
The original Wang Sicong's ex-girlfriend Xiao Yu lost control of her emotions in the late-night live broadcast, and was questioned by netizens about her reluctance to give up this relationship

author:The days of lazy grandma


Recently, a popular event in the entertainment industry has become everyone's after-dinner conversation, that is, the breakup of Wang Sicong and his ex-girlfriend Xiao Yu. The relationship between the two has always attracted much attention from the outside world, and this breakup has caused an uproar and has become the focus of heated discussions. In the entertainment industry, the love life of celebrities has always attracted much attention, and once something happens, it will often be infinitely magnified, and for the parties involved, they also need to deal with and deal with various situations under the pressure of public opinion.

1. Xiao Yu started the live broadcast in response to the breakup

The original Wang Sicong's ex-girlfriend Xiao Yu lost control of her emotions in the late-night live broadcast, and was questioned by netizens about her reluctance to give up this relationship

Recently, Xiao Yu responded to her breakup with Wang Sicong through the live broadcast platform, and her performance in the live broadcast can be said to be unexpected, she did not choose to deal with it in a low-key manner, but showed her emotions to the audience without reservation. In the live broadcast, Xiao Yu's mood fluctuated greatly, sometimes sad and crying, sometimes helpless smile, she admitted that she was very sad when she learned the news of the breakup, and her heart was full of various struggles and suffering.

For such live broadcast content, many netizens have expressed distress and comfort, they think that Xiao Yu's mood fluctuations are so drastic, I am afraid that it has been a considerable blow, after all, falling out of love is a very painful thing for anyone. At the end of the live broadcast, Xiao Yu also solemnly apologized to everyone, saying that he may disappear for a period of time and need to adjust himself.

The original Wang Sicong's ex-girlfriend Xiao Yu lost control of her emotions in the late-night live broadcast, and was questioned by netizens about her reluctance to give up this relationship
The original Wang Sicong's ex-girlfriend Xiao Yu lost control of her emotions in the late-night live broadcast, and was questioned by netizens about her reluctance to give up this relationship

Second, whether Xiao Yu's gaffe is true

In response to Xiao Yu's various performances in the live broadcast, many people are skeptical about this, they feel that Xiao Yu's gaffe may just be acting, after all, everything in the entertainment industry may be part of the hype, and Xiao Yu's move is undoubtedly using the heat of the breakup to hype himself, trying to get more attention and sympathy.

In today's entertainment industry, it is not easy to stand out, and once you have enough attention, you will undoubtedly lay a certain foundation for your career development. Therefore, some people believe that Xiao Yu's gaffe may be just a public relations need, and she hopes to use this matter to push herself into the spotlight and thus get more business opportunities.

The original Wang Sicong's ex-girlfriend Xiao Yu lost control of her emotions in the late-night live broadcast, and was questioned by netizens about her reluctance to give up this relationship

3. How to look at the emotional hype of public figures

Whether it is for the purpose of real emotional catharsis or hype, for public figures, how to deal with their emotional life and how to effectively combine their emotions and careers is a very thoughtful question.

In the entertainment industry, celebrities' words and deeds often receive great attention, and once something happens, it is likely to have an immeasurable impact on their careers. Therefore, how to remain true in front of the public, without losing generosity and decency, and how to protect oneself under various public pressure requires a certain amount of wisdom and skill.

The original Wang Sicong's ex-girlfriend Xiao Yu lost control of her emotions in the late-night live broadcast, and was questioned by netizens about her reluctance to give up this relationship

Fourth, how to view such an incident correctly

Regarding Xiao Yu's gaffe performance in the live broadcast, I believe that there will be many people who make various speculations and comments on this, some people feel that her emotions are out of real expression, and hope to get more understanding and support through this matter, while others feel that everything about her is just hype, and have a skeptical attitude towards it.

No matter what the purpose is, I believe that Xiao Yu's gaffe this time is a very big test for her, and it is also an opportunity for growth and maturity. In the entertainment industry, there may really be someone who can successfully transform with a momentary popularity and turn emotional experience into a career opportunity, but more often, the public prefers to see a real and frank self.

The original Wang Sicong's ex-girlfriend Xiao Yu lost control of her emotions in the late-night live broadcast, and was questioned by netizens about her reluctance to give up this relationship


Whether it is Xiao Yu or other public figures, I hope that everyone can be objective and fair when looking at such an incident, and will not bring too much harm and pressure to the parties. For us ordinary people, we may not really understand the life of celebrities, but what we can learn is how to face all kinds of pressure and difficulties with strength and optimism, I believe that only in this way can we go further, and I hope that Xiao Yu can quickly come out of the haze of emotions and meet a better self.