
Zhao Guisheng: Five years of perseverance, taking his mother to work to show great filial piety, warm the world! Filial piety or pressure?

author:Rising Sun MGP of Love Life

Recently, a news about Zhao Guisheng, a teacher at Yinchuan Energy Institute, taking his dementia mother to work for five years has sparked heated discussions on the Internet. In order to take care of his mother, who has Alzheimer's disease, this middle-aged teacher chose to take his mother to live together in the school dormitory, and take care of his mother while working. This act, while demonstrating the spirit of filial piety, also sparked discussions on issues such as family responsibilities and social support.


Zhao Guisheng's story is like a mirror that reflects the plight that many families face when caring for the disabled elderly. Alzheimer's disease, known as the "eraser of memory", not only takes away the memories of the elderly, but also places a heavy burden on the family. Zhao Guisheng's choice to take care of his mother himself is undoubtedly a huge sacrifice and dedication. However, such a choice also made him face multiple pressures such as work, life, and spirit.

Zhao Guisheng: Five years of perseverance, taking his mother to work to show great filial piety, warm the world! Filial piety or pressure?

Supporters believe that Zhao Guisheng's behavior embodies the traditional virtues of respecting the old and loving the young of the Chinese nation, and is the best interpretation of the spirit of filial piety. They praised Zhao Guisheng for his courage and responsibility, believing that he was a role model for society and worthy of learning from everyone. At the same time, they also called on the society to give more attention and support to help families like Zhao Guisheng reduce their burden.

Zhao Guisheng: Five years of perseverance, taking his mother to work to show great filial piety, warm the world! Filial piety or pressure?

Opponents, however, hold a different view. They believe that although Zhao Guisheng's choice is touching, it is also a helpless move. In modern society, there should be a better balance between family responsibilities and social support. The government and society should provide more elderly care services and support measures to reduce the pressure on families to take care of the elderly. At the same time, they also worry that Zhao's actions will become a kind of moral kidnapping, leaving other families feeling helpless and helpless in the face of similar difficulties.

Zhao Guisheng: Five years of perseverance, taking his mother to work to show great filial piety, warm the world! Filial piety or pressure?

In fact, Zhao's story is not an isolated case. In mainland China, with the deepening of the aging population, more and more families are facing the problem of caring for the disabled elderly. However, due to the imperfection of the social support system and the inadequacy of elderly care services, many families feel unable to take care of the elderly. Although Zhao Guisheng's choice is a brave attempt, it also exposes the shortcomings and difficulties of the society on the issue of pension.

Zhao Guisheng: Five years of perseverance, taking his mother to work to show great filial piety, warm the world! Filial piety or pressure?

Therefore, we need to think and solve this problem from multiple angles. First of all, the government should increase investment and support for pension services, establish a sound pension service system, and provide more high-quality and convenient services for the elderly. Secondly, the society should strengthen the attention and research on the issue of pension, and promote the formulation and implementation of relevant policies. At the same time, we also need to strengthen the care and respect for the elderly, so that they can feel the warmth and care of the society.

Zhao Guisheng: Five years of perseverance, taking his mother to work to show great filial piety, warm the world! Filial piety or pressure?

Finally, we also need to give an objective evaluation and respect to Zhao Guisheng's behavior. Although his choice is a helpless move, it also reflects his deep love and sense of responsibility for his mother. We should learn from his spirit of filial piety, and at the same time, we also need to reflect on the shortcomings and dilemmas of the society on the issue of old-age care. Only in this way can we build a more harmonious and beautiful society together.