
Deng Hua is anxious to be transferred: Mr. Peng is about to come to the southwest!

author:It's a long time

In the storm of history, the meeting and miss of the two superstars

In the vast river of history, there are always some stories that illuminate our hearts like bright stars. Today, I would like to share with you a story about two great generals in history, Deng Hua and Peng Dehuai, who had a deep friendship, but in the end they could not meet due to the tricks of fate, leaving endless regrets.

In that era of gunpowder, Deng Hua and Peng Dehuai walked through the revolutionary years together. Deng Hua, a brave and warlike general, made many military exploits in the Northeast Battlefield with the momentum of a tiger descending from the mountain, and won Peng Dehuai's deep appreciation. And Peng Dehuai, the battle-hardened marshal, was also amazed by Deng Hua's talent and courage. They fought side by side and wrote that magnificent chapter of history together.

However, history is always full of uncertainties. In 1959, a political turmoil swept across the country, and both Deng Hua and Peng Dehuai were treated unfairly. Peng Dehuai felt deeply remorseful, believing that his problems had affected Deng Hua. And Deng Hua, although his heart is full of respect and gratitude to Peng Dehuai, he also has to face the cruelty of reality. In that particular era, it became extremely difficult for them to communicate with each other.

In 1965, when Peng Dehuai was arranged to serve as the deputy director of the construction of the third line in the southwest, Deng Hua learned the news. An indescribable sense of excitement and joy welled up in his heart, because he knew that it meant that his old comrades-in-arms finally had the opportunity to contribute to the country again. However, when he learned that he and Peng Dehuai would be in the same city, Deng Hua fell into a deep conflict. He knew that his identity and situation might bring unnecessary trouble to Peng Dehuai. So, he made a difficult decision - to request that he be transferred out of the city.

After Peng Dehuai learned of Deng Hua's decision, his heart was full of helplessness and regret. He knew that Deng Hua made such a choice out of concern and protection for him. However, he also misses the days when he fought side by side with Deng Hua and longs to see this old friend again. However, due to various reasons, they were not able to see each other in the end. This has become an eternal pain in the hearts of the two.

Whenever in the dead of night, Peng Dehuai always thinks of the days when he fought side by side with Deng Hua, and those passionate and passionate years seem to be right in front of him. And Deng Hua often returns to that war-torn era in his dreams, fighting side by side with Peng Dehuai, advancing and retreating together. The friendship and tacit understanding between them have long transcended the boundaries between comrades-in-arms and have become the most precious memories of their lives.

Deng Hua is anxious to be transferred: Mr. Peng is about to come to the southwest!

However, the trick of fate prevented them from seeing each other in the end. This is not only their personal regret, but also the regret of history. We can't imagine what it would be like if the two could meet again. But what we can be sure of is that their friendship and tacit understanding will forever be engraved in the long river of history and become an eternal legend.

This story makes us deeply reflect: on the road of life, we should cherish everyone around us, and not miss the opportunity to meet them because of momentary hesitation and concern. At the same time, we should also remember that magnificent period of history, inherit the spiritual qualities of those great generals, and work hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

In the smoke cloud of history, the intersection and miss of the two superstars

In the vast river of history, there are always some stories that illuminate our hearts like bright stars. Today, I would like to share with you a story about two great generals in history, Deng Hua and Peng Dehuai, who had a deep friendship, but in the end they could not meet due to the tricks of fate, leaving endless regrets.

In that era of gunpowder, Deng Hua and Peng Dehuai walked through the revolutionary years together. Deng Hua, a brave and warlike general, made many military exploits in the Northeast Battlefield with the momentum of a tiger descending from the mountain, and won Peng Dehuai's deep appreciation. And Peng Dehuai, the battle-hardened marshal, was also amazed by Deng Hua's talent and courage. They fought side by side and wrote that magnificent chapter of history together.

However, history is always full of uncertainties. In 1959, a political turmoil swept across the country, and both Deng Hua and Peng Dehuai were treated unfairly. Peng Dehuai felt deeply remorseful, believing that his problems had affected Deng Hua. And Deng Hua, although his heart is full of respect and gratitude to Peng Dehuai, he also has to face the cruelty of reality. In that particular era, it became extremely difficult for them to communicate with each other.

In 1965, when Peng Dehuai was arranged to serve as the deputy director of the construction of the third line in the southwest, Deng Hua learned the news. An indescribable sense of excitement and joy welled up in his heart, because he knew that it meant that his old comrades-in-arms finally had the opportunity to contribute to the country again. However, when he learned that he and Peng Dehuai would be in the same city, Deng Hua fell into a deep conflict. He knew that his identity and situation might bring unnecessary trouble to Peng Dehuai. So, he made a difficult decision - to request that he be transferred out of the city.

Deng Hua is anxious to be transferred: Mr. Peng is about to come to the southwest!

After Peng Dehuai learned of Deng Hua's decision, his heart was full of helplessness and regret. He knew that Deng Hua made such a choice out of concern and protection for him. However, he also misses the days when he fought side by side with Deng Hua and longs to see this old friend again. However, due to various reasons, they were not able to see each other in the end. This has become an eternal pain in the hearts of the two.

Whenever in the dead of night, Peng Dehuai always thinks of the days when he fought side by side with Deng Hua, and those passionate and passionate years seem to be right in front of him. The ups and downs they experienced together, and the difficulties and obstacles they faced together, have become the most precious memories in their hearts. And Deng Hua often returns to that war-torn era in his dreams, fighting side by side with Peng Dehuai, advancing and retreating together. The friendship and tacit understanding between them have long transcended the boundaries between comrades-in-arms and have become the most precious treasure in their lives.

However, the trick of fate prevented them from seeing each other in the end. This is not only their personal regret, but also the regret of history. We can't imagine what it would be like if the two could meet again. But what we can be sure of is that their friendship and tacit understanding will forever be engraved in the long river of history and become an eternal legend.

Today, when we look back on this period of history, we can't help but sigh for the friendship and regret of these two great generals. Their stories make us understand that in the long course of history, there are people who are destined to become legends, and their friendships and stories will live on forever. At the same time, their stories also remind us to cherish everyone around us and not to miss the opportunity to meet them because of momentary hesitation and concern.

In addition, the stories of Deng Hua and Peng Dehuai also tell us that no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, we should stick to our beliefs and ideals. In the face of injustice, they remained loyal and loving to their country and its people. This spirit is worth learning and inheriting.

Finally, let us pay our respects to these two great generals. They wrote that magnificent chapter of history with their own practical actions, and their friendship and story will be forever engraved in our hearts. At the same time, we should also remember that period of history, inherit the spiritual qualities of those great generals, and work hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

In the days to come, let us cherish every friendship and every opportunity to meet. Let us use practical actions to inherit and carry forward the spiritual qualities of those great generals, and work hard to create a better future!

Deng Hua is anxious to be transferred: Mr. Peng is about to come to the southwest!