
Feel the pain of low EQ, the earnings of high EQ: how to pay smartly at dinner

author:Listen to Ju

#q1#标签: #职场沟通技巧 #人际关系 #情商 #社交技巧 #领导与下属关系

## People with low EQ pay for themselves, and people with high EQ do it

### Description:

Leaders have skills in ordering, how to deal with the problem of paying at dinner, and the practice of people with high emotional intelligence will open your eyes!


Feel the pain of low EQ, the earnings of high EQ: how to pay smartly at dinner

As the editor of Toutiao, I will bring you a topic today about the leader at the dinner party asking you to pay. In the workplace, we may all encounter such a situation: at the end of a meal, the leader suddenly said: "Today's account is yours, remember to reimburse." It's hard to refuse, but it raises a series of questions: What should I do? What do people with low emotional intelligence do? What are the tricks for people with high emotional intelligence? Let's take a look.

At the dinner, the leader asks you to pay, which is undoubtedly a way to show power, and it is also a test for you by the leader. So, what do people with low emotional intelligence do? They often feel passive and helpless, and may choose to pay silently, secretly heartache but unable to express it. This approach not only makes me feel unhappy, but also sends a signal of weakness to the leader.

Feel the pain of low EQ, the earnings of high EQ: how to pay smartly at dinner

People with high emotional intelligence are different from those with low emotional intelligence in that they know how to deal with complex situations in the workplace and are flexible enough to deal with various challenges. When they encounter a situation where they make themselves pay for the meal, they do not fall into the trap of passivity, but choose to deal with it appropriately.

So, how do people with high emotional intelligence deal with this? First, they will quickly observe the occasion after sitting down, noticing the reactions of others. If everyone else is resigned, people with high emotional intelligence will also express their thoughts. In a clever way, they share the responsibility of paying the bill with others, such as: "Today's meal is so good, let's come to AA together!" In this way, he not only maintained his own face, but also did not appear to reject the leadership arrangement.

In addition, people with high emotional intelligence will also prepare in advance before paying, including estimating the price, understanding the payment method, etc. They know how to use payment software wisely, such as WeChat or Alipay, and can take the initiative to invite leaders to use these convenient ways to make payments and avoid the embarrassment of cash transactions.

Feel the pain of low EQ, the earnings of high EQ: how to pay smartly at dinner

Another key point is that people with high emotional intelligence are good at using the power of groups. They will build good relationships with other colleagues at the dinner and ask for more support. When the leader proposes to make himself pay, the person with high emotional intelligence will subtly ask for help from the colleagues around him, such as: "Xiao Li, I forgot to bring my wallet, can you pay for me first?" I'll transfer you money as soon as I get back. In this way, people with high emotional intelligence both avoid trouble and build their image in the team.

At the dinner, the leader asks you to pay, which is a test of emotional intelligence. People with low EQ may choose to take responsibility quietly, while people with high EQ are able to respond flexibly and be good at using various resources. Whether through clever expression or with the help of group strength, people with high emotional intelligence can maintain their dignity and image in this situation and win the approval of their leaders.

Therefore, when you encounter a situation where the leader asks you to pay, you might as well try the practice of a person with high emotional intelligence, learn to communicate effectively with the leader, and reasonably share the responsibility of paying. This will not only show your workplace wisdom, but also earn you more respect and opportunities.

I hope everyone can show a high emotional intelligence in the workplace and become the person who knows how to deal with complex situations and is different! Go for it!

*The above content is for reference only, please respond flexibly according to the actual situation. *
