
Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose

author:Holding a snowflake in your hand
Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose

"Celebrating More Than Years 2" is the highly anticipated sequel after the success of the first season, and Fan Xian, played by Zhang Ruoyun, once again leads the audience into a world full of intrigue and betrayal. The plot revolves around Fan Xian's fake death, Emperor Qing's conspiracy, the revelation of the second prince's conspiracy, and the forbidden love between the crown prince and Li Yunrui.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose

The story begins with Fan Xian being assassinated by Yan Bingyun and then faking his death. Fan Xian's "death" shocked the entire capital, including his three fathers and godfather Chen Pingping. Chen Pingping's anger and grief pushed her to demand that all those involved in the incident accompany the burial. But Fan Xian didn't really die, but escaped with the help of fake death and returned to the capital to save his relatives and friends. Although this strategy was witty, it also exposed the fragility of the core of power in the capital.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose

Fan Xian's return brought about subtle changes in the power structure of the capital. Emperor Qing was furious at Fan Xian's fake death and thought it was a crime of bullying the king. Fan Xian, on the other hand, used his wisdom and Chen Pingping's help to not only calm Emperor Qing's anger, but also expose the conspiracy of the second prince and the eldest princess Li Yunrui to collude with the Northern Qi. Fan Xian handed over the pulley drawings to Emperor Qing and revealed the secrets of the temple, a move that not only saved himself, but also caused Emperor Qing to re-evaluate him.

The real dramatic turn lies in the secret alliance between the crown prince and Li Yunrui. Li Yunrui not only cooperated with the second prince on the surface, but behind the scenes, he had a deeper collusion with the prince. When Fan Xian discovers that Baoyue Tower is not only a black spot of human trafficking, but also related to his younger brother Fan Sizhe, the family's secrets begin to surface. The revelation of Baoyue Tower became the key to Fan Xian's fight against the second prince.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose

The Baoyuelou incident eventually led the crown prince to come forward and publicly investigate the human trafficking case, an action that directly threatened the status of the second prince. The crown prince took advantage of Li Yunrui's relationship with the second prince to force the second prince to evacuate Baoyue Tower, allowing Fan Xian to escape. But this is only a superficial victory, because the real purpose of the crown prince and Li Yunrui is to control the core of power, and their secret collusion is the key to the fiasco of the second prince.

Fan Xian finally learned that the relationship between the prince and Li Yunrui went far beyond a simple political alliance, and Li Yunrui's intimate relationship with the prince became an explosive scandal. And this relationship is not only an exchange of political interests, but also a power game. The betrayal of the crown prince made Fan Xian realize that he was still a pawn in this game of power. Even though he thought he had enough intelligence and resources to fight against the second prince, the reality was that it was the higher powers that really controlled the rules of the game - the crown prince and Li Yunrui.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose

Fan Xian's strategy shifted to how to deal with this sudden change. He needs to reassess his place and resources in this complex power struggle. Fan Xian knew that only by exposing the scandal more deeply could he regain the initiative. He began to plot how to leak this information to Emperor Qing as a bargaining chip to regain Emperor Qing's trust.

At the same time, the crown prince and Li Yunrui did not realize that Fan Xian had mastered their secrets. In their eyes, Fan Xian is still a pawn that can be used to stabilize the crown prince's succession. They continue to plot how to further contain the second prince and ensure the end of his political life, and in the case of Fan Xian, they believe that they can maintain his loyalty through some political deals.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose

After experiencing the defeat of Baoyue Tower, the second prince felt unprecedented pressure. He began to perceive that the prince's ambitions were not only limited to the power struggle in the palace, but also had a larger agenda. The second prince decided to take more radical measures, and he planned to regain his voice through a bold military operation, in an attempt to change his passive position in the court.

Fan Xian used his wisdom and intelligence resources to finally find an excellent opportunity to expose the scandal between the prince and Li Yunrui. At a court meeting, he skillfully guided the topic and gradually led to the relationship between the prince and Li Yunrui, although this behavior was extremely risky, but it was also the most direct counterattack he could think of. Fan Xian's words were precise and sharp, which made everyone present, including Emperor Qing, begin to doubt the relationship between the crown prince and Li Yunrui.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose

Emperor Qing's anger was ignited, and he could not tolerate such a scandal between his heir and the eldest princess. Emperor Qing ordered an in-depth investigation into the situation, and the results confirmed Fan Xian's accusations. The relationship between the crown prince and Li Yunrui was made public, and it became a major scandal in the entire court. This incident not only damaged the image and status of the crown prince, but also dealt a political blow to Li Yunrui.

Although the second prince once thought that he had found an opportunity, he soon found that his actions were expected and used by the crown prince. After knowing that he might fall out of favor, the crown prince quickly adjusted his strategy, publicly declared that he was also a victim of hoodwinning, and accused the second prince of using the incident to try to usurp the throne. This change of heart brought him back to Emperor Qing's trust, and the second prince's plan failed completely, ending his political career.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose

Although Fan Xian faced great risks in this series of events, his resourcefulness and adventurous spirit eventually won him a certain victory. He not only succeeded in exposing the scandal of the crown prince and Li Yunrui, but through this action, he proved his worth and loyalty, thus gaining the trust of Emperor Qing again. Fan Xian also knew that his position in the court was still precarious, and every action and decision had to be carefully calculated.

In the midst of this complex political maelstrom, Fan Xian gradually realized that he needed stronger allies and a more cautious strategy. He began to secretly lay out, preparing for possible internal and external threats. Fan Xian's wisdom and strategy made him feel like a fish in water in the deep palace compound of the palace, but he also knew that any small mistake could lead to fatal consequences.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose

Although the crown prince was temporarily able to salvage his reputation during the incident, the incident also made him realize his vulnerability in the power struggle. He began to be more careful in his relations with other princes, especially the suppression of the second prince more severely. The crown prince knew that only by completely eliminating the threat could he inherit the throne in peace.

Li Yunrui's status has plummeted after the scandal, and her political future has been almost ruined. In this turmoil, Li Yunrui deeply experienced the cruelty and injustice of the power game. She began to look for opportunities to return to the center of power, which included repairing relations with the crown prince and seeking other possible allies, such as Fan Xian.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose

Although the second prince's political career came to an end due to a series of failures, he did not give up completely. He began to plot revenge more secretly, trying to find a handle that could bring down the crown prince and Fan Xian. The second prince acted more cautiously, but his resentment and ambition made him a dangerous existence in the dark.

In this process, Fan Xian constantly adjusted his strategy, and at the same time continued to show his wisdom and ability in the deep palace. His relationship with Chen Pingping, who was not only his godfather, but also an important mentor and ally in his political struggle, became even closer. Through a series of elaborate plans, Fan Xian gradually consolidated his position in the court, while also helping Emperor Qing deal with some tricky state affairs.

Qing Yu Nian 2: Until Li Yunrui climbed into the prince's bed, Fan Xian didn't know that the second prince was destined to lose