
This animal appears once in 500 years, and Dolgon dies because of it, expert: probably extinct

author:Beautiful day

In ancient Oriental legends, there is an unbelievable saying: a mysterious creature reveals its unique trace only every five hundred years, like a meteor streaked across the night sky, fleeting. This is not a regular existence, but a subtle secret in the universe that only reveals its brilliance at a certain moment.

Dolgon, the all-powerful hero who once roamed the battlefield, was also captivated by the legend of this mysterious creature, which is enough to witness its magic. But when he finally had the opportunity to meet this creature, he paid with his life. This can't help but make people sigh, is there some kind of fate, so that all good things are accompanied by dangers and challenges?

This animal appears once in 500 years, and Dolgon dies because of it, expert: probably extinct

A veteran zoological expert has publicly stated that the legendary creature may be extinct.

Clash of Kings under Army 01: Dorgon and the Future Empire

On the vast prairie of eastern Liaodong, a young knight peaked over the waves, his name was Dorgon, and he had a magnificent life with a strong legend. He was the fourteenth son of Nurhachi, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and was born in this mysterious and desolate land, and his fate was destined to be closely linked to this land.

Dorgon was not the eldest son in the family, but his bravery and determination were no less than those of any of his brothers. Whenever Jin Ge Iron Horse, he followed his brothers on the battlefield without hesitation, but what burned in his heart was not the greed for territory, but the persistent pursuit of fame. As a young man, he aspired to surpass his brother and become a legendary hero remembered in the history books.

When he was 16 years old, Dolgon's wit and wisdom made him stand out from his many brothers. He was known as the "Mulgen Dynaysan Belle", a title that was the highest compliment to his extraordinary intelligence. It was this intelligence that allowed him to ascend to the position of the banner master of the white flag and become the master of all soldiers.

Dolgon's command is thousands of troops, but he leads not only the life and death of the soldiers, but also the mission of honor. Every time he went out on an expedition, he fought hard, his iron hooves broke through the earth, and the light of his sword flickered, not for the territory, but for the pursuit of the indelible light of glory.

Time flies, and the Qing Dynasty under the rule of Huang Taiji became famous in the Liaodong grasslands. However, the good times did not last long, and a sudden illness took Huang Taiji's life. The news of his death was like lightning in the darkness, instantly breaking the peace of Liaodong.

The death of Huang Taiji brought unprecedented turmoil to the Qing Dynasty. The fate of the dynasty seems to be hanging in the balance, because Huang Taiji did not leave a clear heir, which became a great regret and challenge.

This animal appears once in 500 years, and Dolgon dies because of it, expert: probably extinct

At this critical juncture, two ambitious members of the royal family, Dorgon and his nephew Hauge, highlighted their desire for the rule of the Qing dynasty, and their feud burned like a fire, plunging the entire dynasty into turmoil.

In the palace, Dolgon and Hauge demonstrated against each other, and the conflict intensified. The courtiers of the dynasty were worried about their future and security, and they feared that the battle would bring down the entire empire.

Dorgon was a man of great wisdom and strategy. He knew that only by establishing a legitimate monarch could the stability of the empire be ensured. Therefore, he made a decision that surprised everyone: he chose Fulin, the seven-year-old son of Empress Xiaozhuang Wen, as the new emperor, and this young child was the later Emperor Shunzhi.

This decision was immediately supported by the majority of ministers. Dolgon's wisdom and courage earned him the respect of the people. He not only secured his position of power, but also brought a new starting point for the Qing Empire.

02 The choice of the ministers: the kingdom stage between Dorgon and the young emperor

In the ancient Eastern Empire, when the young Fu Lin inherited a huge power and crown, the entire court fell into confusion and unease. The new emperor was just seven years old and knew nothing about the affairs of the country. But in the depths of the court, there is a shadow that is quietly rising, he is the younger brother of Huang Taiji, named Dorgon.

Dorgon did not have the ambition to become emperor from the beginning. He knew that Huang Taiji had many heirs, and his path to becoming emperor was not clear. But when he saw the young Fulin ascend to the throne, he realized that he had a chance to take power.

Emperor Shunzhi was too young to handle complex political affairs. And Dorgon, as regent, began to dominate the court. At that time, the Qing Dynasty court was almost entirely decided by him alone, and even Emperor Shunzhi could only act according to his wishes. Every time Dorgon entered the court, the civil and military officials had to kneel down to greet him, as if he were the real emperor.

This animal appears once in 500 years, and Dolgon dies because of it, expert: probably extinct

As an important statesman in the history of the Qing Dynasty, Dolgon's influence and contribution went far beyond a simple minister. His political career has demonstrated his remarkable vision and wisdom, and he understands that power alone is not enough to ensure the longevity of his reputation and position, but rather to strengthen his position through substantial contributions.

In the process of the Qing army's capture of Shanhaiguan, Dolgon's strategic vision and leadership skills were fully demonstrated. He was not only a powerful minister, but also an outstanding military commander. He clearly understood that only through a decisive victory could the Qing army be firmly stationed in the city of Beijing, thus marking the beginning of the formal Qing rule of the Central Plains.

The victory of the Qing army under the leadership of Dolgon at Shanhaiguan was not only a battle victory, but also a key strategic victory. Through careful planning and organization, he ensured that the Qing army gained a decisive advantage over the peasant army. This victory not only helped to consolidate the Qing dynasty's dominance in China, but also laid a solid foundation for the future development of the Qing dynasty.

Dolgon's actions demonstrated his remarkable vision as a statesman who was concerned not only with individual power, but also with the fate and stability of the country. His leadership skills and strategic vision made him an indispensable and important part of the history of the Qing Dynasty

Although Dolgon was strong, he did make a great contribution to the stability and development of the Qing Dynasty. He succeeded in protecting the young Fulin and ensuring the continued rule of the Qing Dynasty. At this point, even Emperor Qianlong, a few generations later, praised him and called him the founding father.

Throughout history, Dolgon's name has been passed down along with his contributions to the country. He may be a totalitarian or a political careerist, but more importantly, he is a minister who has worked hard for his country.

This animal appears once in 500 years, and Dolgon dies because of it, expert: probably extinct

03 The Kirin of the Tragic Song: The Last Dance of Dolgon and the Divine Beast

Dorgon rode his dark horse, which had accompanied him since childhood, through the rainforest, tracking the mysterious unicorn. His heart was filled with excitement and anticipation. The Qilin, the legendary auspicious beast, was waiting at his destination at the moment.

"My lord, it is said that the Kirin haunts the jungle west of Kara City." One of the guards whispered.

Dorgon nodded, the corners of his mouth raised, and a sly glint flashed in his eyes: "Okay, then we will camp there tonight, and capture the unicorn tomorrow!" ”

As night fell, the camp was filled with excitement and anticipation. At the fire, the soldiers chatted about the hunt, while Dorgon talked to his cronies about plans for the next day.

"I've heard that the adults are planning to openly hunt the unicorns?" A cronie asked in a low voice.

"Not bad. I want all my courtiers to see my valor. Dorgon said confidently.

At dawn, everyone rushed to the hunting ground. After some arrangement, the unicorn was besieged in the predetermined hunting ground. At the moment, the tension on the field can almost be cut.

"Look at that! Kirin! Someone exclaimed.

Dorgon instantly adjusted his mount and stance, ready to shoot. But strangely, the unicorn doesn't seem to be afraid, its eyes are deep, as if it has seen through everyone's hearts.

This animal appears once in 500 years, and Dolgon dies because of it, expert: probably extinct

"Shoot! Shoot! Amid the shouts of the crowd, Dorgon fired his arrows, but missed the target again and again.

"Calm down, sir, try again." A general walked up to his side and encouraged.

Dolgon's face became more and more ugly. He wanted to take this opportunity to show his hand, but instead he became the laughing stock of everyone.

Suddenly, the Kirin let out a long roar, and Dolgon suddenly felt dizzy and fell off his horse, and the whole world seemed to become a blur and lose its voice.

His cronies and soldiers hurried to his side, but Dorgon never woke up.

The unicorn gradually walked away, and his deep eyes were full of sadness. Did a mythical beast really take Dolgon's fate?

04 The Heroism of the Past and the Fragility of Today: Dolgon's War and Illness

The smoke of the Battle of Matsuyama is a long time ago, but the memory of those days seems to Dolgon as if it were yesterday. At that time, he was burdened with the glory of his family and the expectations of his clan, and he was determined and moved forward bravely. Even when arrows flew sideways and he was in prison, he always maintained the demeanor and tenacity of a general.

But the cost of that battle was also enormous. After the war, his body was like a castle eroded by wind and rain, crumbling. He suffers from wind disease all year round, and whenever the wind rises, the melodious sound of the wind is like a wail on the battlefield of Matsuyama, and his body is as uncontrollable as a kite.

Looking back on those days, he once said self-deprecatingly: "I am a hero on the battlefield of Matsuyama, but I am a healthy loser." Although he made great contributions to the Qing Dynasty, he also planted hidden dangers in his body.

This animal appears once in 500 years, and Dolgon dies because of it, expert: probably extinct

Later, although his position of power increased, his health also declined. He began to suffer from dizziness, and even daily government affairs could not be handled. Coughing and wheezing can often be heard around him. And this, for a person who has been sitting at the pinnacle of power, how embarrassing and helpless.

On the day of the hunt for the unicorn, although he was still heroic on the outside, his body was already in danger. When he saw the mysterious unicorn, the excitement in his heart and the tension on the outside caused his body to bear tremendous pressure. Coupled with the previous illness, everything seems to have paved the way for this moment. When he fell off his horse, it was as if the pen of fate had drawn an end to him.

Dolgon, the former hero, eventually came to the end of his life due to physical reasons. Is this a mockery of fate for him, or is it a punishment from heaven? Nobody knows. But his story has become a good story for future generations.

05 Dorgon and Kirin: Pursue a mysterious dream

Throughout history, legend and reality are often intertwined, forming a mysterious and fascinating epic. Among them, the unicorn, an auspicious beast, is always known for its rarity and

Dolgon, the general who left his mark on the scrolls of history, was also fascinated by the mysterious unicorn. He, a man accustomed to fighting valiantly on the battlefield, was full of desire for anything good.

This desire made him pursue the legendary beast at all costs. But fate seems to have played a joke on him, and just when he wanted to capture this rare beauty, life chose to leave him.

This animal appears once in 500 years, and Dolgon dies because of it, expert: probably extinct

It may have been fate, or it might have been an irony, but in any case, Dorgon gave his most precious life in pursuit of that beauty.

And the unicorn, a legendary beast, although there have been many sightings and records in history, but with the passage of time, its traces seem to gradually disappear from people's sight.

Experts have conducted many studies and finally came to the conclusion that the unicorn may be extinct. This makes us in modern times no longer able to witness its true appearance, and can only feel the mystery and shock in ancient documents and legends.

The unicorn may really be just a legend, a distant dream. But what it brings us is not only the pursuit of beautiful things, but also a kind of exploration and yearning for the unknown. In this world full of unknowns and wonders, we are all seekers, looking for our own legends and dreams.

06 Epilogue

Dolgon's death is not only the disappearance of an individual, but also the end of an era and the end of a legend. History, in this long river, there are always those heroes who are as bright as stars but fleeting. They are like supernovas among the stars, shining with brilliant brilliance, but they are destined to disappear into the eternal universe at the most glorious moment.

For Dorgon, he had the ambition and talent to shake the world, and he seemed destined to accomplish great things and become a hero for generations to come.

This animal appears once in 500 years, and Dolgon dies because of it, expert: probably extinct

But fate, that mischievous clown, always breaks all expectations unexpectedly at critical moments, just as Dorgon lost his life to the unicorn, who could have predicted such an outcome?

But it is this unpredictability that makes history more vivid and real. Because life is never smooth sailing, but magnificent, full of ups and downs. Dolgon's life may be full of regrets, but the traces he left in the long river of history are enough for future generations to recall, think and admire. Every generation has its heroes, and Dorgon is the legend of that era.

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