
The human milk trade is really perverted

author:Literary Helen 2Z


Recently, an article entitled "Some people buy breast milk to get rid of acne, and some people take their children without milk...... It turned out that this place became a "human milk" trading market! The report spread on the Internet, and I thought it was a post bar to share parenting experience, but it was used by some people and turned into a market for buying and selling "human milk", and it was public, which was shocking.

In this post bar, there are mothers selling their breast milk, and there are also some buyers looking for "human milk", and the buyers' purposes are varied, some are because their milk is insufficient, some are for acne, and some are used to entertain guests, the price ranges from tens to thousands, and there are intermediaries who act as promoters, making this transaction more secretive.

The human milk trade is really perverted

Do you think this kind of deal is appropriate? In fact, such a "human milk" trade may not only be suspected of violating the law, but also has great health risks, so what is going on?

The human milk trade is really perverted
The human milk trade is really perverted

1. The exposed "human milk" trading market

The human milk trade is really perverted

Recently, a piece of news went viral on the Internet, it turned out that a media was doing an investigation, and they found something wrong in a post bar with the theme of sharing parenting experience, and it turned out that this place has become a "human milk" trading market.

The human milk trade is really perverted

In this post bar, there are mothers who are openly selling their breast milk, and there are also some buyers who are openly asking for "human milk", and these posts are public, and there are pictures and texts, which can be said to be clear.

The human milk trade is really perverted

Moreover, these buyers have a variety of reasons to buy, some are because they are not enough milk, some are for acne, and some are used to entertain guests, and most of these buyers are women.

The human milk trade is really perverted

Seeing such a post, many people were shocked and felt that such a transaction was a bit unbelievable, but in fact, such a "human milk" transaction is nothing new, but it was carried out secretly before, but now, it is public.

The human milk trade is really perverted

2. Open "human milk" trading

In this post bar, it was supposed to be a place for some mothers to share their parenting experience and support each other, but it was used by some people and turned into a market for buying and selling "human milk".

In this market, if someone needs "human milk", they can post directly in the post bar to buy, and the price can be clearly marked, and the seller is the same, he can sell his breast milk publicly in the post bar, and there are intermediaries who act as promoters in it.

Some intermediaries posted in the post bar, saying that they have a lot of fresh breast milk resources in their hands, and they can provide them on the spot, and the price is very expensive, and they will also leave contact information publicly in the post, so that people in need can contact them directly.

Such an intermediary is actually a blatant pyramid scheme, and it is using the popularity of this post bar to let more people participate in this illegal transaction, and the buyers and sellers are actually aware of it, but they are all pretending to be confused and taking what they need.

The human milk trade is really perverted

3. Why is there such a transaction?

Seeing such a "human milk" transaction, I believe many people feel incredible, feel that such a transaction is very inappropriate, and there is a great health risk, so why is there such a transaction?

In fact, such a "human milk" transaction reflects some people's misunderstanding of breast milk, and also reflects some people's irresponsible attitude towards their own health.

Nowadays, there are many people in the society who have all kinds of misunderstandings about breast milk, some people feel that breast milk has many benefits, it can get rid of acne, it can be beautiful, and it can also improve immunity, so they try their best to obtain it, while some people feel that breast milk does not have any special benefits, and even think that drinking it will be harmful.

In fact, no matter which point of view, it is incorrect, breast milk does have many benefits, can provide comprehensive nutrition for the baby, can also improve the baby's immunity, and has many benefits for the mother's health, however, breast milk is not a magic thing, nor is it a panacea, it can not be drunk casually, and not all people are suitable for drinking.

Therefore, now there is such a "human milk" transaction, in fact, it is some people's misunderstanding of breast milk, as well as an irresponsible attitude towards their own health, they feel that what they want, they must get, and they can do whatever they want, such a mentality, in fact, is very terrible.

The human milk trade is really perverted

Fourth, look at social phenomena from the perspective of "human milk" trade

In fact, not only such "human milk" transactions, but also many similar illegal transactions in society, such as "surrogacy", organ trading, etc., these transactions reflect some social phenomena behind them, and also reflect the consumption mentality of some people.

In today's society, the material life is very rich, and people's needs are also diverse, some people pursue luxury, some people pursue unique experiences, and some people are pursuing novelty and excitement, they are very picky about some traditional concepts, and even challenge.

Therefore, there will be such "human milk" transactions, and there are other illegal transactions, they feel that if they have money, they can get what they want casually, and they can solve everything through money, and other people can also be used by them, such a consumption mentality is actually very unhealthy.

The human milk trade is really perverted

Fifth, health education needs to be strengthened

Seeing such a "human milk" transaction, I believe many people are very shocked, but also feel that such a transaction is very inappropriate, in fact, we should learn some inspiration from such a thing, should reflect on and guide some people's consumption mentality.

First of all, we should strengthen the health education of breast milk, so that more people understand the importance of breast milk, but also understand the way to obtain breast milk, to avoid misunderstanding, and choose the wrong approach, secondly, we should also guide some people's consumption mentality, so that they understand that money is not everything, and some things cannot be measured by money.

In addition, government departments should also strengthen the supervision of such illegal transactions, maintain public health and social order, and not allow some people, just because they have money, can unscrupulously violate the law and discipline, such a thing, also needs to attract more people's attention, in order to be effectively resolved.

The human milk trade is really perverted


In fact, the current society is a very complex society, and there are many things that are very difficult to understand and accept, but we should face all this with a tolerant mentality, and we should also analyze and think about all this with a rational attitude.

I hope that through such things, more people's attention and thinking can be aroused, and I also hope that we can give you some inspiration, so that everyone can understand that all problems in society are inseparable from each of us, and only when everyone can change with their hearts can we make society better.

**(Some of the views in this article refer to network information, if there is any similarity, it is purely coincidental)**