
Taiwan media broke that Big S's 17th indictment had already lost before it began! Bluntly said: If you don't have a share, you want to pay dividends?

author:Da Dong

Copywriting|Da Dong

Editor|Da Dong

Taiwan media broke that Big S's 17th indictment had already lost before it began! Bluntly said: If you don't have a share, you want to pay dividends?

Big S sued Wang Xiaofei again, which is the 17th time she has filed legal proceedings against her, which has aroused public attention.

She claimed to ask for equity dividends from Hotel S, but Taiwanese media revealed that she did not really invest in the shares, and the funds were more like loans.

Taiwan media broke that Big S's 17th indictment had already lost before it began! Bluntly said: If you don't have a share, you want to pay dividends?

Previously, she was accused of misappropriating the income of the cooperative, and her motive raised questions.

Some netizens thought that she was not greedy enough and tried to get more benefits from Wang Xiaofei.

The prosecution may face insufficient legal basis and public skepticism, affecting its image and integrity.

In this lawsuit, Big S claims to demand equity dividends from S Hotels.

Taiwan media broke that Big S's 17th indictment had already lost before it began! Bluntly said: If you don't have a share, you want to pay dividends?

Taiwanese media pointed out that in fact, Big S did not really invest in the shares, and the funds it invested were more like loans.

Looking back, Big S once posted IOUs as evidence in an attempt to prove his economic rights.

However, it is worth noting that she has previously been accused of misappropriating the income of the cooperative, which inevitably raises doubts about her motive for this prosecution.

Netizens are also talking about Big S's behavior.

Taiwan media broke that Big S's 17th indictment had already lost before it began! Bluntly said: If you don't have a share, you want to pay dividends?

Some netizens questioned Da S's behavior, thinking that she seemed to be greedy and insufficient, and seemed to be trying to get more benefits from Wang Xiaofei.

In the absence of actual shareholding, it seems far-fetched to ask for equity dividends.

As for Wang Xiaofei, in the face of Big S's repeated prosecutions, she must also feel pressure and trouble.

From a legal point of view, this lawsuit by Big S may face the problem of insufficient legal basis.

If she cannot provide sufficient and strong evidence to prove that she does have the right to equity dividends, then the chances of winning this lawsuit may not be good.

Taiwan media broke that Big S's 17th indictment had already lost before it began! Bluntly said: If you don't have a share, you want to pay dividends?

Public skepticism can also have an impact on her image and integrity.

This series of legal disputes not only made the relationship between Da S and Wang Xiaofei more tense, but also brought a certain negative impact on their respective lives and careers.

For the future, we hope that Da S and Wang Xiaofei can resolve these disputes through peaceful means.

A long-term legal battle is not beneficial to either side, but only exacerbates the conflict and deepens the damage.

We also call on the public and the media to view such events in a rational and tolerant manner.

Taiwan media broke that Big S's 17th indictment had already lost before it began! Bluntly said: If you don't have a share, you want to pay dividends?

Don't be easily swayed by public opinion, but analyze and understand the essence of things objectively.

In this era of information explosion, we should remain calm and objective, and avoid blindly following trends and making emotional judgments.

Looking back on the past of Big S and Wang Xiaofei, the disputes between them can be described as complicated.

From emotional issues to financial disputes, each time it can cause an uproar.

For example, the previous dispute over child custody has also attracted widespread attention and discussion.

Taiwan media broke that Big S's 17th indictment had already lost before it began! Bluntly said: If you don't have a share, you want to pay dividends?

These events remind us to be more cautious and rational when dealing with relationship and marital problems, and try to avoid irreversible consequences caused by impulse.

In the entertainment industry, similar disputes are not uncommon.

Many celebrity couples face a variety of problems and challenges after a breakup.

How to take into account the feelings and interests of the other party while safeguarding one's own rights and interests is a question that needs to be seriously considered.

Taiwan media broke that Big S's 17th indictment had already lost before it began! Bluntly said: If you don't have a share, you want to pay dividends?

And for the public, we should not just treat these events as gossip, but also learn from them and reflect on our own behaviors and attitudes in relationships and life.

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