now isn't the time to have fun! I can understand you chasing dreams, but the reality is here, we need money to live! Li Hua's voice was slightly angry, which was rare seriousness and directness in their conversation during this time.

Wang Wei was silent for a moment, "I've thought about it too, but it's not easy to find a job now, especially for a middle-aged woman like me." ”

"You're only thirty-four, you have professional skills, and it's not difficult to find a job again." Li Hua's tone softened a little, "We have to be realistic, at least until your internet celebrity life stabilizes." ”

"Then you think it's unrealistic for me to do this?" Wang Wei's voice became a little sharp, "I can feel that as long as I persist, there will always be a reward!" ”

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

"Your feelings ......" Li Hua rubbed his forehead helplessly, "Weiwei, families are not maintained by feelings alone. What we want is a stable life, not an unrealistic fantasy. ”

The conversation between the two was abruptly interrupted, and an indescribable silence filled the air. Wang Wei stared at Li Hua, her eyes mixed with persistence and uneasiness.

A few days later, Wang Wei once again held her mobile phone and excitedly introduced the benefits and food practices of durian to the camera. Her video views are on the rise, but at the same time, her neglect of her family is on the rise. Li Hua took on more housework, and his anxiety grew in tandem with his daily exhaustion.

"Dad, why does Mom always take pictures with her phone?" Xiaobao came back from school and saw that her mother was busy with her Internet celebrity life again, and asked suspiciously.

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

Li Hua squatted down and gently touched Xiaobao's head, "Mom is doing what she likes, you know that we all have to support her, right?" ”

Xiaobao nodded, but his eyes revealed the child's unique incomprehension and confusion.

Wang Wei's hard work seems to have paid off, and one of her durian videos has gone viral, attracting many fans and likes. However, the neglect and alienation during this period made Li Hua feel that the estrangement between husband and wife was deepening day by day.

Finally one day, Li Hua stood in front of Wang Wei, with resoluteness and helplessness in his eyes, and his voice could no longer hide the anxiety in his heart: "Weiwei, we need to talk." ”

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

Wang Wei stopped what she was doing and looked up at him.

"It's time for something to change." Li Hua breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to have made up his mind, "The burden of the family can't fall on just one person, you need to go out to work again." ”

"Work?" Wang Wei's reaction seemed to be a little impulsive, "You mean, give up my Internet celebrity career?" ”

"It's not about giving up, it's about both." "You can continue with your dreams, but at the same time we need a stable income to cover the basic expenses of the family. ”

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

The conversation between the two entered a stalemate again, but this time, Li Hua's attitude was extremely resolute. Wang Wei was surprised to find that this time Li Hua's eyes were full of determination, and his mind had been decided. This usually gentle man finally broke out under the weight of the family. After a period of time, the family's savings continued to decrease, and Li Hua could no longer avoid the family's practical problems. He sighed deeply at the front of a new bill, the number filling his heart with anxiety.

Li Hua decided to face this problem, and he found Wang Wei with the bill. "Weiwei, you see, this is the cost of this month." His tone was as calm as possible, "We've used up most of our savings, and if we continue like this, we'll be in trouble soon." ”

Wang Wei looked at the bill, her face was a little pale, but she quickly returned to normal. "I know it's bad, but I've got more fans now, haven't I? Isn't there any value in these efforts? She tried to defend herself.

"No matter how many fans there are, they can't support our family!" Li Hua's voice raised slightly, "We need real money, not numbers in the virtual world!" ”

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

Wang Wei was silent, it was obvious that she knew that it would be impossible to sustain this. "And what do you mean?" Wang Wei asked uncertainly.

"I mean it very simply." Li Hua calmed down, "You need to go out and find a job, even if it's part-time, we can't just rely on my salary." ”

Wang Wei's face was full of disappointment and anger, "So you're here to force me to give up my dream?" ”

"It's not about giving up on our dreams, it's about our family." Li Hua said firmly, "The reality is here, and we need to face it." ”

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

"I know...... I know the cruelty of reality. Wang Wei finally deflated, "But if I go to work, then how can I have time to continue my video?" ”

"Together, we can figure out how to coordinate." Li Hua proposed a solution, "I can help you edit the video, and you can have more time in the evening." ”

But Wang Wei's heart wall seems to have been knocked to pieces, "Do you really think that if you change the video, the situation will change?" Li Hua, why can't you believe that I will succeed! ”

"I've always supported you, but support doesn't mean blindness." Li Hua felt unprecedentedly tired, "If you are so persistent, then you can support your family!" ”

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

This sentence is like a stone thrown into a calm lake, stirring up thousands of waves. Wang Wei was stunned, her eyes full of incredulity.

"I'm raising a family?" Her voice was almost screaming, "Am I dreaming? How can you say that? ”

"I'm tired, Vivi." Li Hua's voice was almost choked, "I also have my dreams, and I also want to pursue an ideal life." But I let go, for the sake of this family, for the sake of our children. ”

Wang Wei stood there, and Li Hua's words were like a hammer hitting her heart. She realizes her selfishness, and realizes that her so-called dream chasing is built on the sacrifice of the whole family.

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

The relationship between them reached an impasse in the conflict at this peak. Wang Wei didn't know what to do, and Li Hua also felt exhausted. That night, neither of them spoke again, and the atmosphere in the home could no longer return to the warmth and harmony of the past. The crescent moon hung lightly in the night sky, and the sky outside the window was silent. In the room, Wang Wei sat quietly on the edge of the bed, facing the silence alone. Li Hua's words are like clear marks, lingering in his heart.

Wang Wei began to reflect on what she had done during this time, and she began to understand Li Hua's hard work and helplessness. Yes, when did she put her dreams above family harmony?

Thinking of this, she walked gently to the living room and saw Li Hua lying on the sofa, his eyes closed and his face tired. Wang Wei sat on the edge of the sofa and said softly, "Li Hua, wake up." ”

Li Hua slowly opened his eyes and was a little surprised to see his wife's expression. "Weiwei, why aren't you sleeping yet?"

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

"I'm thinking about us." Wang Wei bit her lip, "I figured it out, family is the most important." ”

Li Hua sat up, with a bit of complexity in his eyes, "It's so late, is it necessary for us to talk?" ”

Wang Wei nodded seriously, "I want to apologize to you for ignoring the real needs of our family. ”

Li Hua didn't speak, his eyes were fixed on Wang Wei.

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

"I want to go back to work." Wang Wei's voice became more determined, "I will also try to maintain my little dream, but I will not let it affect our lives anymore." ”

When Li Hua heard this, he seemed to let go of the boulder in his heart. "Are you sure?" He asked tentatively.

Wang Wei smiled softly, "I'm sure." We all made some concessions and found a balance that we could all accept. ”

Li Hua shook Wang Wei's hand, "Then there is hope for this family." ”

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

In that quiet night, the two rebuilt the trust between them through a sincere and profound conversation. They reached a new agreement whereby Wang Wei worked during the day and devoted her evenings and weekends to her internet celebrity life. Li Hua is also willing to help her with video clips on weekends to ease her burden.

Wang Wei's gaze became firm and gentle again, and the harmony of the family seemed to be gradually re-established. Li Hua gently hugged her, looking at the morning light slowly climbing outside the window, and his heart was full of hope.

"Vivi, can we start over?" Li Hua asked in a low voice.

Wang Wei got into his arms and closed his eyes, "Of course we can." Her voice was so small that it was barely audible.

The woman doesn't go to work to buy durian 3 times a week, her husband is disheartened and asks her to support the family, and the conversation between the two is suffocating

The morning light spreads out in the house, and the family's life is gradually back on track. Since then, they have found a new rhythm in their work and life, supporting each other and moving forward hand in hand.

On the cornerstone of family harmony, who says that you can't not protect the warm nest and chase your own rainbow?

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