
Touching story! Mother-in-law's love and persistence took care of her paralyzed daughter-in-law for 12 years, and her selfless dedication touched thousands of people

author:Come on Leonardo da Vinci
{"info":{"title":{"content":"感人故事!婆婆的爱与坚持 照料瘫痪儿媳12年,无私奉献感动万千人","en":"Touching story! Mother-in-law's love and persistence took care of her paralyzed daughter-in-law for 12 years, and her selfless dedication touched thousands of people"},"description":{"content":"在山东泰安市宁阳县东门镇北葛村,一位婆婆,12年如一日地悉心照料着意外瘫痪的儿媳。这个不寻常的故事温暖人心,展现了家庭中...","en":"In Beige Village, Dongmen Town, Ningyang County, Tai'an City, Shandong Province, a mother-in-law has been taking care of her daughter-in-law who was accidentally paralyzed for 12 years. This unusual story is heartwarming and shows the family..."}},"items":[]}