
I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

author:Free White Cloud ZO

Requirements for the wedding night

My name is Lin Hao, I am 46 years old, and I am a senior executive of a medium-sized company. When I was younger, I was so busy with my career that I missed the best time to have children. Later, due to a serious illness, I lost my fertility. My ex-wife couldn't accept this fact and chose to divorce me. For the past few years, I have been living alone, and although I have a successful career, I always feel endless loneliness whenever I return to my empty home.

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

It wasn't until last year that I met my current wife, Li Ting. She is a few years younger than me and is also divorced, but has no children. We met at a social event, she was gentle and considerate, and she was full of love for life. We quickly fell in love and decided to spend the rest of our lives together. Last night, we had a simple and hearty wedding, inviting family and friends to witness our happy moment.

On the wedding night, I entered our new house with great anticipation. Li Ting was wearing red pajamas, which looked particularly charming. I was about to hug her, but she motioned for me to sit down, saying she had something to say to me.

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

"Lin Hao, I have something I want to tell you." Li Ting's tone was very serious, which surprised me a little.

"What's wrong, dear?" I asked softly.

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

"Before we start a new life, I have a few requests that I hope you will seriously consider." Li Ting said slowly.

My heart tightened, I didn't expect to hear such words on my wedding night. But I kept my composure and nodded for her to continue.

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

"First, I want us to manage the family finances together, and every big expense has to be decided through negotiation." Li Ting looked at me and said.

"No problem, I was going to do that." I smiled in response.

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

"Second, I hope you can spend more time with me and not always be busy with work." Li Ting continued.

I held her hand and looked at her affectionately: "I will, I will arrange more time with you in the future." ”

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

"Thirdly, although we can't have children of our own, I want to adopt a child, what do you think?" Li Ting asked tentatively.

This question surprised me a little, but I can understand her thoughts when I think about it. I pondered for a moment and nodded, "Okay, I agree." We can go and adopt a child and give him a warm home. ”

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

Li Ting smiled with satisfaction after hearing this. Then, she made a fourth request: "Fourth, I hope we can participate in some couples counseling sessions together to learn how to get along better." ”

I felt that this request was very meaningful, so I agreed without hesitation: "Okay, let's learn together and grow together." ”

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

Li Ting nodded with satisfaction, and then made one last request: "Fifth, and most importantly, I hope we can be honest with each other, communicate frankly no matter what problems we encounter, and don't hide and deceive." ”

I looked into her earnest eyes and knew the importance of this request. I held her hand tightly: "I promise you that we will be honest with each other and face everything in life together. ”

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

What was supposed to be a romantic moment turned out to be a night of honest conversation. But it was this exchange that made me even more convinced that our marriage would be a happy one.

However, just as we were about to rest, Li Ting suddenly received a text message. After reading the text message, her face turned pale and a hint of panic flashed in her eyes.

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

"What's wrong?" I asked with concern.

Li Ting hesitated, but still handed me the phone: "You can see it yourself." ”

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

I took my phone and was shocked when I saw the text message. The text message was sent from an unfamiliar number, and the content was simple and direct: "If you don't want your husband to know the secrets of your past, do as I ask." ”

I looked up at Li Ting, her eyes full of worry and fear. I took a deep breath and took her hand: "Don't worry, I'll be there for you no matter what happens." ”

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

Li Ting hugged me tightly, tears sliding down my shoulders. I don't know what secrets she's hiding in the past, but I do know that she needs my support and protection at this moment.

"Lin Hao, I'm ......" Li Ting tried to explain, but I interrupted her.

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

"Needless to say, I trust you. It doesn't matter what happened in the past. The important thing is that we are together now, and there is still a long way to go in the future. I gently wiped away her tears.

That night, we didn't rest. As we sat at the head of the bed, Li Ting confessed to me about her past experiences. It turned out that in her marriage to her ex-husband, she had experienced domestic violence. In order to escape that painful memory, she chose to divorce and concealed the experience.

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

After listening to her story, I hugged her into my arms in distress: "You have suffered, I will protect you well in the future, and I will not let you be hurt again." ”

Li Ting looked at me gratefully: "Thank you, Lin Hao. ”

I am 46 years old, infertile and on my wedding night, my remarried wife made me 5 requests

On the wedding night, although there was an unexpected episode, our relationship was even deeper. We face the shadows of the past together and welcome the sunshine of the future together. I believe that no matter what happens in the future, we will live together forever.

A few days later, I found out through some connections that the person who sent the threatening text message turned out to be Li Ting's ex-husband. I decided to talk to him and hope he stopped disturbing our lives. In the face of my questioning and warnings, he finally chose to back down and promised not to harass Li Ting again.

Life gradually returned to peace, and Li Ting and I began a new chapter in our lives. We adopted a lovely child and shared the responsibilities of parenthood. At the same time, we also attended a couples counseling course as scheduled to learn how to get along and communicate better. Although our married life had a difficult start, it was full of hope and warmth.