
One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

author:Shan Zai said gossip

1. The financial turmoil of CCTV's hit drama "City in the City" is coming!

Recently, CCTV once again launched a shocking masterpiece - the TV series "City in the City", which reveals the ups and downs of the financial world from a unique perspective, and shows the fierce competition and intertwining between various forces in the financial world.

"City in the City" brings together many powerful actors, presenting us with a picture of a group of heroes. Their superb acting skills are a treasure of art and are amazing.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

Through their smooth and natural performances, they vividly express the complex emotions in the hearts of the characters, as if they were real.

The audience felt as if they were personally involved and felt the ever-changing nature of humanity.

For example, Zhao Hui played by Yu Hewei, as the vice president of a bank branch, although he has a prominent position, he is cautious, sticks to principles, and resolutely resists any behavior that violates the bottom line of morality.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

In the face of pressure from his superiors to falsify financial statements and other illegal acts, Zhao Hui fearlessly refused, showing unwavering determination.

The perseverance in his eyes is admirable.

For another example, Xie Zhiyuan played by Tu Songyan, as the chairman of the trust company, he has a respected status and a bumper harvest of power and money, but his character is cunning and insidious, and he is extremely greedy. When he reunited with his old classmate Zhao Hui, Xie Zhiyuan had a ghost in his heart and tried to use various means to drag Zhao Hui into the quagmire.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

Xie Zhiyuan used skillful skills to skillfully grasp the weaknesses of human nature and guide Zhao Hui step by step. However, when Zhao Hui clearly refused, Xie Zhiyuan's originally calm and calm expression instantly froze, and the whole person looked embarrassed.

These delicate changes in the eyes are amazing.

The outstanding performances of the powerful actors made the audience feel as if they were in the scene and deeply experienced the ugliness of human nature and the preciousness of principles. They use sincere emotions to give the bland plot the brilliance of life.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

In contrast, the performance of some actors is slightly inferior and looks a little stiff.

Second, Tao Wuji is new to the workplace, full of longing but only promises

Looking back at the beginning of the plot, the young and promising Tao Wuji invested in the financial industry with indefinite expectations. When he first embarked on the road of internship in the bank, his heart was full of novelty and desire to explore.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

However, when I came into contact with my boss and seniors, I felt a sense of inferiority that was too timid.

For a moment, Tao Wuji was working hard in a busy office environment when his boss suddenly broke down the door and angrily blamed his staff for their mistakes. Tao Wuji was terrified, and instinctively craned his neck to remain silent.

The colleague next to him was furious, clenching his fists and holding back his emotions.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

Immediately afterward, a mob armed with steel pipes broke into the office and brutally beat the unfortunate clerk. Tao Wuji stood aside dumbfounded, his eyes empty and helpless.

It wasn't until the iron rod smashed in front of him that he suddenly realized that he panicked and protected his arm to dodge.

Colleagues quickly gathered to check the situation, but Tao Wuji was still at a loss and did not react. It is not difficult to see from his demeanor and expression that Tao Wuji, as a newcomer to the workplace, seems helpless and timid in the face of complex power struggles.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

His weak personality and lack of courage and determination make it difficult for him to gain a foothold in the challenging field of finance.

3. The old drama bones play various roles, which is full of praise

In strong contrast to Tao Wuji's cowardice, it is the superb interpretation of the role by many old drama bones. With their natural and smooth acting skills, they bring the kaleidoscopic changes of the characters' inner world to life.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

For example, Zhao Hui, played by Yu Hewei, has a prominent status as the vice president of a bank branch. Despite this, he acted cautiously and adhered to his principles, and in the face of his superior's request for Dai Xing to try to get him to sign the illegal operation, Zhao Hui resolutely refused, bravely withstood the pressure, and did not waver.

From his determined gaze, we can feel Zhao Hui's keen insight into things and his perseverance.

For another example, Xie Zhiyuan, played by Tu Songyan, as the chairman of the trust company, has a respected status and rich experience. However, he has a cunning personality and is greedy and excessive. After reuniting with his old classmate Zhao Hui, Xie Zhiyuan was calculating, leaving bait of "interests" everywhere, trying to lure Zhao Hui into his camp.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

Xie Zhiyuan is proficient in human affairs, and his gestures are full of cunning wit and shrewd calculation. His remarks, like a river, seemed to be made of carefully constructed cobwebs, intending to firmly bind Zhao Hui's mind.

However, when Zhao Hui directly refused, Xie Zhiyuan's usual calmness and hidden emotions suddenly disappeared, and his face showed panic and loss that was difficult to hide.

The superb acting skills of the powerful actors make the characters' personality traits, facial expressions, tone and intonation, and eye contact and other subtleties vividly portrayed and lifelike.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

Their ability to navigate the characters with ease and bring out the characters' innermost monologues is amazing.

Fourth, the rivalry between the old drama bones is exciting

The most exciting scene in the series is undoubtedly the fierce confrontation between Xie Zhiyuan and Zhao Hui. These two former friends turned against each other because of a conflict of interest, and chose to go against each other under the temptation of money.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

Xie Zhiyuan warmly invited Zhao Hui and others to the dinner, but in fact, he harbored an ulterior conspiracy. At the dinner table, he pretended to be intimate, trying to explore Zhao Hui's bottom line through clever guidance.

However, Zhao Hui remained silent, and Xie Zhiyuan had to adopt a roundabout strategy, implying that there was no monitoring equipment here, and he could express his opinions as much as he wanted.

Xie Zhiyuan tentatively said vaguely, but Zhao Hui remained silent. At this time, another companion, Miao Che, watched coldly from the sidelines, and the whole atmosphere instantly dropped to freezing. Faced with the situation that all means failed, Xie Zhiyuan finally decided to get straight to the point and directly put forward conditions to Zhao Hui.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

At the critical moment, Zhao Hui, who had been thinking deeply, suddenly spoke, "Don't come to me again!" Just four words were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, leaving Xie Zhiyuan speechless. Zhao Hui's decisive and simple refusal was like a flame that extinguished the last glimmer of hope and completely shattered Xie Zhiyuan's ambitions.

Xie Zhiyuan's face instantly turned pale and weak, and his former confidence and calmness were gone. His eyes were erratic and confused. Zhao Hui, on the other hand, remained calm and firm, not wavering at all.

In this exciting showdown, the two veteran actors used rich facial expression changes and subtle tone changes to push the contradictions and struggles in the inner world of the characters to a climax.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

The audience seems to be immersed in the scene, not only feeling the ugliness of the struggle between power and wealth, but also appreciating the preciousness of sticking to principles.

Fifth, Bai Yufan is still immature compared with the old drama bones

In the face of the perfect performance skills of many old actors, the actor Bai Yufan's presentation of the role of Tao Wuji is quite thin and limited, and it is obvious that there is an obvious gap between him and senior actors, which has undoubtedly become the biggest flaw in the play.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

Although Bai Yufan has a handsome face, his acting skills are a little flat and have not reached the point of being eye-catching. He was able to get the opportunity to perform in such an important role, more thanks to the favor of Lady Luck.

Once he competes with experienced veteran actors, his many shortcomings are exposed.

In the scenes co-starring with the old actors, Bai Yufan often falls into a trance. His gaze was empty, as if he had stayed out of the matter. The movements are stiff and sluggish, and there is a lack of due emotional investment.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

The only thing that can make people's eyes shine is his submissive, timid and cowering posture.

For example, in one scene in the play, Tao Wuji is busy in the office when suddenly there is a commotion. A group of people broke into the room with steel pipes in hand and violently assaulted an employee.

Bai Yufan, who played Tao Wuji, was stunned on the side, his eyes were confused and helpless, and he didn't react at all.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

It wasn't until the men's attack approached that he began to duck in panic, covering his arms with his hands and falling backwards weakly.

This scene was supposed to show the fear and helplessness that Tao Wuji faced as a newcomer, but Bai Yufan's performance was too superficial and blunt, making it difficult for the audience to deeply understand the predicament he was in and the changes in his inner world.

In stark contrast, the positive and negative characters successfully created by the old drama bones are particularly vivid and powerful. They start from the details and vividly show the inner monologues of the characters in front of the audience, lifelike and deep into the bone marrow.

One person dragged down the whole drama! The "related households" in "City within a City" are too uncomfortable to watch

This strong contrast makes Bai Yufan's shortcomings more and more prominent.