
Manchester United proved that the content of Ronaldo's interview with Morgan was an objective fact!

author:Fish and cats in the sea of the moon

Manchester United proved that the content of Ronaldo's interview with Morgan was an objective fact!

Manchester United proved that the content of Ronaldo's interview with Morgan was an objective fact!
Manchester United proved that the content of Ronaldo's interview with Morgan was an objective fact!
Manchester United proved that the content of Ronaldo's interview with Morgan was an objective fact!
Manchester United proved that the content of Ronaldo's interview with Morgan was an objective fact!

Back in time: Cristiano Ronaldo's interview reveals the truth about Manchester United

1. Betrayal and Truth

In United's glory days, countless fans have witnessed the rise and fall of countless heroes. However, when the legendary Cristiano Ronaldo gave an exclusive interview to Morgan before leaving Manchester United, revealing a series of internal problems about Manchester United, most people chose to stand against him, believing that his remarks were just a catharsis of personal emotions. However, as time goes by, when we look back on the content of that interview again, we have to feel Ronaldo's insight and outspokenness.

In the interview, Ronaldo bluntly said that he felt betrayed, not only because of Coach Ten Hag's intention to force him away, but also because of the attitude of some people in the club's management. He is honest that there are some people who don't want him to stay at United, and that sentiment has not only been felt in the year before his departure, but even in the seasons before him. This feeling of betrayal is undoubtedly a heavy blow to a player who has put in countless sweat and hard work for Manchester United.

And when we look back at Manchester United's performance in recent years, it is not difficult to see that Ronaldo's words are true. Although the club has invested heavily in the transfer market, there are very few signings that can really improve the strength of the team. At the same time, the management has also exposed many problems in team building and tactical arrangement. These problems undoubtedly had a negative impact on the morale and form of the players, and indirectly led to a decline in the team's results.

2. Respect and reflection

In the interview, Ronaldo also expressed his disrespect for Coach Ten Hag. He admits he doesn't respect the Dutch coach because Ten Hag doesn't treat him with the respect he deserves. Ronaldo believes that respect is mutual, and if a person doesn't respect you, then it's hard to respect him. Such blunt remarks caused an uproar at the time, but now it seems that Ronaldo's position is not without purpose.

In the world of football, the relationship between coaches and players is crucial. A successful coach needs to be trusted and respected by his players, and a good player needs to be recognized and supported by his coach. However, in United's dressing room, the relationship does not seem to be harmonious. There is a certain conflict between Ten Hag's tactical philosophy and Ronaldo's style of play, which has also led to the gradual intensification of the conflict between the two. In this context, Ronaldo's disrespect is not difficult to understand.

Of course, we can't put the blame solely on Ten Hag. As Manchester United's manager, he has a lot of complex issues and challenges to contend with. But no matter what, he should respect every player who has worked hard for the team. Only in this way can a united and harmonious team atmosphere be established and a solid foundation for the team's success.

3. Criticism and self-awareness

In the interview, Ronaldo also responded to the criticism of his former teammate Wayne Rooney. Wayne Rooney has publicly stated that Ronaldo's performance at Manchester United was not as good as his time at Real Madrid. For such criticism, Ronaldo did not choose to avoid or refute it, but faced it calmly. He admits that he did face some difficulties and challenges during his time at United, but it also made him more mature and stronger.

Cristiano Ronaldo said he didn't know why Wayne Rooney was so critical of him, probably because Rooney had retired and he was still playing at a high level. Although Ronaldo did not directly belittle Rooney's ability and status, such a response is enough to show his confidence and recognition of his own strength.

In fact, Cristiano Ronaldo's performances at Manchester United have been good enough. He has helped the team win several titles and has left countless iconic moments. However, the world of football is brutal and there is always an expectation that players can do better and more perfectly. Under this expectation and pressure, Ronaldo will inevitably receive some criticism and doubts. But it was these criticisms and doubts that made him more firm in his beliefs and pursuits.

4. Facilities and future prospects

In the final part of the interview, Ronaldo talked about Manchester United's hardware and training conditions. He bluntly stated that since Sir Alex Ferguson's departure, there has been no change and no improvement at Manchester United. This stagnant state made Ronaldo feel disappointed and helpless.

As a professional footballer, training conditions and facilities are crucial to their performance. However, in United's dressing room, the players faced a lot of inconveniences and troubles. From the swimming pool to the jacuzzi to the gym, the facilities are the same as they were ten years ago without any updates or improvements. This backward facility not only affects the training effectiveness and physical recovery ability of the players, but also limits the improvement and development of the overall level of the team.

Of course, we can't ignore Manchester United's investment and efforts in the transfer market in recent years. They have brought in some good players to strengthen the team, but to really get back to the top, they need to overhaul and improve from within. This includes not only improvements in hardware and training conditions, but also a concerted effort and collaboration between the management, the coaching staff and the players, so that United can regain its former glory and become the best in football once again.

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Time flies to talk about Manchester United

The green trees are difficult to hide the traces of time, and the rise and fall of Manchester United is always a matter of affection. Luo Sheng once Zhenying's soul was there, and now he looks back on his dream.

The glory of the past is still in sight, and Ferguson is famous. The Red Devil's demeanor shocked the world, who expected that there would be waves today. Ronaldo bluntly said that he was betrayed, and his coaches and teammates were injured. The words were as sharp as a knife, and the hearts of the fans were rippling.

Ten Hag is suspicious and difficult to resonate with tactical ideas. The players' morale gradually wore out, and the performance on the field was unsatisfactory. Rooney's criticism continued, and Ronaldo responded with authenticity. The self-confidence has not diminished the courage of the year, and the soul of the Red Devil is still alive.

The facilities are outdated and need to be updated, and the training conditions need to be upgraded. The glory of the past has become a thing of the past, and the reform of the present cannot be delayed. What does the future hold for Manchester United? Unite as one.

In the past, the Red Devil shook all directions, where to find glory now? Ronaldo woke up from his dream, and time flew to talk about Manchester United. I hope that the Red Devils can rise again, revitalize their majesty and show a new look. Fans are looking forward to the day when they will return to the top and create glory.


In the form of ancient poems, this poem reviews the rise and fall of Manchester United in recent years, especially the various controversies and reflections caused by Ronaldo's interview. The poem depicts Manchester United's past glory and current predicament, as well as Ronaldo's outspokenness, expressing expectations and worries about Manchester United's future. At the same time, it also shows the deep emotions and best wishes of the fans for Manchester United.