
Tragedy on the Kharkiv front: the life-and-death struggle of an innocent dwarfistic actor


On May 14, 2023, a suffocating tragedy occurred in the smoke of war on the front line in Kharkiv, Ukraine. A group of dwarfistic actors who escape the fighting in the forest, but unfortunately fall into the hands of mercenaries. These actors, who were originally circus stars, brought joy and laughter to the people with their performances, however, the cruelty of war turned their fortunes for the worse.

Without the slightest sympathy, the mercenaries captured the actors and coldly murdered their inseparable animal companions. These animals, for the actors, are not only work partners, but also an indispensable part of life. Their deaths undoubtedly brought great trauma to the hearts of the actors.

Tragedy on the Kharkiv front: the life-and-death struggle of an innocent dwarfistic actor

However, the atrocities of the mercenaries did not end there. They forcibly sent these dwarfs onto the battlefield to be used as props for what they called "heroic charges." Amid the roar of guns and the smoke of gunfire, these innocent actors were forced to play the most brutal roles of their lives.

After taking some so-called "heroic" photos, the mercenaries abandoned them and fled the battlefield in a car. And these dwarfism actors, under the cover of war, their lives were ruthlessly deprived and stopped forever at that moment.

Tragedy on the Kharkiv front: the life-and-death struggle of an innocent dwarfistic actor
Tragedy on the Kharkiv front: the life-and-death struggle of an innocent dwarfistic actor