
Outrageous! Woman's phone fell into the lake and asked to drain the lake? The comment section blew up!

author:Super Brother Society

For us, mobile phones are not only a communication tool, but also a tool for taking pictures and recording life, but also an entertainment tool that can go online to watch videos and information, and more importantly, mobile phones are also wallets for shopping and payment. Once the mobile phone is lost, it is not only the mobile phone itself that is lost, the photos inside are likely to be unable to be recovered, and if the mobile phone falls into the artificial lake, it will be even more tragic.

Outrageous! Woman's phone fell into the lake and asked to drain the lake? The comment section blew up!

Event recap

According to the Peninsula Morning News, on May 14, Ms. Jiang from Changsha, Hunan Province, accidentally dropped her mobile phone into the lake while playing bamboo rafting in a park, Ms. Jiang found the staff of the park for help, and the staff arranged for Ms. Jiang to wait, Ms. Jiang waited for more than 3 hours, and finally waited for the park to get off work.

Outrageous! Woman's phone fell into the lake and asked to drain the lake? The comment section blew up!

The staff of the park tested the water with bamboo poles and found that the water was too deep to be salvage, and the person in charge of the park tried to salvage it with a net, but it still ended in failure.

Until more than 9 o'clock in the evening, Ms. Jiang found professional salvage personnel by herself, but the sky was too dark and the light was not good, even professionals did not salvage the mobile phone.

Outrageous! Woman's phone fell into the lake and asked to drain the lake? The comment section blew up!

Ms. Jiang said that her mobile phone was bought for seven or eight thousand Apple 14, and although it has been used for more than a year, the photos in the mobile phone are precious. Subsequently, Ms. Jiang claimed compensation from the park on the grounds that there was no safety warning for valuables in the scenic spot and there was no storage place for valuables.

When talking about compensation, Ms. Jiang said that the mobile phone that fell into the lake was an Apple 14, and if the person in charge of the park was suspicious, he could drain the lake to see if it was the phone.

The person in charge of the park believes that it is impossible for Ms. Jiang to drain the lake to find her mobile phone, not to mention how can she prove that the mobile phone that fell into the lake is an Apple 14? The phone was not found, and the person in charge of the park apologized to Ms. Jiang, who agreed to Ms. Jiang to go through the legal process.

Outrageous! Woman's phone fell into the lake and asked to drain the lake? The comment section blew up!

This thing is really outrageous! It is my own behavior that the mobile phone fell into the lake, I don't know when it started, there are some people who always like to forcibly push their responsibilities to others, and they are so justifiable, this incident shocked netizens, and the comment area exploded!

Spicy comments from netizens

My phone just fell to the ground and it was broken, and I asked for a claim from the department and asked me to protect my rights and interests.

Outrageous! Woman's phone fell into the lake and asked to drain the lake? The comment section blew up!

My mother, fortunately, the earth is not mine, this mobile phone fell to the ground and broke, you can't ask me for compensation!

Outrageous! Woman's phone fell into the lake and asked to drain the lake? The comment section blew up!

I think there is nothing wrong with what this eldest sister said, and the pumping should be done, and it must be drained, and find the mobile phone for others. And then the cost of pumping is all reimbursed by this eldest sister, isn't it over?

Outrageous! Woman's phone fell into the lake and asked to drain the lake? The comment section blew up!

It has to be version T0, what if you fall into the sea?

Outrageous! Woman's phone fell into the lake and asked to drain the lake? The comment section blew up!

If you win, please send out the process, I still have a lot of discarded electrical appliances at home. I can't do it, I'm going to buy something.

Outrageous! Woman's phone fell into the lake and asked to drain the lake? The comment section blew up!

One-sided, in fact, it is still a problem of mobile phone manufacturers, and the mobile phone is produced without a drop prevention function, which is a design defect.

Outrageous! Woman's phone fell into the lake and asked to drain the lake? The comment section blew up!

Write at the end

There are some people, after what happened, do not want to be responsible for their own actions, so they racked their brains, put their own responsibility on others, the uncle drunk driving and riding a motorcycle fell down, the enthusiastic guy came forward to visit, and was said by the other party to be the perpetrator, if it was not for the guy to have a video, I am afraid it is difficult to say clearly, it really chills the hearts of well-wishers.

The same is true of this matter, Ms. Jiang herself dropped her mobile phone into the lake, but she thought that there was no warning in the park, may I ask, does this kind of thing really need to be warned? I believe that as long as you are an adult and have a normal mind, you don't need a warning, of course, it is recommended that the park should still set up warning signs to avoid being blackmailed! What do you think about this? #女子手机掉湖里向园区索赔#

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