
After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

author:home and dispute shop

On an ordinary weekend afternoon, Li Guohua sat on a rattan chair by the window, looking at the pear blossoms in the courtyard through reading glasses, slightly stunned. The sun of this spring day was gentle, gently shining on the back of his slightly spotted hand. Next to her, Li Xiuying was holding an old magazine, but she couldn't read it, and her eyes unconsciously drifted to the other room, which was Li Ming's room, quietly, just like Li Ming's life and their expectations.

"You see, this kid has been in his room all day, and he doesn't know what he's doing." Li Xiuying sighed and put the magazine on the coffee table.

Li Guohua shook his head lightly, "My son is old and has his own world, and we can't take care of it." ”

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

"Hey, these days, other children have careers and families, our family is ......" Li Xiuying shook her head, feeling a little disappointed and sad.

At this time, Li Ming pushed the door and walked out, his hair was a little messy, he was wearing a casual loungewear, and his eyes revealed a faint clarity.

"Dad, Mom, I'll go buy some groceries and cook you a good meal in the evening." Li Ming said with a smile, with a rare light in the corners of his eyes.

Li Xiuying was stunned for a moment, and then there was a hint of love in her eyes, "Okay, then mom is waiting for your dishes." ”

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

"Don't buy too much, we won't be able to eat either." Li Guohua reminded, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

Li Ming went out, his back was a little lonely, but his steps were firm. Outside the courtyard, he walked through the familiar alley, his shadow reflected in the walls covered with traces of time, and every step seemed to tell of a kind of perseverance.

Li Xiuying looked at his back, and unconsciously felt a wave in her heart: "Perhaps, our worries about him are superfluous, every child has his own sky." ”

"yes." Li Guohua sighed, "We only hope that he can be happy, and everything else is outside his body." ”

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

A couple who spend decades raising their children only to find that they may have overlooked the truest and most important emotional details in this so-called measure of success and failure. And Li Ming, this seemingly unsuccessful son, inadvertently wrote his life story in his own way.

The sunset was shining, and at the dinner table, Li Ming made a few home-cooked side dishes, and the atmosphere was warm and comfortable. The family sits together, although there is no wine and meat, but there is endless home-cooked water.

After the meal, Li Guohua patted Li Ming's shoulder, "Son, my parents are old, and I will rely on you in the future." ”

Li Ming smiled, "Dad, Mom, don't worry, there is a son." ”

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

Perhaps, the warmth of family affection does not lie in the success or not, but in the simplicity and tranquility of this family, the unspoken but consistent companionship.

Time is like a slowly flowing river, inadvertently taking away the colors of the seasons, and also invisibly changing every corner of Li Guohua's home. Li Ming, the youngest son of the family, has never made any earth-shattering achievements, but he has always undertaken the trivial affairs of the family. Li Guohua and Li Xiuying began to notice that in the corner that they always ignored, there was actually a warm force that silently supported the family.

Gradually, they began to feel Li Ming's unspoken concern. There is never a big deal, but it is always the subtleties that show the truth; A cup of hot tea, a warm dinner, and a greeting for a safe return.

One day, an unexpected trouble came, and Li Ming had a dispute with someone outside because of a trivial matter, and he needed to deal with some cumbersome things. Although it wasn't serious, it was the first time he felt the warmth and coldness of the world outside his family.

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

"Dad, I have something to deal with and may come back later, you and Mom don't have to wait for me to eat." Li Ming's voice on the phone was apologetic.

"Son, it's okay, be careful yourself." Although Li Guohua was slightly worried, he also tried to act more relaxed.

Hanging up the phone, Li Guohua was silent for a while, and then said to Li Xiuying: "Ming'er, this kid, is quite capable of carrying things, which is as unsuccessful as we thought before." "

And after Li Ming dealt with those trivial matters, his brothers and sisters knew about it, but none of them reached out to help. Li Guohua and Li Xiuying were a little disappointed in this, but more deeply moved by Li Ming.

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

Not long after, in the spring, Li Xiuying suddenly fell ill, and for a while the family fell into a tense atmosphere. And Li Ming stood up again, he took leave to take care of his mother, accompanied her bedside, silently made all kinds of porridge for her, comforted her quietly, and was warm.

And those phone calls and greetings that usually care about them are scarce at this time. This contrast made Li Guohua and Li Xiuying heartbroken, and at the same time, they also saw the true faces of the children at home more clearly.

At night, the lights in the ward were soft, and Li Xiuying felt better. She looked at the busy back, and the corners of her eyes moistened unconsciously.

"Mom, don't worry, I'm here." Li Ming's voice was firm, relieving Li Xiuying's pain.

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

Through this incident, Li Guohua and Li Xiuying began to reflect on whether their evaluation of children has been limited to the level of achievement, and ignore the deeper, most precious thing in human nature - that is, selfless love and care. And this illness has also become an opportunity for the whole family to re-examine the meaning of family affection.

In the ward, Li Xiuying's breathing gradually stabilized, but Li Ming was still sitting on the edge of the bed, moistening her lips from time to time. The moon outside the window climbed into the night sky, silent and bright. Li Ming looked up at the window, and couldn't help but look down at his mother's face, with mixed feelings in his heart.

"Dad, what's wrong with Mommy?" Li Ming asked in a low voice, his tone full of concern.

Li Guohua walked from the door with exhaustion and worry on his face, but when he saw his son like this, he felt a little relieved in his heart.

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

"It's okay, the doctor said it's past the danger period. As long as you take good care of your illness, you will be able to recover quickly. Li Guohua patted Li Ming on the shoulder.

Li Ming nodded, but there was still uneasiness in his eyes, "Do you know my brothers and sisters?" "

"I know, they all said that they have been busy with work recently, and they will come to see their mother in a few days." Li Guohua tried to keep his calm as much as possible, and he didn't want to disappoint Li Ming as well.

Li Guohua suddenly realized that what can really be relied on in this family is actually his youngest son, who is rarely mentioned. And those children who usually like to make achievements seem so marginal when the family really encounters a crisis.

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

"Dad, it's okay, I'll always be here." Li Ming's words were plain but firm, revealing a promise that would never be abandoned.

At this time, the corridors of the hospital echoed with the anxious footsteps of other patients' families and the conversations of nurses. However, for Li Guohua and Li Ming, all this hustle and bustle seems to be far away from them, and their world is now only filled with this small room and deep dependence on each other.

It was late at night, and the lights in the ward were still softly on, and Li Ming accompanied his mother to wait in the quiet of the night. And Li Guohua, watching them silently on the other side of the room, a warm current rose inexplicably in his heart, he realized that they had ignored too much of Li Ming's good, and those children who they were once proud of were extremely disappointed at the moment.

In the long river of life, we often lose sight of the superficial brilliance, but forget the people around us who silently give us strength and support. Li Guohua and Li Xiuying deeply realized this truth at this moment, and finally understood that in this family, the real treasure has always been by their side.

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

The spring breeze gradually softens, and the plum blossoms in the yard begin to bloom in a new season, symbolizing the rebirth of vitality. The long and difficult wait in the hospital finally came to an end, Li Xiuying's condition improved, and Li Guohua's face showed a smile again. And this home seems to have quietly changed in this spring breeze.

Although the road to recovery is tortuous, with the company of family members, it always seems hopeful. Li Ming did not slack off at all, and took care of Li Xiuying's diet and daily life carefully every day like the first day, and his heart gradually sowed warm seeds in the hearts of his parents.

One night, Li Guohua sat quietly at the stone table in the courtyard, looking at Li Ming's busy figure in the kitchen, and suddenly felt an unprecedented calm and satisfaction.

"Dad, today I made the braised pork that you and your mother love to eat, and put some lettuce leaves on the outside to clean up your mouth." Li Ming told Li Guohua cordially.

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

Li Guohua raised his head and glanced at Li Ming deeply, "Son, Dad knows that your filial piety is more precious than anything in this world." ”

Li Ming smiled embarrassedly, "Dad, don't say that, I should do this." ”

Li Xiuying walked out and took Li Ming's hand, "Ming'er, thank you for this time, my mother remembers it in her heart." ”

It's the same spring, the same yard, but Li Guohua and Li Xiuying's state of mind is different. They finally realized that their evaluation of Li Ming had always been so one-sided and harsh, they had wrongly blamed this son, and what they were really proud of was his heart that had never changed and was willing to pay for the family.

After getting sick, I found out that the most reliable children in their later years are often the most unproductive around them

Li Ming didn't know, and maybe he would never know, that in this family, the back of his silent dedication has become the strongest support for his parents. In their eyes, Li Ming is no longer the most unpromising child, but the pillar of the family and the guardian of their old age.

With the return of spring to the earth, the Li family also ushered in a new atmosphere. Li Guohua and Li Xiuying cherish every day even more, and understand that the true meaning of family affection is far more than material giving, and love and companionship are the most priceless. In their hearts, there is more tolerance and gratitude, and this feeling will be like a plum blossom in spring, blooming all over the years to come.