
After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

author:Free White Cloud ZO

The encounter between a returning veteran and a rich woman

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

My name is Zhang Wei, an ordinary name, just like my life. I come from a humble town to humble parents who grew up farming and odd jobs. I don't have any special hobbies, and my biggest dream when I was a child was to wear a military uniform and become a soldier who defends my family and country.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

After graduating from high school, I joined the army as I wished and became a glorious PLA soldier. In the five years I have been in the army, I have experienced countless ups and downs and tests, and I have also gained comradeship and honors. However, after five years of service, I had to take off my beloved military uniform and return to my hometown.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

When I returned to my hometown, I found myself somewhat disconnected from this rapidly changing society. Although I have the perseverance and responsibility of a soldier, I still feel a little lost in the face of the real job market. At this moment, by chance, I met her - Li Ting.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

Li Ting is a well-known local rich woman, and her family runs a large business in a variety of fields. Although she is nearly forty years old, she is very well maintained and looks to be in her early thirties. She not only has outstanding appearance, but also has a unique business acumen and skill. For some reason, she chose me as her personal chauffeur.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

In the beginning, I wasn't too happy with the job. After all, working as a driver for a rich woman always sounds a little awkward. But the pressures of life left me with little choice, so I had to take the job head-on.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

However, getting along with Li Ting was beyond my expectations. She wasn't as haughty and unapproachable as I thought she would. On the contrary, she is approachable and even exudes the weakness and dependence of a little woman at some times.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

Gradually, I found that Li Ting always likes to call me "husband" behind my back. At first, I thought it was a slip of the tongue or a joke. But as time went on, the title came to her mouth more and more often.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

"Husband, I have an important meeting tomorrow, you can pick me up early." She whispered on the phone.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

"Sister Ting, it's good if you call me Xiao Zhang." I reminded with some embarrassment.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

She just smiled and didn't respond.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

This situation baffles me. I didn't understand why she called me that, and I didn't know how to deal with it. I began to deliberately avoid her and minimize contact and communication with her. But the more this happened, the more I could feel her attention and care for me.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

Once, I got sick and had a high fever that didn't go away. When Li Ting learned about it, she immediately drove to my residence and took care of me personally. She cooked soup and porridge for me and helped me get the best doctor. With her meticulous care, I recovered very quickly.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

"Why are you being so nice to me?" I couldn't help but ask her.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

She looked at me, and a trace of complicated emotions flashed in her eyes: "Because I see in you a long-lost sense of responsibility and responsibility." You make me feel at ease and happy. ”

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

Her words stunned me. I never imagined that I, an ordinary veteran, could give her such a sense of security. That's when I started to revisit our relationship. Perhaps, what she called me was not just a slip of the tongue or a joke, but what she really felt deep down.

After I was discharged from the army, I worked as a driver for a rich woman, and she always liked to call me husband when no one was around

However, this subtle change of feelings has caused me unprecedented trouble. While I am grateful for her care and trust, I am well aware of the identity gap and age gap between us. I couldn't accept her feelings for me, and I didn't want her to get hurt in any way because of me.

So, I decided to leave the job and leave the woman who had put me in trouble. I offered her my resignation, but she firmly disagreed.

"Why are you leaving? Am I not good to you? She asked me excitedly.

"Sister Ting, you are very good to me, but I can't accept your feelings for me." I told her honestly, "There's so much impossibility between us, and I don't want you to get hurt in any way because of me." ”

She was silent for a long time, then slowly raised her head: "I understand." I respect your decision, but please remember that you are my best friend at all times and wherever you are. ”

In this way, I left Li Ting's home and started a new life. I found a job that suited me and met a like-minded girl my age. We fell in love and soon entered the palace of marriage.

However, on the day of my wedding, I received a mysterious gift - a brand new car. There was a small sign hanging on the car key that read, "Bless you, husband." ”

I was stunned. I know that this gift must have been given by Li Ting. In this way, she expressed her blessing to me and letting go. The gratitude in my heart is indescribable, and I can only accept this precious gift silently.

Nowadays, whenever I drive that car down the street, I think of the woman who used to call me "husband". She taught me what responsibility and responsibility are, and also made me understand the true meaning of love. Although we can't be together, I will always cherish the time we spent together and the innocent friendship.