
Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

author:Laughing girl

Bai Yansong, an iconic figure in Chinese journalism, has won the respect and affection of the audience with his incisive comments and unique insights.

However, a glamorous stage does not mean a smooth sailing life.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

Through the lens, we see the success and glory of Bai Yansong, but behind this, how many unknown bitterness and struggle are hidden? This article will take you inside the news superstar and learn about the difficult years before he became famous and the story behind it.

Born in rural Inner Mongolia, Bai Yansong has shown extraordinary wisdom and perseverance since he was a child.

Although his family was not wealthy, he always maintained his thirst for knowledge and his persistent pursuit of dreams.

Step by step, he walked out of the countryside and entered CCTV, becoming the "prince of news" in the eyes of the national audience.

All of this was earned by him with sweat and hard work.

Let's look back on this growth path from ordinary to extraordinary, and feel how Bai Yansong persevered in the difficult situation and finally achieved a brilliant life.

Bai Yansong's career is full of brilliant moments and countless applause, and every time he appears, he can attract public attention and heated discussions.

However, the pinnacle of your career does not mean that your life will go well.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

Bai Yansong has also faced many setbacks and troughs, and these experiences have not only made him more mature and stable, but also made him know how to cherish every moment of the present.

This article will take you into Bai Yansong's heart, and understand how he persevered in the face of difficulties and regained the strength to move forward in the face of setbacks.

Everyone will go through a low point in life, and the real strong are those who can find hope in despair and regain the meaning of life.

In the face of major setbacks in life, Bai Yansong never gave up his love for life and the pursuit of his career.

His story is a model of rebirth in a desperate situation, inspiring countless people to continue to pursue their dreams and bravely face life's challenges.

Through his experience, we have seen the tenacity and courage of a journalist, and it has also made us more aware that success often requires more effort and sweat.

During Bai Yansong's childhood, his family experienced a great change.

My father was sent to work for political reasons, and the family had to move from the city to the countryside.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

This change not only caused the family's financial situation to deteriorate suddenly, but also made the young Bai Yansong face great challenges in life.

He witnessed his family's transition from a stable city life to a rural hardship, and the lack of material life and the loneliness of the spiritual world made his childhood full of hardships.

In such an environment, Bai Yansong, who was only eight years old, had to shoulder the burden of the family early.

He began to work in the fields and became one of the main laborers of the family.

Not only did he have to participate in the heavy field work, but he also had to take care of the old and the young in the family, taking on responsibilities beyond his years.

Every day, he would get up before the sun rose, go to the fields with the adults, carry heavy farm tools, and work all day.

When I go home in the evening, I have to help my parents with household chores and take care of my younger siblings.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

At a young age, he has already shown perseverance and a sense of responsibility.

Although his material life was extremely poor, Bai Yansong's heart was full of thirst for knowledge.

The monotony and hardships of rural life did not dampen his passion for learning.

Whenever he has free time, he always takes the time to read.

At night when there was no electric light, he immersed himself in the world of books by the faint oil light.

Books became the only way for him to escape reality and gain spiritual power.

Through self-study, he not only learned a lot of knowledge that could not be learned in the classroom, but also cultivated the qualities of independent thinking and self-discipline.

This particular experience laid a solid foundation for his future success.

Bai Yansong used his tenacious perseverance and unremitting pursuit of knowledge to get through those difficult years.

This childhood experience not only honed his will, but also made him more resilient and persistent in pursuing his ideals and goals in the future of life.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

When he was growing up, his father often said to him, "Reading is your bridge to success."

This sentence was deeply implanted in his heart and became a source of motivation for him to pursue his dreams.

His father always told him with his own practical actions that knowledge changes destiny, and only through continuous learning can he open up a broader future.

In the face of many obstacles such as his family's financial difficulties and lack of learning resources, he did not choose to give up, but moved towards his goal step by step with amazing perseverance and strong faith.

Countless late nights, he studied hard in the dim light, just to stand out in the college entrance examination.

In the end, he was admitted to the Communication University of China with excellent results, realizing the first step of his dream.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

After entering the Communication University of China, he still maintained his thirst for knowledge and continued to explore new areas of knowledge.

In the process of studying, he overcame many difficulties, persevered, and actively participated in various extracurricular activities to enrich his practical experience.

He knows that the realization of dreams requires not only the accumulation of knowledge, but also the continuous sharpening and improvement of himself in practice.

This journey of study is not only a testimony of his personal growth, but also the best interpretation of his father's teachings.

Through unremitting efforts and perseverance, he approached his dream step by step and wrote an inspirational study story.

Entering China Central Television (CCTV) is the dream of many announcers and hosts, but it also means facing stiff competition from top talent from all over the country.

As China's largest national television station, CCTV's stage is not only a place to showcase talents, but also an arena where you need to maintain excellence at all times.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

In such an environment, only the best can stand out, and the journey becomes extremely difficult.

As a new employee who joined CCTV for the first time, due to the lack of standard Mandarin, he did not initially enter the hosting position directly, but was arranged to work as a news editor behind the scenes.

Although this is not far from his ideals, he is not discouraged, but chooses to lay a solid foundation and do every editing job in a down-to-earth manner.

In this process, he deeply understood every aspect of journalism, and also laid a solid foundation for future presiding over work.

In order to overcome the obstacle of non-standard pronunciation in Mandarin, he does a lot of pronunciation practice every day.

From the first rays of sunlight in the morning to the last rays of light in the middle of the night, he persevered.

Whether it is the accuracy of the articulation or the change of intonation, he is strict with himself.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

During these three years, he worked like a craftsman to refine his pronunciation and language skills, and finally reached professional standards.

After three years of hard work, he finally ushered in his own opportunity.

In a rigorous selection process, he stood out with his outstanding performance and was appointed as the host of China Broadcasting News.

This is not only an affirmation of his efforts, but also an important turning point for him from behind the scenes to the front of the stage.

Since then, he has appeared in front of the audience with a new attitude and has become a rising star on the CCTV stage.

As a top host, he has carried the expectations and attention of countless audiences.

Every live broadcast, every appearance, there must not be any slight mistakes.

Even a small slip of the tongue can trigger huge fluctuations in public opinion.

In order to live up to the audience's expectations, it is necessary to maintain a high degree of concentration and precision at all times, and any mistake may become the object of amplification and criticism from the outside world.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

In order to be invincible in a highly competitive industry, he has extremely demanding requirements for himself.

Whether it's writing a manuscript or hosting a show, he repeatedly scrutinizes every detail and strives for perfection.

Such self-requirements are not only the love of work, but also the adherence to professional responsibility.

He must remain calm in front of the camera, even if he is overwhelmed on the inside, he must appear calm on the outside.

The long hours of high-pressure work have caused him great physical and mental challenges.

Long-term stress causes weight to plummet, and an otherwise healthy body gradually becomes weak.

At the same time, his mental state is also deteriorating, and he often falls into the predicament of anxiety and insomnia.

Under such double pressure, he still gritted his teeth and persevered, hovering on the edge of the limit every day.

Faced with such intense work and life pressure, he also doubted his choice for a while.

Countless times in the middle of the night, he questioned his own abilities and the meaning of perseverance.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

However, it was in these doubts that he found the fighting spirit to move on.

Every wavering and doubting became an opportunity for him to re-examine himself and improve himself.

In the end, he found inner firmness and meaning in his work through perseverance.

Over time, he gradually felt that life became unbearable.

Constant feelings of depression and powerlessness broke him down, and eventually, he was diagnosed with severe depression.

The news weighed on him like a boulder, making him feel even more helpless and hopeless.

When he needed support the most, his wife Zhu Hongjun resolutely quit her job to concentrate on taking care of him.

Her selfless dedication and attentive care became the only light in his life.

However, even with the support of his wife, he still can't get rid of the haze in his heart.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

Living in the shadow of depression, he felt lifeless and struggled in the mire every day.

He began to question his life and even the meaning of his existence.

The darkness is endless, and there seems to be no glimmer of hope in sight.

Just when he was on the verge of despair, he read a sentence in a book that seemed to ignite a glimmer of light in his heart.

These simple but profound words made him begin to re-examine his life and heart, and gradually regained some vitality and hope.

Although the future is still full of challenges, this revelation gave him the strength to find his own salvation in the haze of depression.

In the complex and changeable social environment, Bai Yansong has always adhered to a spirit of hard work without asking for anything to pay or to return.

He is well aware that the pursuit of spiritual improvement requires continuous self-cultivation and perseverance.

This spirit is not only reflected in his love for journalism, but also in his persistent pursuit of truth and deep understanding of social responsibility.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

No matter how many difficulties and setbacks he faced, he always believed in his choice, regardless of personal gains and losses, and only wanted to contribute to the society.

This spirit of selfless dedication has not only earned him high recognition in his career, but also set an example for society to learn from.

After years of hard work in the news industry, Bai Yansong gradually realized that in the fast-paced life and heavy work, he seemed to have lost his original self.

So, he decided to slow down, return to his original intention, and re-examine his path and original dream.

In the process, he began to reflect on his own life, thinking about his values and goals.

He understands that only by returning to the purity of his heart can he truly find the meaning of life.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

As a result, he paid more attention to inner peace and tranquility, regained that initial enthusiasm and belief, and injected new impetus into his life.

As a veteran journalist, Bai Yansong has always believed in the power of truth and justice.

He hopes that through his own efforts, more people can understand the truth and feel the existence of justice.

He firmly believes that journalism is not only a profession, but also a responsibility, and a mission to influence the world and convey positive energy.

In his reporting, whether it is revealing social problems or paying attention to vulnerable groups, he is always based on facts, guided by fairness and justice, hoping to arouse the conscience of society and people's resonance through his voice.

His sense of responsibility and mission has deeply touched countless audiences and won him countless respects and admiration in the field of journalism.

Bai Yansong rediscovered the meaning of life through the pursuit of the spiritual realm, the self-reflection of returning to the original intention, and the belief of touching others with truth and justice.

His experience tells us that as long as we stick to our inner beliefs, never forget our original intentions, and bravely face the challenges in life, we can find our own meaning and value.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times

In the pursuit of the story of Baiyan Song, we feel the power of courage, honesty, and tenacious will.

In the face of depression, we have learned to use scientific methods to regulate our body and mind and find balance.

The meaning of life is not to avoid suffering, but to smile in the face of it.

Therefore, let us inspire more people to bloom the brilliance of life in the struggle, show perseverance and courage, and fearless spirit.

Bai Yansong: He was tortured by illness and lost dozens of pounds, and he wanted to commit suicide several times