
The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

author:Osmanthus cake

Do you remember the viral sensation "Fat Cat"? He has won the love of countless netizens with his humorous videos and cute image. But today, we are not talking about the chubby cat, but about a Japanese man who bears a similar image to the "fat cat", and his experience is embarrassing.

Have you ever thought that an ordinary person, in the face of love, would become so blind that he would even take his entire net worth? This is not a fictional story, but a real tragedy that happened in Japan.

The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

Speaking of this Japanese man, let's call him "the Japanese version of the fat cat" for the time being. He was an ordinary office worker, living a 9-to-5 life, and although he was not rich, he was also self-sufficient. However, everything changed drastically after he met the goddess.

The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

She was beautiful, gentle and lovely, as if she was the one in his dreams. He was deeply attracted to her and began a crazy pursuit. In order to pursue her, he did not hesitate to spend huge sums of money on gifts, take her to high-end restaurants, and even borrow money for her. He thought that this would win her heart.

The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

Finally, under his fierce onslaught, she agreed to his proposal. He was ecstatic and felt that he was the happiest man in the world. However, he didn't realize that it was all just an elaborate hoax.

The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

Soon after the marriage, her true nature began to be revealed. Not only is she extravagant, but she is also often sneering at him, and even having an affair with other men. His heart was like a knife, but for the sake of family harmony, he chose to endure.

The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

Until one day, he stumbles upon an intimate photo of her with other men. He was completely devastated, and he felt his world crumble apart. He confronts her, but she confesses everything nonchalantly and tells him that she has never loved him and is only with him for his money.

The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

His heart was so dead that he thought of suicide. He felt that he had lost everything and that he no longer had the courage to live. However, at the last moment, he gave up the idea of suicide. He decided to make her pay for what she had done.

The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

He began to gather evidence and prepare to prosecute her. However, the legal process is cumbersome and lengthy, and it takes a lot of effort and time for him. But he did not give up, and he firmly believed that justice would be served.

The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

Finally, after a long wait, he waited for the court's verdict. She was sentenced to prison for fraud. Although he did not recover his losses, at least he got justice for himself.

The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

This story makes us deeply reflect on the relationship between love and money. In the pursuit of love, do we also become blind and crazy? Will you lose your mind for the sake of momentary pleasures? When love and money collide, how do we choose?

The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

At the same time, this story also reminds us to be wary of the scams and deceptions around us. In this complex society, we can't easily trust the sweet words and promises of others. We need to learn to protect ourselves from being targeted by scammers.

The Japanese version of "Fat Cat" was deceived into marriage by the goddess, saved money and bought all her net worth, and finally decided to let her die

Finally, I would like to ask you a question: if you were a "Japanese version of the fat cat", how would you choose? Do you continue to sink into false love and can't extricate yourself, or do you bravely stand up and defend your rights and interests? Please leave a message in the comment area to share your views!

In the meantime, if you feel that this article touches or inspires you, please like and support! Let's speak up for justice and bring justice to those who have been harmed!


The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.