
Li Ying: Temperament has narrowed the way of playing, and you can't play a "poor" actor, this play has her, stable

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Li Ying: Temperament has narrowed the way of playing, and you can't play a "poor" actor, this play has her, stable

In those years, Li Ying was still an ordinary Shanghai girl, but a flame burned in her heart - to become a dazzling ballet dancer! Without daily leg training and waist stretching, she always feels that life is a little less colorful.

In order to realize this grand dream, she has participated in various dance competitions and grand performances, hoping that one day she will be able to stand in the center of the stage and show her talent to the fullest.

However, fate always seems to like to play tricks on people. Li Ying happily participated in the entrance examination of the Beijing Ballet Academy, but unfortunately failed because she was a little older and taller, and her dream came to naught in an instant.

At that time, her heart was full of endless pain, as if the whole world had become unfair.

Li Ying: Temperament has narrowed the way of playing, and you can't play a "poor" actor, this play has her, stable

Just when Li Ying was desperate about stage life, a new opportunity quietly came. In the mid-80s, China's modeling industry was in the ascendant. Models also need to show their unique charm on stage, and Li Ying thought maybe this was a perfect turning point.

It turns out that although Li Ying's height is only 1.7 meters from a modern point of view, which is not very outstanding, in the environment at that time, she was enough to work as a model. As a result, she embarked on a 10-year career as a model and became one of the first models in China.

As a professional model, Li Ying often cooperates with major organizations such as TV stations and film companies, and frequently participates in the shooting of various fashion magazines and advertisements. It was in this process that she developed a deep connection with the entertainment industry.

Whenever the crew needs some special models to participate in the shooting, the directors will always personally select them, and they favor Li Ying. "Wait, girl, I want you to say a few lines.

Li Ying: Temperament has narrowed the way of playing, and you can't play a "poor" actor, this play has her, stable

"The directors always say that to her.

Initially, Li Ying was confused and lost by this. She thought to herself, I'm just an insignificant model, so why should I be asked to do the lines? It wasn't long before she found herself increasingly interested in acting.

Perhaps it is because Li Ying is born with an elegant and charming temperament, or because of the unique artistic talent she exudes, so that the directors continue to arrange some small roles and scenes for her.

From the initial supporting role, to gradually having some independent roles, Li Ying's acting career is getting wider and wider.

Li Ying: Temperament has narrowed the way of playing, and you can't play a "poor" actor, this play has her, stable

With her unique personal charm and outstanding acting talent, Li Ying has successfully won high praise and appreciation from many directors. It all happened in 1992, when the young actor made his mark in a series of productions such as the hit TV series "Full of Stars" and the movie "Hong Kong Blood" within a year, although the role he played at the time was still a little young.

In the same year, Li Ying starred in the war comedy "Sanmao in the Army" directed by the famous director Zhang Jianya, and successfully portrayed the role of the teacher's wife. Among them, the two classic scenes of taking off her stockings and spraying powder in front of the grave fully show her witty and humorous side, which is unforgettable.

Since stepping into the entertainment industry, Li Ying has always maintained an insatiable enterprising spirit and a firm pursuit of her dreams, and has carved out a vast world of her own on this road full of hardships and challenges step by step.

In 1995, she was nominated for the TV Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress for her wonderful performance in the urban drama "Pujiang Narrative", which is undoubtedly a great recognition of her profound acting skills, and also laid a solid foundation for her in the industry.

Li Ying: Temperament has narrowed the way of playing, and you can't play a "poor" actor, this play has her, stable

Since then, Li Ying has devoted herself to her acting career, and has participated in many popular excellent film and television works, including the spy war drama "Red Spider 2", the contemporary drama "Fireworks Girl Camel Dragon", the suspense drama "Eyewitness", the period drama "Rapid Drum", the urban drama "My Ugly Girl", the military drama "Big Crime Team" and so on.

With each performance, people are amazed by her superb acting skills and professionalism in challenging various types of roles.

Until 2009, with the role of "Shen Hanfeng" in the family drama "Let's Watch the Meteor Shower", Li Ying finally won the warm attention and high praise of the national audience. In the play, she plays the mother of the male protagonist Murong Yunhai, a shrewd and capable strong woman in the business world who cares for her children.

This character combines the two diametrically opposed traits of "Iron Lady" and "Tigress", which makes people both love and hate, and Li Ying vividly interprets her complex personality traits, winning the applause of countless audiences.

Li Ying: Temperament has narrowed the way of playing, and you can't play a "poor" actor, this play has her, stable

In the face of the sudden super popularity, Li Ying was actually very surprised in her heart. She never expected that her unremitting efforts and hard work over the years would eventually usher in the glorious peak of her career in an idol drama.

However, she knows that opportunity always favors those who are prepared.

Immediately afterwards, Li Ying chose to challenge to play a strong mother image - Zhou Liqin again in the popular domestic costume drama "Wild Duck". However, this time, Li Ying's character Zhou Liqin unexpectedly succeeded in capturing the heart of the "wild duck", creating a remarkable contrast and depth contrast compared with the role of Shen Hanfeng in "Meteor Garden".

Time flies, and since the beginning of this year, Li Ying once again relied on her excellent acting skills to present a new role full of surprises and challenges to the audience in the popular hit TV series "Two Conjectures of Marriage" - the heroine's mother "Xiao Suhong".

Li Ying: Temperament has narrowed the way of playing, and you can't play a "poor" actor, this play has her, stable

This character is a fashionable lady who advocates independence and pursues romantic life, which is completely different from the image of a "strong mother" on the screen before, Li Ying will show more frank and generous, humorous and witty side this time, let us look forward to how she will play this character with a distinct personality! .

In the plot, in order to allow her daughter to marry into a wealthy family smoothly, Xiao Suhong showed an aggressive attitude towards her future son-in-law's family, and even broke out a fierce dispute with her prospective mother at the dinner table, and once almost ruined this beautiful marriage.

We can imagine that the scene at that time must have been tense and invective.

However, in terms of emotional life, Xiao Suhong is a freewheeling and romantically oriented woman. In search of joy, she frequently changes boyfriends, and each new love has a strong comedy color.

Li Ying: Temperament has narrowed the way of playing, and you can't play a "poor" actor, this play has her, stable

These include the real estate agent boyfriend played by Liang Tian and the boyfriend of a chicken farm owner played by Zhao Liang, whose role settings form a clever echo and mapping with the real-life identity of "big chickens".

In general, Li Ying has successfully created a vivid and interesting character - Xiao Suhong through her superb acting skills and profound professionalism. She not only showed the spontaneous demeanor of a middle-aged lady, but also deeply interpreted her pursuit and understanding of life, which made people deeply impressed by her.

It is precisely because of Li Ying's outstanding performance and superb skills that "Two Conjectures of Marriage" has won wide praise and good reputation since it was broadcast. With the addition of a powerful actor like Li Ying, it undoubtedly provides a solid guarantee for the quality of the series.

In this performance, Li Ying will once again use her superb acting skills to conquer the audience and inject more charm and depth into this excellent work.

Li Ying: Temperament has narrowed the way of playing, and you can't play a "poor" actor, this play has her, stable

The image that Li Ying shows in front of the public is undoubtedly the kind of noble and elegant "noblewoman" demeanor, whether it is the elegant temperament between the manners or the calm atmosphere of the upper-class women exuded, it is all admirable! However, did you know that the reason why this woman in her fifties has been able to maintain such a glamorous appearance is all due to her strict demands on herself and decades of consistent physical exercise?

In recent years, Li Ying has been keen on rhythmic sports such as yoga and jogging, and has devoted herself to them, so that her body and mind can be fully exercised and relaxed, thus showing her youthful vitality from the inside out.

Li Ying is well aware that a person's external image is often a reflection of his or her inner value pursuit. As the British philosopher Russell said, "A man's face not only reflects his life situation, but also reveals the direction he is pursuing."

Indeed, Li Ying has always had great dedication and love for her career and life, and this unremitting pursuit of her dreams has always kept her young mentality and vigorous energy, exuding a charming light, and it is precisely because of this focus that she has continued to break through herself and achieve rebirth on the road of her career.

Li Ying: Temperament has narrowed the way of playing, and you can't play a "poor" actor, this play has her, stable

Looking back, Li Ying also experienced many difficulties and obstacles at the beginning of her career. From the shattering of the dream of a ballet dancer to finally becoming a model to win the turnaround; From an unknown small role to starring in many popular classic film and television works, she has relied on her perseverance and tenacious fighting spirit to achieve today's brilliant achievements.

Whenever she recalls these past events, Li Ying always looks at all the opportunities that life has given her with gratitude, even if she has encountered failures and setbacks, it is this humility and courage that has shaped her life today, and at the same time nurtured her undiminished youthful vitality.

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