
38-year-old doctor Song Kai committed suicide: salary 1.2w, settling-in allowance 10w, Nanlin University's public assessment standards!

author:Wilderness settlements
38-year-old doctor Song Kai committed suicide: salary 1.2w, settling-in allowance 10w, Nanlin University's public assessment standards!

38-year-old doctor Song Kai committed suicide: the tragedy and reflection of associate professor of Nanlin University

Recently, a news about the suicide of Song Kai, an associate professor at Nanjing Forestry University (Nanjing Forestry University), shocked the society. The 38-year-old doctor, who originally had a stable income and a generous salary, chose to end his life in an extreme way under the weight of life. This incident has aroused widespread attention and discussion, and people have expressed sympathy for Song Kai's suffering, and at the same time, they have also questioned the assessment standards and management system of Nanlin University.

38-year-old doctor Song Kai committed suicide: salary 1.2w, settling-in allowance 10w, Nanlin University's public assessment standards!

1. Tragedy: the death of an associate professor

It is understood that Song Kai is an associate professor at the School of Ecology and Environment of Nanlin University, graduated from Tianjin Polytechnic University with a bachelor's degree, a master's degree from Peking University, and a doctorate from the University of British Columbia, Canada. His research direction is the application of new ultraviolet light sources in environmental engineering water treatment, and he is a scholar who has made great achievements in the academic community. However, it was such a talented scholar who chose to commit suicide by taking medicine on April 2.

Song Kai's death made people feel shocked and regretful. He has a stable salary of 12,000 yuan per month, which is already a very good treatment in the eyes of many people. In addition, he also has a settling-in allowance of 100,000 yuan, which is undoubtedly a lot of wealth for a person who has just stepped into the position of associate professor. However, these seemingly generous treatments did not make Song Kai feel happy and satisfied, but instead became a heavy pressure on his heart.

38-year-old doctor Song Kai committed suicide: salary 1.2w, settling-in allowance 10w, Nanlin University's public assessment standards!

2. Work pressure: helplessness under the assessment standards

According to people familiar with the matter, Song Kai's death is closely related to work pressure. The evaluation standards for faculty and staff are very strict, and the most important indicators are scientific research results and project funding. Although Song Kai has made some achievements in teaching and scientific research, he did not succeed in applying for the National Natural Science Foundation of China after his first employment period. As a result, he failed to meet the test and was demoted to a lecturer by the school, and his salary was reduced accordingly.

In addition, the school also asked Song Kai to refund part of the settling-in fee and house purchase subsidy. This punishment result is undoubtedly worse for Song Kai. Not only does he have to deal with professional frustration, but he also has to bear the financial losses. This huge pressure made Song Kai feel unbearable, and finally chose to go to a dead end.

38-year-old doctor Song Kai committed suicide: salary 1.2w, settling-in allowance 10w, Nanlin University's public assessment standards!

3. Family factors: another layer of psychological pressure

In addition to the pressure at work, Song Kai also faces family pressure. It is understood that Song Kai's wife is also a teacher at Nanlin University, and her assessment results are excellent. This contrast made Song Kai feel even more frustrated and powerless. He felt that he was not as successful as his wife in his career, and this inferiority complex also became a burden on his heart.

In addition, Song Kai bought a house in Nanjing in 2020, and for this house, his parents emptied their savings. However, as housing prices in Nanjing continue to fall, the value of Song Kai's property is also shrinking. This financial pressure also made Song Kai feel anxious and uneasy.

4. Social reflection: pay attention to the mental health of faculty and staff

Song Kai's death has made people deeply sad, and at the same time, it has also aroused social concern about the mental health problems of college faculty and staff. In a highly competitive academic environment, faculty and staff face tremendous work and life pressures. They need to take on multiple tasks such as teaching, research, and social service, as well as deal with a variety of complex interpersonal relationships. This kind of stress can often lead to psychological problems and even extremes for faculty and staff.

38-year-old doctor Song Kai committed suicide: salary 1.2w, settling-in allowance 10w, Nanlin University's public assessment standards!

Therefore, we need to pay attention to the mental health of university faculty and staff and provide them with more support and help. Schools may establish psychological counseling institutions to provide psychological counseling services to faculty and staff; At the same time, it can also strengthen the training and guidance of faculty and staff to help them better cope with the pressure in work and life.

5. Conclusion: A call for attention to the fate of the individual

Song Kai's death is a tragedy, but it also shows us the dilemmas and challenges faced by university faculty and staff. We call on society to pay attention to the fate of individuals and the mental health of university faculty and staff. At the same time, we also hope that the school can reflect on its own management system and assessment standards, and create a more relaxed and harmonious working environment for faculty and staff. Only in this way can similar tragedies be avoided from happening again.

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