
Some people say: In the seventies, there was a saying in society that "the more knowledge, the more stupid"?

author:Workplace insights

Some people say that in the 70s of the last century, there was a saying in society that "the more knowledge, the more stupid".

At first glance, this sounds like a big joke.

In our traditional notions, isn't knowledge a ladder to success? Doesn't learning make people wiser? How can anyone say that knowledge makes people stupid?

But on closer thought, this sentence is not entirely unreasonable.

In that particular era, intellectuals were often regarded as outliers, and their knowledge not only failed to gain respect, but became the target of the "movement".

Some people have had to abandon their studies in favor of a more "safe" path in order to avoid being the target of public criticism.

In such an atmosphere, knowledge seems to have really become a "burden", even a "original sin". The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to get into trouble.

Some people say: In the seventies, there was a saying in society that "the more knowledge, the more stupid"?

Of course, this view is itself a bias. There is nothing wrong with knowledge itself, it is the absurd era that is wrong.

In a normal society, knowledge should be respected, and people should be proud of their curiosity and ashamed of their ignorance.

As the ancients said: "Those who know are not as good as those who are good, and those who are good are not as good as those who are happy."

The pursuit of knowledge can not only satisfy our curiosity, but also enrich our spiritual world and improve our quality of life.

Some people say: In the seventies, there was a saying in society that "the more knowledge, the more stupid"?

In fact, today's society has changed dramatically.

With the progress of science and technology and the development of the economy, the value of knowledge has been valued like never before.

In all walks of life, those who have the expertise and skills are often able to achieve more.

Whether it is entrepreneurs, scientists, doctors, or teachers, they all rely on knowledge to achieve their careers.

It can be said that in the era of knowledge economy, whoever has knowledge will have the key to success.

Some people say: In the seventies, there was a saying in society that "the more knowledge, the more stupid"?

Of course, we must also recognize that the acquisition of knowledge does not happen overnight.

It requires a lot of time and effort on our part and perseverance on our part.

Especially for those of us who are middle-aged and elderly, learning new knowledge may be more difficult than that of young people.

Memory loss and slow receptivity are all problems that we cannot avoid.

In the face of these difficulties, we will inevitably feel discouraged and even doubt our ability to learn.

Some people say: In the seventies, there was a saying in society that "the more knowledge, the more stupid"?

But I would say that learning never knows age. Whether you are an old man or an old man, as long as you have a thirst for knowledge, as long as you keep an open mind, the door of knowledge will always be open to you.

Many studies have shown that middle-aged and elderly people can not only acquire new skills through learning, but also keep their brains active and delay the decline of cognitive function.

It can be said that for people of our age, learning is not only a pleasure, but also a good medicine.

Some people say: In the seventies, there was a saying in society that "the more knowledge, the more stupid"?

Of course, learning doesn't have to be a formality. You can read books, newspapers and periodicals to broaden the breadth of your knowledge; You can also participate in training and lectures to enhance the depth of your profession.

Even in daily life, it is a good way to communicate and learn from others.

The key is to be curious and always ready to embrace new knowledge and perspectives. As Socrates said, "I know only one thing, and that is that I know nothing." Only by being humble and eager to learn can we continue to improve.

Some people say: In the seventies, there was a saying in society that "the more knowledge, the more stupid"?

Friends, let us reflect on the era of "the more knowledge, the more stupid", and let us embrace this era when knowledge leads the future. No matter what age you are, no matter what your foundation, let's all be a person who loves to learn.

I believe that as long as we always have the desire to learn, knowledge will surely illuminate our life path and make our lives more abundant.

What do you think of the saying "the more knowledge, the more stupid"? How has knowledge changed you in your life? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area to share, let us exchange learning experience together!