
Be sure to quit the weakness in your body and don't help others suppress yourself

author:Good Learning, Sail Vgx
Be sure to quit the weakness in your body and don't help others suppress yourself
Be sure to quit the weakness in your body and don't help others suppress yourself
Be sure to quit the weakness in your body and don't help others suppress yourself
Be sure to quit the weakness in your body and don't help others suppress yourself
Be sure to quit the weakness in your body and don't help others suppress yourself

Yanyu Jiangnan, the road to self-improvement

In the early morning in the south of the Yangtze River, it is always shrouded in a thin layer of mist, like a graceful girl, lightly draped in a thin veil, looming. I stood at the head of the bluestone slab, looking at the gurgling water, and an inexplicable thought surged in my heart. This rainy Jiangnan is not only a poetic picture, but also a witness of history, which has witnessed the changes of an era, as well as the growth and transformation of individuals.

"The smoke and rain in the south of the Yangtze River are misty, and the blue waves are rippling and reflecting the red bridge." I chanted in a low voice, but there was a voice in my heart shouting: You must quit the weak breath in you, and don't help others suppress yourself! This is not only a warning to oneself, but also a call to the countless people who yearn for self-improvement and independence in that turbulent era.

I came from an ordinary scholarly family, and I read poetry and books since I was a child, and I was deeply influenced by Confucianism. However, in those turbulent times, mere bookishness could not protect me from the outside world. I have witnessed the gradual decline of those once glorious families in the torrent of the times, and their children, some of whom are addicted to lustful dogs and horses, and some of whom have become weak in the eyes of others, and are bullied by others.

I don't want to be like that, and I want to be able to stand in this era and protect myself and my family. So, I started my own path of self-improvement.

"The road is long, I will go up and down and seek." I know that self-improvement is not something that can be achieved overnight, it requires me to continue to learn and practice. I started reading all kinds of books, from history to philosophy, from technology to military, and I was eager to draw strength from them and make myself stronger.

However, the learning process is not all smooth sailing. Sometimes, I have difficult problems that are difficult to understand, and sometimes, I fall into a deep confusion. Whenever this happens, I always think of that warning: you must quit the weak breath in you, and don't help others suppress yourself! This sentence is like a beacon that illuminates my way forward.

In addition to studying, I also started to focus on practice. I got involved in some social activities and made some like-minded friends. We discuss the future of the country together and work together for the rejuvenation of the nation. In the process, I gradually discovered my own value and found my own direction.

However, the road ahead is not always smooth. Sometimes, I encounter pressure and repression from the outside world. Some people ridiculed my dreams for being too far away, and some people questioned my abilities for being too meager. In the face of these doubts and ridicule, I have also been shaken and confused. But whenever this happens, I always think of that warning: you must quit the weak breath in you, and don't help others suppress yourself! This sentence made me regain my confidence and courage.

I firmly believe that as long as I keep working hard, keep learning, and keep practicing, I will definitely be able to become a strong person. I don't want to be a weak person in the eyes of others anymore, I want to use my strength to protect myself and my family, and contribute my strength to this era.

In the process, I also made some like-minded friends. Some of them are young talents from famous families, and some are ordinary people from the bottom of society. But no matter what their backgrounds are, we all have a common goal: that is, to strive for self-improvement and revitalize China!

We discussed national events, discussed philosophy of life, and exchanged learning experiences. We encourage each other, help each other, and support each other. We firmly believe that as long as we unite and work together, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and realize our dreams.

However, the process is not easy. We have encountered many difficulties and challenges. Sometimes we disagree because we disagree, and sometimes we get frustrated because we have setbacks. But whenever this happens, we always remember the admonition: you must quit the weak breath in your body, and don't help others suppress yourself! This sentence has made us regain our confidence and courage, and made us more determined to walk on the road of self-improvement.

Over time, our efforts paid off. Our ideas have gradually taken root in the hearts of the people, and our actions have gradually been recognized and supported by the society. We started working hard and striving to achieve our dreams. In this process, we have not only become the strong in our hearts, but also the leaders of the times.

Looking back, I am deeply glad that I was able to find my own direction and my own value in this era. I know that all this is inseparable from that warning: you must quit the weak breath in your body, don't help others to suppress yourself! This sentence made me find self-confidence and courage, and made me a strong person in my heart.

Today, I am still standing at the head of this rainy bridge in the south of the Yangtze River, looking at the gurgling water, and my heart is full of emotion and expectation. I know that there is still a long way to go, but I believe that as long as I keep going, I will be able to realize my dreams and contribute to this era.