
The advanced rules of inviting guests to dinner, you are an expert after reading it!

author:Nanshan Fengyun

There are always some people who regard hospitality as a time to put on a show, but they don't know that once they accidentally step on the minefield, not only will the money be wasted, but it will also be disgusting. In order to prevent you from repeating the mistakes of the past, today I will reveal those minefields of inviting guests to dinner, please be sure to remember:

Appointments must not be made on an ad hoc basis. Asking someone to eat before the meal not only shows that you are not sincere, but also makes people feel that they are just a spare tire. If you want to have a successful invitation, you should also invite at least one day in advance, and at least three days in advance for important customers.

The advanced rules of inviting guests to dinner, you are an expert after reading it!

When ordering, don't ask "what do you like to eat" or "how much does it cost?" The former will make people think that you are not sincere, while the latter will appear that you are petty and do not know how to entertain at all. The correct thing to do is to ask if there are any taboos and then order an even-numbered dish without reservation.

The advanced rules of inviting guests to dinner, you are an expert after reading it!

When dining, you should pay more attention to some minefield details: other people's rice bowls, never use your chopsticks to pick up vegetables; Be sure to use your right hand when pouring wine, and pouring wine with your backhand is "cutting off your head"; If you want to toast, make your glass lower than others and show respect for people.

The advanced rules of inviting guests to dinner, you are an expert after reading it!

These rules at the dinner may seem like a trivial matter, but they are secretly intimate, and the slightest carelessness will make people disgusted, and even mess up your interpersonal relationships.

Many people may think, who remembers so many rules? But as long as you understand one core principle: no matter when and where, you must be sincere and courteous and think of your guests everywhere.

For example, when paying the bill, you have to be considerate of the customer's psychology: don't pay in front of the customer, especially if you pay in front of others, which will make the customer feel stressed. The correct way is to take advantage of the unpreparedness of the guests and secretly go to settle the order, which is to reflect sincerity.

For example, when a guest wants to say goodbye, you must not stand up first, but wait for the guest to get up and then stand up to see him off. Otherwise, it will give people the feeling of rushing customers, and it will be too ignorant.

The advanced rules of inviting guests to dinner, you are an expert after reading it!

Therefore, when inviting guests to dinner, you must not only understand the basic etiquette, but also be able to empathize, always stand in the other party's perspective, and understand the feelings of the guests. Only in this way can you win the favor of your guests and achieve the purpose of treating.

I have personally experienced too many troubles in the process of entertaining, and I know that the long road of the workplace is full of minefields. But as long as you memorize these hospitality tips, you can resolve countless embarrassments and win the respect of your customers.

The sparrow is small, but it has all kinds of organs. Many newcomers tend to ignore these details, and the result is not only a waste of money, but also offensive. I hope that everyone can practice this "way of survival" well, practice a good skill in entertaining, and be invincible in the workplace!