
12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed


Most of the time in life is smooth sailing, but occasionally there will be unexpected obstacles in the mountains and seas. The "Fat Cat Incident" is a vivid microcosm of life, which not only reveals the complex face of human nature, but also triggers deep thinking and reflection from all walks of life.

12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed

On May 15, 2024, this seemingly ordinary day has become a critical moment for the "Fat Cat Incident" to appear on the hot search again. After 12 days of fermentation, Fat Cat's sister finally issued her brother's death certificate, ushering in a new twist on this controversial story. Previously, the 21-year-old fat cat chose to commit suicide in an entanglement with her lover Tan Zhu, which not only shocked the majority of netizens, but also gave people a chilling glimpse of the dark side of human nature.

12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed

What is it that makes a young man so desperate to commit suicide? And what kind of environment made him transfer all his savings to his lover at the last moment of his life? All kinds of questions have made this tragedy gradually confusing and triggered countless people's thinking. In this process, we not only see the ugly face of human nature, but also witness the shining of good morals.

12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed
12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed
12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed

First of all, we have to pay attention to what happened to the fat cat himself. As a 21-year-old young man, he should have been full of youth, full of longing and yearning for the future. However, he lost himself in the whirlpool of feelings, and finally chose suicide, which is the point of no return. Going back to the roots, it is not difficult to find that his family environment of origin may have greatly influenced his character and values.

12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed

It is reported that Fat Cat was once listed as a dishonest executor and was forced to pay 270,000 yuan. This undoubtedly put a heavy burden on his life, and he may have been treated unfairly in his family, making it impossible for him to recognize and deal with his feelings correctly. We can't help but ask, if the fat cat's family education is more sound, will he not go to a dead end? Or, if he had been understood and helped by more people, would he not have been in such a predicament? These are all questions that we must seriously ponder.

12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed

Secondly, we need to pay more attention to the character of Tan Zhu. She was labeled as a "fishing girl" by netizens, which reflects the general prejudice against women in society. People tend to judge women with some stereotyped attitudes, ignoring the uniqueness of each individual. However, if we look closely, it is not difficult to find that Tan Zhu is not a pure "bad person".

12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed

Judging from the chat records and transfer records, she did ask the fat cat for money many times, which is undoubtedly an act of taking advantage of other people's feelings. But at the same time, we also saw Fat Cat's move to voluntarily give all the last 60,000 yuan of savings to Tan Zhu. This may mean that deep down in his heart, he still has an inseparable affection for her. So, shouldn't we look at this woman more objectively, rather than simply labeling a "fishing girl"? After all, human nature is complex, and everyone has their own story.

12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed

Again, we have to mention those netizens who pretend to be "Tan Zhu". In order to attract attention, they do not hesitate to fabricate false information and publish lies and rumors. This kind of behavior has undoubtedly deepened the chaos in society and also created more doubts and confusion about the truth of the incident. We have to admit that there is an atmosphere of false information on the Internet, which not only affects people's judgment of facts, but also seriously harms the rights and interests of the parties.

12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed

However, it is reassuring to us that in the midst of this chaos, there are also some people who show good humanity. For example, some netizens took the initiative to send takeaway and flowers to the fat cat to express their condolences and nostalgia for him. Or maybe the fat cat sister spares no effort to bring justice to her brother and tries to prove the truth of the incident. These acts of kindness have undoubtedly warmed people's hearts and let us see that there is still a dazzling light in this chaotic world.

12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed
12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed

All in all, this "fat cat incident" is undoubtedly a tragic event, but it also reflects the complexity of human nature. On the one hand, we see the dark side of human nature – lying, cheating, taking advantage of others; On the other hand, we have also witnessed the bright side of human nature – compassion, understanding, justice. This incident has undoubtedly given us a deeper understanding of the fragility of life and also made us realize that we need to be more mature, rational and self-responsible when dealing with emotional problems.

12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed
12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed

We call on all sectors of society to work together to build a warmer and more rational environment, so that young people will not lose their way on the road to growth, nor will they choose the path of despair in difficult times. Let us cherish life together, help each other, and work together to advance this society towards a better future.

12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed
12 days after the fat cat incident, it was on the hot search again, and my sister sent a death certificate, and human nature was vividly revealed