
798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience


798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" unveiled: a new crossover experience between technology and art

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

Recently, the high-profile art technology exhibition "I Want to See 'What You See'" was officially unveiled to the public at 798CUBE in the famous 798 Art District. This exhibition not only showcases the infinite possibilities of the combination of technology and art, but also makes the audience deeply feel the profound impact of the development of science and technology on the field of art through a series of innovative works and interactive experiences.

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

1. Overview of the exhibition

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

"I Want to See 'What You See'" brings together artists and technologists from all over the world to create a space that blends cutting-edge technology and artistic innovation. With the theme of "seeing", the exhibition allows the audience to perceive and understand the artwork in an unprecedented way through a variety of technological means such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence.

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

Second, the perfect combination of science and technology and art

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

In the exhibition, the audience can experience the perfect combination of technology and art. For example, there is a work that uses virtual reality technology to allow the viewer to be in a virtual world created by the artist and interact with the artwork. The audience can interact with the elements in the virtual world through gestures, sounds, etc., and feel the new experience brought by the integration of art and technology.

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

In addition, the exhibition also showcases some artworks created using artificial intelligence technology. These works use technologies such as machine learning and deep learning to empower machines to create their own works. These works of art, created by machines, not only demonstrate the powerful potential of AI technology, but also provoke people to think about the nature and future of artistic creation.

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

3. Practical cases and data analysis

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

In the exhibition, some specific cases and data also show the practical effect of the combination of technology and art. For example, a study on the use of virtual reality in the field of art showed that the audience's ability to perceive and understand the artwork was significantly improved through virtual reality. At the same time, virtual reality technology also provides artists with more creative inspiration and possibilities.

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

In addition, the exhibition also conducts in-depth research on the behavior and feedback of visitors in the exhibition through data analysis. These data analyses not only help to better understand the needs and preferences of audiences, but also provide valuable references for future Art Tech exhibitions.

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

Fourth, the future trend of scientific and technological development

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

The exhibition "I want to see 'what you see'" not only shows the results of the combination of technology and art, but also indicates the future trend of scientific and technological development. With the continuous development and popularization of artificial intelligence, virtual reality and other technologies, the combination of technology and art will become closer and closer. In the future, we can expect more artworks to be created and displayed using technological means, so that the audience can perceive and understand art in a way that has never been seen before.

798CUBE "I want to see 'what you see'" officially met the audience

At the same time, the development of science and technology will also provide more possibilities and inspiration for artistic creation. For example, AI technology can generate new works with a unique style and creativity by learning a large number of artworks and creative processes. These works of art created by machines can not only bring a new visual experience to the audience, but also bring more innovation and breakthroughs to the field of art creation.

In short, the successful holding of the exhibition "I Want to See 'What You See'" not only brings us new experience and new thinking on the combination of technology and art, but also reveals the future trend and potential of scientific and technological development. Let's look forward to more innovative works and exhibitions combining technology and art in the future!