
Singer 2024 fairy fight, netizens laughed and commented: Is this to laugh out of abdominal muscles?

author:Xiao Wang's research diary

The singer's live broadcast debut in the 2024 unveiling competition


The live broadcast of the unveiling competition opened hotly

On a starry night, the live broadcast of "Singer 2024 Unveiling Competition" officially kicked off. When the camera slowly turned to the stage, the audience's eyes were instantly attracted by the seven starting singers. From the soulful singing of pop diva Chante_Moore, to Na Ying's crying voice, to the unique rock style of the second-hand roses, each singer has shown his own unique style.

Singer 2024 fairy fight, netizens laughed and commented: Is this to laugh out of abdominal muscles?

Netizens expressed their opinions in the barrage: "Chante_Moore is a classic as soon as he opens his mouth!" "That sister really fought this time!" "Second-hand roses are going to be on fire in outer space!" The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was ignited, and the audience seemed to be in a musical feast.

The singers reviewed each other

After the live broadcast, the starting singers reviewed their performances. Chante_Moore said that he did his best on the stage, but there are still many things that need to be improved. Na Ying admitted frankly that she felt both excited and nervous in the face of such fierce competition. The Second Hand Roses said that they hope that through this competition, more people will know and like their music.

Singer 2024 fairy fight, netizens laughed and commented: Is this to laugh out of abdominal muscles?

Netizens also discussed the singers' review: "Chante_Moore is this about the pursuit of perfection?" "That sister's modesty is really admirable!" "Second-hand roses, this is going to open the road of counterattack?" Everyone expressed their opinions in the comment area, and the discussion was very happy.

The release of the rankings has sparked heated discussions

The moment when the rankings are revealed

As the competition progressed, the rankings were revealed one by one. Every singer faces a lot of pressure and challenges. Chante_Moore got a good result with his consistent performance, while Na Ying ranked low because of some small mistakes. The Second Hand Roses won the hearts of the audience with their unique style and successfully entered the forefront.

Singer 2024 fairy fight, netizens laughed and commented: Is this to laugh out of abdominal muscles?

Netizens also have their own opinions on the ranking results: "Chante_Moore is really strong!" "Did that sister make a little mistake this time?" "Second-hand roses, this is going to succeed in counterattacking?" For a while, the comment area was full of all kinds of speculation and discussion.

Go alone or find a different way?

In the face of the ranking results, the singers also began to think about their future development. Do you want to stick to your style and go it alone, or do you try something new and find a different way? It's a tough choice.

Singer 2024 fairy fight, netizens laughed and commented: Is this to laugh out of abdominal muscles?

Chante_Moore said that she will continue to stick to her own music style and impress the audience with her singing. Na Ying said that she would reflect on her shortcomings and strive to improve her singing skills. The Second Hand Roses decided to try to incorporate more musical elements while maintaining a unique style to bring a richer music experience to the audience.

Singer 2024 fairy fight, netizens laughed and commented: Is this to laugh out of abdominal muscles?

Netizens also have different opinions on the choice of singers: "Chante_Moore is this going to go all the way to the dark?" "That sister, this is going to turn on the counterattack mode?" "Second-hand roses, this is going to play crossover?" Everyone expressed their views and opinions in the comment area, and the discussion was very enjoyable.

Controversy and expectation coexist

Controversy continues

As the game progressed, various controversies continued to emerge. Some netizens believe that Chante_Moore should try more music styles instead of blindly sticking to their old ways. Some netizens also said that Na Ying's singing level is already very high, and there is no need to pursue too many breakthroughs in skills. There is more controversy about the second-hand roses, with some arguing that their musical style is too unique to be accepted by the general public; Others believe that this is their charm.

Singer 2024 fairy fight, netizens laughed and commented: Is this to laugh out of abdominal muscles?

Looking forward to the future

Despite the controversy and doubts, the audience's expectations for the "Singer 2024 Unveiling Competition" have never diminished. Everyone said that no matter how the singers choose to move forward, they want to see more wonderful performances and more moving music.

Singer 2024 fairy fight, netizens laughed and commented: Is this to laugh out of abdominal muscles?

Netizens also left messages in the comment area: "Looking forward to the breakthrough of Chante_Moore!" "Come on, sister, we support you!" "Second-hand roses continue to dry!" These messages are full of encouragement and support for the singers, and they also make people look forward to the next competition.


"Singer 2024 Unveiling Competition" is not only a feast of music, but also a discussion about music style and future development. In this competition, the singers have to face various challenges and doubts, but it is these challenges and doubts that keep them going. Whatever the outcome, we should give them a credit for their courage and persistence. At the same time, we are looking forward to seeing more exciting performances and more moving music in the next competitions.