
Easy new tricks to get rid of insects! Spray some inconspicuous little things at home, and the cabbage is no longer afraid of insects!

author:Plum sparse after snow


Worming in cabbage is a headache that traditional drug control methods are ineffective and can have a negative impact on the environment and health. However, there is a simple way to solve the problem of cabbage bugs easily by spraying the inconspicuous little things in the house, which can be even better than medicine!

Easy new tricks to get rid of insects! Spray some inconspicuous little things at home, and the cabbage is no longer afraid of insects!


As we all know, cabbage is one of the main ingredients on the winter table, however, the problem of cabbage being infested by insects is a headache. Traditional drug prevention and treatment methods are often ineffective and have a negative impact on the environment and health. Today, Xiaobian will share with you a new trick to easily get rid of insects, just spray the inconspicuous little things at home, and the cabbage will no longer be afraid of insects!

First of all, let's get to know this amazing little thing, and it's vinegar! Yes, that's right, that humble bottle of vinegar in your kitchen. You may be wondering, what does vinegar have to do with cabbage bugs? In fact, vinegar has a strong insecticidal effect and is harmless to the human body and the environment.

Next, let's take a look at how to do it. When you find that the cabbage is infested, first wash the cabbage, and then dilute the vinegar a little, the ratio is about 1:5. Next, pour the diluted vinegar into a sprayer and spray it evenly over the leaves of the cabbage. Remember to do it in moderation and don't overspray to avoid damaging the plant.

Easy new tricks to get rid of insects! Spray some inconspicuous little things at home, and the cabbage is no longer afraid of insects!

Note that the time of vinegar spraying is best chosen in the morning or evening, away from direct sunlight to avoid burning the plant. In addition, for better results, it is recommended to repeat the spraying at regular intervals, especially if the cabbage suffers from a large number of insect infestations.

Why does vinegar have a pest control effect? The main reason is that vinegar contains acetic acid, which has a strong killing effect on insect pests. Moreover, vinegar is a green and environmentally friendly choice, which is not harmful to health and the environment, and can be used with peace of mind.

With this simple method, you can easily solve the problem of cabbage bugs, not only save the cost of medicines, but also avoid the negative effects of using chemical pesticides. At the same time, this is also a clever use of small objects, allowing us to start from the subtleties and experience the beauty of green ecology.

Easy new tricks to get rid of insects! Spray some inconspicuous little things at home, and the cabbage is no longer afraid of insects!

To sum up, with the help of the humble little thing at home - vinegar, we can easily get rid of insects and keep cabbage away from pests. This method is not only effective, but also environmentally friendly and healthy, in line with the concept of modern people's pursuit of green life. Let's try it out and let's create a better future together in the simplest way!