
Dong Qing is an ordinary part-time worker after work, eating a simple meal in the canteen, and she is no different from a farmer's aunt without makeup.

author:There is a commissary in Yuncun

Dong Qing, the charming goddess on the screen, also has an ordinary side outside the camera. At the end of a busy working day, she took off her fancy clothes and turned into an ordinary migrant worker, enjoying a simple meal with her colleagues in the cafeteria. At this time, she appeared without makeup, no different from a farmer's aunt, and her kindness and easy-going made people feel that she was different from the other side on the screen. However, even in such mundane scenes, she still maintains a unique charm that is hard to ignore.

Dong Qing is an ordinary part-time worker after work, eating a simple meal in the canteen, and she is no different from a farmer's aunt without makeup.

In a chance encounter, I was fortunate enough to witness Dong Qing eating in the cafeteria. At the time, she was wearing a simple white T-shirt with a pair of comfortable jeans, and her hair was haphazardly tied into a ponytail. She didn't wear heavy makeup on her face, just simply applied some skin care products, but it still couldn't hide her elegance and confidence.

Dong Qing is an ordinary part-time worker after work, eating a simple meal in the canteen, and she is no different from a farmer's aunt without makeup.

I sat a short distance away and watched her talk to her colleagues. She smiled from time to time, her bright eyes shining with wisdom. Although she dresses very differently from her usual image on the screen, that kind of temperament from the inside is impossible to ignore.

Dong Qing is an ordinary part-time worker after work, eating a simple meal in the canteen, and she is no different from a farmer's aunt without makeup.

I couldn't resist stepping up to her and struck up a conversation. She communicated with me very kindly, without the slightest scruple. I asked her curiously: "Teacher Dong Qing, you are always so radiant on the screen, is this the case in private?" ”

Dong Qing is an ordinary part-time worker after work, eating a simple meal in the canteen, and she is no different from a farmer's aunt without makeup.

She shook her head with a smile and said, "Actually, in private, I prefer a simple and comfortable life. After work, I like to eat and chat with my colleagues and enjoy this ordinary and real time. Moreover, I think that although makeup and grooming are important, what is more important is the inner cultivation and temperament. ”

Dong Qing is an ordinary part-time worker after work, eating a simple meal in the canteen, and she is no different from a farmer's aunt without makeup.

I nodded in agreement. Then, I asked her, "How do you think a person's temperament and cultivation are formed?" ”

Dong Qing is an ordinary part-time worker after work, eating a simple meal in the canteen, and she is no different from a farmer's aunt without makeup.

She pondered for a moment, then said, "I think a person's temperament and cultivation are the result of long-term accumulation. It comes from our love of life, our thirst for knowledge, our handling of interpersonal relationships, and our restraint on our own behavior. Only through continuous study and practice can we gradually improve our temperament and cultivation. ”

Dong Qing is an ordinary part-time worker after work, eating a simple meal in the canteen, and she is no different from a farmer's aunt without makeup.

I was so inspired to continue communicating with her. During the conversation, I felt her love for life and dedication to her work. She told me that despite her busy schedule, she still finds time to read books and participate in various activities to enrich her inner world.

Dong Qing is an ordinary part-time worker after work, eating a simple meal in the canteen, and she is no different from a farmer's aunt without makeup.

Time passed imperceptibly, and our conversation began to improve. When saying goodbye, I sincerely thanked Dong Qing for sharing her life experience and fashion experience with me. She smiled and said: "In fact, everyone can become a fashionista in their own life, as long as we use our hearts to discover and feel the beauty in life." ”

Dong Qing is an ordinary part-time worker after work, eating a simple meal in the canteen, and she is no different from a farmer's aunt without makeup.

This encounter with Dong Qing has benefited me a lot. She made me understand a truth: fashion is not only an external performance, but also a manifestation of inner cultivation and temperament. No matter what kind of environment we are in or what kind of clothes we wear, as long as we maintain a positive heart that loves life and is positive, we can exude a unique charm.

Back in real life, I began to pay more attention to my inner cultivation and the cultivation of temperament. I enrich my inner world by reading books and participating in various activities; Enhance your appearance by learning fashion styling and makeup techniques. Gradually, I found myself becoming more confident and attractive.

At the same time, I also began to pay more attention to the people and things around me. I have found that everyone has their own unique charm and strengths, and as long as we discover and appreciate the good in them, we can build deeper friendships and relationships with them.

The last thing I want to say is: fashion is an attitude, a love and pursuit of life. No matter what kind of environment we are in or what kind of clothes we wear, as long as we maintain a positive heart that loves life, we can become fashionistas in our own lives. Let's work together to pursue the perfect combination of fashion and inner cultivation!