
With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

author:Ayong talks about the world

1. As night falls, the mysterious case is revealed!

The town was shrouded in darkness, and there was a dead silence all around. Suddenly, a terrible cry for help shattered the silence of the night, like a sharp knife piercing the black curtains, shocking all the inhabitants.

Then, there was a rapid cry for help from the road, and the whole street instantly became agitated.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

People rushed to the scene of the accident in a state of impatience, and the sight was shocking—the door of a house was open, and the pungent smell of blood came to their faces. On the floor of the living room, a middle-aged man lay there covered in blood and with a pale face, seemingly having lost signs of life.

The police quickly arrived at the scene and immediately launched a blockade. According to eyewitnesses, the couple usually had a harmonious relationship and did not find any conflicts. However, based on the evidence left at the scene, Nanya has undoubtedly become the biggest suspect.

For a while, rumors spread in the town, and people speculated whether Nanya was really innocent, or the real murderer hidden in the shadows? People's hearts are full of doubts, and a psychological war begins.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

The police dispatched an experienced police detective, Lin Fanglu, to take over the case, vowing to reveal the truth about this bizarre murder.

2. Life is like a dream, and the past is like smoke

In order to gain insight into the full picture of the incident, Lin Fanglu decided to start an investigation from Nanya's past. He visited his neighbors from house to house, trying to reconstruct the image of this "client to the case" through their memories.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

Dusty past flashes in my mind like a movie picture, and Nanya's past gradually emerges. It turns out that she has always been a controversial "outlier" in the town.

Some people praise her for her beauty and charm, and even married women have respect for her; However, some people privately accused her of debauchery and moral degradation.

What is even more thought-provoking is that although Nanya is known as "ten thousand styles", there is a serious rift in the relationship between her and her husband. The neighbors were dumbfounded.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

Why did a couple who seemed to be extremely affectionate fall into such a predicament? What's the secret behind this?

With the continuous accumulation of clues, Lin Fanglu's ins and outs of this case gradually became clear. He firmly stated that he must solve these mysteries and find out the truth.

Third, behind the hustle and bustle, the industry is facing a crisis

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

Looking back a year ago, the suspense drama market can be described as a boom, setting off a wave of movie-watching craze. For example, annual hits such as "Hurricane" and "The Long Season" have achieved amazing results in terms of word-of-mouth and ratings.

The audience's expectations for this year have reached a higher level, and they look forward to the emergence of more fascinating masterpieces in the current craze! However, by May, we still haven't been able to see a suspenseful new drama that can really carry "word of mouth" and "popularity".

Even "Faint Fire", which is known as having "explosive potential", has fallen into the dilemma of polarizing word-of-mouth after its premiere. People originally expected this work to continue the glory of last year, but unfortunately, it was questioned like never before at the beginning, and now it is facing a serious challenge of word-of-mouth counterattack.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

The entire film and television industry seems to have fallen into an indescribable period of difficulty, which makes people can't help but have many doubts.

Fourth, the plot lacks tension and the rhythm is scattered

For the plot of "Faint Fire", the audience and friends can be described as mixed. It was originally expected that the clues of the case would be like a butterfly effect, gradually unfolding from the details, and finally converging into a magnificent climax.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

However, the plot development seems disorganized and lacks just the right amount of tension and rhythm.

Is Nanya the victim or the real murderer? In and out of the play, the audience and friends have different opinions on this, and people are panicked. This is the beginning of a psychological war between you and me.

The crew originally hoped to create a high-level suspenseful atmosphere through intricate plot design and detailing, but the actual execution process seemed bland.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

What's even funnier is that in order to cater to some investors who are strapped for money, the crew had to forcibly insert a bloody plot in the play. The suspenseful plot that was supposed to be closely related to the main line and steady and steady was inserted into a sudden love line between the hero and heroine.

This made the atmosphere of the whole show instantly loosen, and the suspenseful atmosphere that should have been highly tense was gone.

It is no exaggeration to say that the plot of "Faint Fire" has been completely dismembered, sometimes distorting reality, and sometimes pulling bloody plots. This kind of plot laying method really can't bring people any other feelings except for exposing the shortcomings of perfunctory.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

The fifth point is that the casting is wrong, and the reality is slapped in the face

The most unexpected thing is that the nursery rhyme became the target of public criticism as soon as it appeared. People originally thought that the experienced actor was already at ease, but this time he was like a novice, and he lost in front of the "amorous" character setting.

First of all, let's talk about the appearance characteristics of this star. It is true that after the use of thick makeup techniques and accurate retouching in the later stage, the traces of the aging actress are still impossible to hide.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

Whether it is the fine lines revealed at the corners of her eyes or the signs of sagging facial lines, it is unmistakable that she is no longer young.

And her slightly insufficient "charm" figure is even more difficult to support the character setting of "infinite charm". In the play, Nanya is described as "still charming and charming", but nursery rhymes give a whole new meaning to these beautiful words.

With a slightly bulging abdomen and flat buttocks, where can you still find the beauty of half a curve? The tight-fitting dress shows her figure unreservedly in front of everyone, and it looks like an outdated set of clothes sewn for a child, which cannot make people feel the slightest "charm" at all.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

What's even more helpless is that she always maintained a bitter melon face throughout the performance, as if she was pouring out some kind of huge grievance to the world. The original vivid expression became wooden in her, and the whole person seemed to have lost her soul.

The dialogue is equally bland, boring, and incapable of breathing, making one wonder if she paid enough attention to the role. No matter how wonderful the script is, it can only be reduced to a pool of stagnant water under her interpretation.

It is true that the character setting of "all kinds of amorous" is extremely challenging, but what value can it bring to choosing an actor with unfamiliar acting skills and incompatible image with the setting to interpret it, in addition to destroying his future and laughing generously? The crew obviously underestimated this difficulty during casting, and in the end reality gave them a resounding slap in the face.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

Sixth, hope in the midst of loss, looking forward to a reversal

Based on the above analysis, the beginning of this drama can be described as full of twists and turns. When the audience applauded and pinned high hopes, it stumbled and almost fell to the ground. The root cause is of course the accumulation of many problems such as actors, scripts and production, but in the final analysis, it is a misjudgment of aesthetics.

If there is a deviation in the understanding of "all kinds of amorous", then this is also reasonable. After all, everyone's definition of beauty is different, and it is difficult for creators to fully meet the aesthetic needs of the audience.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

However, if even the "bitter and hateful" facial expressions and the "bloated and clumsy" body proportions are considered to fit this character, then it can only show that this drama has not gone through a deliberate process when creating this character.

It is clear to every sane person that this is actually a cruel but impossible to ignore low-level mistake! It is like a sharp dagger, stinging the hearts of those audiences who are eagerly looking forward to high-end suspense dramas, and shows the crew's endless pursuit of artistic quality in self-mockery.

To simply understand "amorous" as a combination of ordinary appearance and wooden expression is undoubtedly absurd and unbelievable. Such a low level of aesthetics is undoubtedly squandering and consuming the patience of the audience unscrupulously.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

However, although the beginning of the show was not as good as it could have been, we still hope that the subsequent plot will bring us surprises and survive the difficulties. After all, high-quality materials and innovative ideas often take a long time to be conceived and carefully crafted.

Perhaps as long as the crew can reflect humbly, quickly adjust their strategies, and prove with practical actions that they are not aesthetic defects, then this drama will eventually regain its brilliance one day.

I'm looking forward to the day when creators will be able to put their heads down, listen to a wide range of audiences, and create something truly thought-provoking and memorable, rather than fooling the audience in a sensationalist way.

With a bitter face, I have to play a "beautiful woman with all kinds of style", whose aesthetic problem is it

At that time, they will surely win warm applause and heartfelt praise from the audience.

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