
As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

author:Shan Zai said gossip

1. The anxiety behind the behavior of the brilliant artist: Liao Ziyu

In recent years, the new generation of bright stars in the Hong Kong film industry, Liu Ziyu, has attracted attention and unforgettable acting skills with her highly personalized "evil girl" image and otherworldly acting skills. Take her wonderful performance in the film "The Poisonous Tongue" as an example, just one look is enough to show the arrogance and disdain of the powerful family, accurate and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In this work, although Liao Ziyu has few lines, she can accurately grasp the character of the character, especially her silent and nostrils to look at others, which shows the temperament of the powerful to the fullest, making her performance unique and attracting the attention of the audience.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

However, beneath her glamorous appearance, there is a little-known lonely struggle, a time full of challenges and struggles, and it is these experiences that have shaped Liao Ziyu today.

It is worth mentioning that last year, she won the Best Supporting Actress award at the Academy Awards for her role as Sister Mei's sister in "Anita Mui".

However, few people know that this hot and highly regarded rising star in Hong Kong's film industry is not actually a native of Hong Kong, and has never even received formal acting training.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

The handsome Liao Ziyu was born in Malaysia, majoring in radio and television communication during school, although he was full of yearning for an acting career, he could not get enough acting opportunities in his hometown.

Therefore, with her dreams in mind, she resolutely decided to go to Hong Kong alone, hoping to find her own stage here. However, the newcomer's development in Hong Kong has not been smooth sailing.

Due to her lack of experience and connections, she was signed by a modeling agency for her unique physical features, and in addition to paying rent for the company, she had to take on heavy responsibilities such as paying rent for the company.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

It can be imagined how difficult her life was at that time. It is rumored that during the most difficult time, she could only rely on instant noodles every week, and the total cost of food for three days was only 20 yuan.

Despite this, Liao Ziyu remains steadfast in her belief that her desire to succeed transcends the current predicament.

2. A Malaysian girl's journey to Hong Kong

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

Time flies, dating back more than ten years ago, Liao Ziyu was still the ambitious Malaysian girl. Born in the beautiful and mysterious city of Malaysia, she has a heart-warming sweet face and elegant temperament, majoring in radio and television communication, and is full of enthusiasm and anticipation for a career in acting.

With curiosity and the pursuit of the unknown, she bravely embarked on a journey to Hong Kong, a metropolis full of challenges and opportunities, but also bustling and congested.

At the beginning of that new screen career, Liao Ziyu had a dreamlike time. As a newcomer, she only had enough money to pay for simple living expenses, and the lack of connections and experience made her have to rely on her beauty advantages to be selected by a modeling agency, in addition to participating in some outdoor shooting activities, her main responsibility is to pay rent for the company.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

During those arduous years, Liao Ziyu lived a frugal life. She laughed at herself that if she hadn't been smiling all the time during the location shoot, her "wicked" face would have seemed cold and unforgiving.

At home, she is even more budget-conscious in order to save expenses, and during the most difficult period, the total food expenses for three days are only 20 yuan, and she lives on instant noodles.

However, Liao Ziyu has never given up the pursuit of her dreams. Her love for the profession of actress has deepened day by day, and even in the face of difficulties, she has never wavered. After struggling alone for a whole year, she finally had a rare opportunity to realize her dreams in the film industry.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

3. The gimmick of becoming famous is questioned by his family

For Liao Ziyu, a young girl with a dream, this is undoubtedly a severe test. The crew's requirement was that she had to be fully naked in the film.

On the one hand, Liao Ziyu is eager to make a name for herself in the film industry; On the other hand, such a bold shooting technique made her feel extremely shy. The contradictions and struggles in her heart kept emerging, and she hesitated for a long time.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

She knew that if she missed this opportunity, she might not have a similar opportunity in the future.

After careful consideration, Liao finally decided to accept the challenge. She put her heart and soul into the filming task as best she could, and even won the nomination for Best New Artist and successfully entered the film industry.

In this way, she quickly became popular with the attitude of "becoming famous" and became the focus of attention.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

However, this desirable honorary nomination was a heavy blow like a thunderbolt from the blue in the eyes of her dearest and beloved. I thought that the children could follow the right path to pursue their dreams, which would bring them infinite joy and comfort, but after learning that their daughter had starred in such a large-scale movie repertoire, the whole family had to be deeply shocked and worried.

Liao Ziyu's mother said to her affectionately, aren't you on the road of stars now? Do you think that you can realize your personal value and make a name for yourself? Her daughter's current behavior makes her feel hopeless and lost.

Liao Ziyu naturally did not expect that her debut would be presented with such a large-scale work, which made her feel embarrassed. However, she firmly believes that as long as she makes this sacrifice, she can usher in the dawn of her career.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

However, the reality was far harsher than she expected.

In fact, this is just the beginning of her long life journey.

Fourth, ten years of lonely journey to stick to the dream

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

Despite countless cold eyes and ridicule, Liao Ziyu has never wavered in her determination to pursue her dreams. She knows that in this era when romanticism has gradually declined, it is impossible to gain a foothold in the film industry with beautiful appearance, and only with exquisite skills and profound professionalism can she win the recognition of the audience.

So, in the next ten years, Liao Ziyu has always been determined to move forward alone, striving to realize her dreams. Whenever she receives an offer for a new role, whether the role is positive or negative, she will devote herself to it, delve into the script, and carefully figure out the unique personality traits and emotional fluctuations of each character.

In order to better integrate into the living environment of the characters, she even did not hesitate to visit those mixed neighborhoods and carefully observe the expressions, postures and lifestyles of the residents there, just to portray the spiritual world of addicts more realistically.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

However, just as she won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, it may be hard to imagine that this rising star in the film industry has also fallen into the predicament of self-doubt.

During that time, she often felt panicked, afraid that her acting skills would never be substantially improved, and could only become a short-lived shining meteor, not an eternal bright star.

Whenever this kind of doubt lingers in her heart, what supports her to continue to move forward, in addition to her deep love for her acting career, is to look forward to working with her idol Huang Jiaju one day.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

This vision is like an endless treasure waiting to be discovered, giving Liao Ziyu a steady stream of passion and courage!

Fifth, the shadow of anxiety caused by stress

While her career is thriving, Liao Ziyu is also silently bearing a huge psychological load behind her back. As a person who regards work as his life, he has been in a high-pressure work environment for a long time, which has made his heart increasingly fragile, and finally unfortunately suffered from a serious anxiety disorder - panic disorder.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

Once, just facing the camera, which seemed to be an ordinary thing, she couldn't deal with it. Colleagues in the crew then recalled that after Liao Ziyu stepped on the set several times, she suddenly trembled, panicked, and even turned her lips and tongue white, so that she couldn't speak.

As everyone knows, this illness actually stems from her extreme demand for acting skills. Although she has won the highest honor of Best Supporting Actress, Liao Ziyu has little confidence in herself, and has always questioned whether she deserves it and whether she really has enough strength.

This excessive anxiety and self-blame, coupled with long-term high-intensity work pressure, finally brought her to the brink of mental collapse. An assistant who knew her well revealed that she was sometimes unable to wake her up on the set, as if she was in a boundless nightmare.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

Fortunately, during this low period, Liao Ziyu received the love and comfort of relatives and friends. They often soothe her wounded heart with care and understanding, and help her regain her self-confidence and love of life.

Liao Ziyu also tried to open a private account to share her fashion outfits, so as to relieve the depression in her heart.

In this way, under the careful care of relatives and friends, Liao Ziyu gradually got rid of the haze and regained her former calm and self-confidence.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

6. Dawn and expectations in the future journey

Just when people thought that she would fall silent and fall to the bottom, Liao Ziyu once again won the favor of many well-known directors with her excellent acting skills and unique temperament.

A well-known director who has worked with him in depth gave him high praise: "Liu Ziyu is undoubtedly the most eye-catching focus in the Hong Kong film industry today!" Her personality is unique, her beauty is charming, but at the same time there is a sense of mystery that makes her heart go.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

This contrast is really hard to resist, but more importantly, she has excellent insight and talent for deeply depicting the inner world of her characters, and no matter what role she plays, she can be highly restored to the image of the original book, which is not something only experienced actors can achieve."

Now, Liao Ziyu, who has just risen from the trough, is ushering in the second spring of her career. With her profound acting skills, she has won the enthusiastic pursuit of many film and television giants, and new dramas and new films in her hands have come one after another, and there are currently four works ready to go.

Friends and relatives around him rejoiced. A friend who has known each other for a long time sighed that after those difficult years, Liao Ziyu seems to have become more calm and confident, and has shown a broader and wiser mind towards others and things.

As soon as she became famous, she was extremely anxious, and she worked hard for 10 years to get the best supporting actress, but she suffered from panic disorder because of her lack of confidence

There is no doubt that she has always adhered to her low-key and introverted nature, never paying attention to those who like to talk about good deeds, but proving her worth with practical actions.

We have every reason to firmly believe that in the near future, Liao Ziyu will definitely present more wonderful works to the audience on the movie screen. As an actor with both professionalism and unique temperament, she is destined to become a fresh force in the future of the Hong Kong film industry.

Admittedly, it may be too early to say that she has completely shed the shadows of her past, but she is doing her best to get out of that dark time and embrace the light again. And this time, we expect her to make this light even more dazzling and illuminate the entire Hong Kong film industry.