
Fu Zuoyi's division was reluctant to adapt, and Li Tianyou called the division commander and said: You only have two ways to go_5

author:Yu Shengyu 443

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Fu Zuoyi was reluctant to adapt, and Li Tianyou called the division commander and said: You only have two ways to go

In the fiery years of the Liberation War, General Fu Zuoyi, as a member of the Kuomintang army, an elite unit under his command fell into confusion and struggle. With the deepening of the war, the decline of the Kuomintang army has become apparent, and reorganization has become the general trend. However, at this critical moment, a division under General Fu Zuoyi was reluctant to adapt, and this incident attracted widespread attention.

Fu Zuoyi's division was reluctant to adapt, and Li Tianyou called the division commander and said: You only have two ways to go_5

Under the leadership of division commander Zhao Tiezhu, this unit has made great achievements and is known as the "division of the iron wall". Division Commander Zhao Tiezhu was a general who was loyal to the Kuomintang and loved by the soldiers. However, in the face of the order of the adaptation, he chose to resist. He firmly believed that the Kuomintang could make a comeback, ignored the order of reorganization, and even secretly planned a mutiny.

The news quickly reached the ears of Li Tianyou, a general of the People's Liberation Army. General Li Tianyou, a general known for his wisdom and bravery, was well aware of the importance of reorganization to the entire battle situation. Faced with the stubbornness of Zhao Tiezhu, he decided to go out in person and have a face-to-face communication with Zhao Tiezhu.

Fu Zuoyi's division was reluctant to adapt, and Li Tianyou called the division commander and said: You only have two ways to go_5

However, communication did not go as Li Tianyou had hoped. Master Zhao Tiezhu resolutely refused to adapt, he firmly believed in his beliefs and choices. Faced with such a situation, General Li Tianyou did not choose a tough method, but decided to adopt another strategy. He knew very well that forcibly adapting would only backfire, and he had to find the psychological weakness of Master Zhao Tiezhu in order for him to accept the adaptation willingly.

As a result, General Li Tianyou began to gain an in-depth understanding of Division Commander Zhao Tiezhu and his troops. He learned that although Commander Zhao Tiezhu was loyal to the Kuomintang, deep down he also longed for peace and tranquility. His soldiers were also tired of the war and longed to return to their homeland and live a peaceful life. In addition, Division Commander Zhao Tiezhu also had an unknown secret - his family was persecuted by corrupt elements in the Kuomintang army, which made him deeply disappointed and dissatisfied with the Kuomintang high-level.

Fu Zuoyi's division was reluctant to adapt, and Li Tianyou called the division commander and said: You only have two ways to go_5

With this information in hand, General Li Tianyou decided to adopt a strategy of attacking the heart. He personally called Senior Commander Zhao Tiezhu and said in a gentle but firm tone: "Senior Commander Zhao, I understand your position and choice. But think about it, what do your soldiers and civilians really need? Will they continue to work for the Kuomintang and suffer in the war, or will they accept the reorganization and contribute to peace and tranquility? There are only two ways you can go – either stick to your faith and be the enemy of the people; Either follow the trend of history and work for the welfare of the people. The choice is yours. ”

Division Commander Zhao Tiezhu was deeply touched by General Li Tianyou's words. He thought back to his oath and the expectations of his soldiers, and then thought about what happened to his family and the suffering of the people, and his heart began to waver. He realized that his stubbornness and persistence might only make more people suffer. After some deliberation, he finally made a decision - to accept the order of adaptation.

Fu Zuoyi's division was reluctant to adapt, and Li Tianyou called the division commander and said: You only have two ways to go_5

Although the process of adaptation was difficult and tortuous, under the patient guidance of General Li Tianyou and the active cooperation of Division Commander Zhao Tiezhu, it was finally a complete success. This once stubbornly resisting force was integrated into the big family of the People's Liberation Army and contributed its own strength to the liberation of the whole of China.

However, this history is not all positive energy. It warns us that in the torrent of history, although individual choices and beliefs are important, we should also conform to the trend of history and work for the welfare of the people. When personal beliefs conflict with the well-being of the people, how should we decide? Is it to stand firm in one's faith and to be the enemy of the people? Or do you follow the trend of history and work for the welfare of the people? This is a question worth pondering.

At the same time, this history also allows us to see the wisdom and courage of General Li Tianyou. In the face of difficulties, he did not choose tough measures, but adopted offensive tactics to convince people with reason. This wisdom and courage not only make us admire him, but also provide us with valuable life lessons - in the face of challenges and difficulties, we should remain calm and rational and look for the best solutions.

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