
Don't let the kimono girl incident, the narrow national view that contrasts with it, harm a generation!

author:For the rest of his life, Kan Sannong

In recent years, with the continuous rise of national strength, the attitude of Chinese people towards foreign culture seems to have quietly undergone some changes, and some phenomena of resistance and exclusion have emerged.

An incident in Suzhou in which a kimono girl was taken away by the police is particularly noteworthy, and has also sparked extensive discussion and reflection.

Don't let the kimono girl incident, the narrow national view that contrasts with it, harm a generation!

1. Review of events

A few years ago, a video shot in Suzhou Japanese Style Street went viral on the Internet, in which a woman wearing a kimono was taken away by local law enforcement officers, and the onlookers at the scene also expressed their puzzlement, and many people defended the woman.

Immediately, the details of the incident were gradually revealed, and it turned out that the woman was taken away by the police because of the live broadcast on the Japanese style street, which caused dissatisfaction and complaints from local residents.

Similar incidents are not uncommon in recent times, and every time they occur, they spark a discussion on the Internet about "boycotting foreign cultures".

In these discussions, some people believe that foreign culture will have an impact on or even erode China's traditional culture and values, so they choose to resist and reject foreign culture, while others believe that this approach is too extreme and should be more open and inclusive.

Don't let the kimono girl incident, the narrow national view that contrasts with it, harm a generation!

2. Social resistance to foreign cultural phenomena

In fact, not only in Suzhou, similar resistance to foreign culture has occurred across the country in recent years, and the most representative of them is some holiday culture.

For example, at Christmas, some people will launch a campaign to "refuse to celebrate Christmas", believing that this is a "Westernized" behavior and should be resolutely resisted.

Behind this phenomenon of resistance to foreign cultures, some social psychology and emotions are often reflected. First of all, there is the xenophobia of some people, who believe that foreign culture will pose a threat to China's traditional culture and values, so they will become emotional and choose to resist foreign culture.

It is also related to some changes in international relations, which have seen some fluctuations in recent times, which is why it has deepened some people's xenophobic anxiety.

Don't let the kimono girl incident, the narrow national view that contrasts with it, harm a generation!

3. How should foreign cultures be viewed?

In fact, as a country with a long history and splendid culture, China's traditional culture is very profound and can withstand the exchange and collision of various cultures.

In today's world, cultural diversity and exchange have become an inevitable trend and an important force to promote the progress of human society.

When we face foreign cultures, we can actually be more rational, we can try to understand and tolerate, take the essence of it, and remove the dross, instead of blindly resisting and rejecting it.

Only on such an open and inclusive basis can we better protect and inherit our traditional culture, and can we continue to enrich and develop our own cultural connotation in the collision and exchange of such cultures.

Don't let the kimono girl incident, the narrow national view that contrasts with it, harm a generation!

4. Strengthen education on cultural diversity

Of course, it is not very easy to truly be open and tolerant of foreign cultures, which requires us to work hard in our daily life and education.

It is necessary to strengthen education on cultural diversity, so that more people realize that each culture has its own unique charm, is also equal, and should be respected and tolerated.

The second is to create an atmosphere conducive to cultural exchange and tolerance under the guidance of the media and public opinion, so that people can more consciously accept and integrate into this cultural exchange.

Only with such joint efforts can we truly have an open and inclusive attitude towards foreign cultures, and can we bring more opportunities and challenges to our own development and improvement in the exchange and collision of such cultures.

V. Conclusion

The great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is not only the rise of economic strength, but also the enhancement of cultural soft power and international influence.

Cultural exchange and tolerance are precisely the important ways and basic guarantees to achieve this goal.

Therefore, when we talk about Chinese culture, we can also be more confident and accept and tolerate the excellence of other cultures, because it is in this process of tolerance and integration that Chinese culture can shine more brightly, and can also show a more unique and rich charm on the world stage.

I sincerely hope that through such an event, more people can realize that resisting foreign culture is not a wise choice, and only on the basis of openness and inclusiveness can we be more confident and firm, and can we contribute to the inheritance and development of Chinese culture.