
Xuan Jing was "pitted" by Lei Jun: planted on the "edge ball", failed to keep the bottom line, and her future was bleak

author:Leisurely Courtney 0F0O
{"info":{"title":{"content":"璩静被雷军“坑了”:栽在“擦边球”上,没能守住底线,前途暗淡","en":"Xuan Jing was \"pitted\" by Lei Jun: planted on the \"edge ball\", failed to keep the bottom line, and her future was bleak"},"description":{"content":"璩静翻车,百度陷舆论漩涡,前景暗淡璩静作为百度公司公关副总裁,日前在抖音平台发布了一段争议视频,内容涉及职场规则、家庭观...","en":"Xuan Jing overturned, Baidu fell into the whirlpool of public opinion, and the outlook was bleakXuan Jing, as the vice president of public relations of Baidu, recently released a controversial video on the Douyin platform, involving workplace rules, family views..."}},"items":[]}